Are Somali men more sexist than other?

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Suicidal men adore me.
Are you European??? What do you possibly have in common with them at all??? At least with other Africans and even AAs there is a great deal of overlap between cultural expectations and values that are greatly motivated by our religious beliefs. All of that aside where do you think the population issues and the need for massive immigration levels comes from??? Many European ethnics will be minorities in they're own countries because of this. This can all be attributed to feminism and the shift in values it has caused in these countries.

No it's is not a feminist problem. It's a first world problem. It is proven that when the living standards are high, women have equal opportunists to educated and work that women choose to get a career instead of giving birth. It's a natural phenomena. Just look at wealthy families. Most wealthy people don't give birth to 6-8 kids like poor people. And the reason for that is because the children do not have to work and provide for the families. There's a reason why in Africa and in Asia families put and emphasis on boy. Girls are less desirable in poor regions because boys are the ones that work and contribute to the economy. Europe does not have that problem and as a result Europeans give birth less. Have you ever read a book or ever attended a school? These are things that 17 year olds are being thought in Sweden.


Move right or get left
She's liberating women from their husbands so they can have fun with other men.
No it's is not a feminist problem. It's a first world problem. It is proven that when the living standards are high, women have equal opportunists to educated and work that women choose to get a career instead of giving birth. It's a natural phenomena. Just look at wealthy families. Most wealthy people don't give birth to 6-8 kids like poor people. And the reason for that is because the children do not have to work and provide for the families. There's a reason why in Africa and in Asia families put and emphasis on boy. Girls are less desirable in poor regions because boys are the ones that work and contribute to the economy. Europe does not have that problem and as a result Europeans give birth less. Have you ever read a book or ever attended a school? These are things that 17 year olds are being thought in Sweden.
So this is what they teach you in gender studies 101 over there. Too bad you are disproved by the large numbers of children white American families have who are well-off in conservative states and also by the extreme disparity in birth rates in these European nations before the 1970s and after 1970s which is exactly in step when the feminist movement penetrated that generation of young adults. You also have no explanation as to why first and second generation immigrants who come from cultures that eschew feminism have as many kids as they're predecessors despite being as wealthy and educated as they're European peers.


Suicidal men adore me.
Feminism was created by a French atheist female who never had kids. That sick ideology doesn't need to spread to Somalia.

Feminism has always existed. That french woman you speak of just managed to write a book and spread the ideology. The world wasn't born yesterday. If you think feminism is a new ideology you're stupid.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
From Somali men? From men in general. Women have almost no control of their bodies. Laws are put up to make it harder for women to decide for their own. Abortion is seen as murder. Rape is not taken serious anywhere in the world. Most governments speak of women's agency and anatomy but do nothing to give women power instead they take it away.

Overall sex shaming is just a small problem but it still bothers me. Somali men speak a lot about Somali women. They shame and try to use religion our culture as a mean to dictate over Somali women. I just don't understand why their so invested.


Half of what you say is just feminist propaganda, rape is taken extremely seriously, however, it's a difficult crime to prove.

How can someone dictate or shame you if you don't care for their opinion? This is what I don't get? That's what I meant by seeking approval.

I agree with you that the situation of somali women can be greatly improved. I disagree with your victim complex idealogy though. It's an unhealthy attitude to have imho.

We can start off by not having the conversation of ' are you ok with a female president?' And instead support one another for positions in power ( not just because they're a women but because their qualified) instead of blindly supporting a fat middle aged guy from your Qabil.

We're more than 50% of the population we don't have to beg for our haqq. It's there for the taking.


Suicidal men adore me.
LMAO at the deflections and extreme rationalizations. So this is what they teach you in gender studies 101 over there. Too bad you are disproved by the large numbers of children white American families have who are well-off in conservative states and also by the extreme disparity in birth rates in these European nations before the 1970s and after 1970s which is exactly in step when the feminist movement penetrated that generation of young adults. You also have no explanation as to why first and second generation immigrants who come from cultures that eschew feminism have as many kids as they're predecessors despite being as wealthy and educated as they're European peers.

You really can not compare America with Europe. America is more religious, different politics, more diverse, larger country. America has a problem with religion, women there are very different from European, the climate in America and the one in Europe is not comparable. The living standards in Europe is higher. The US has major problems with class differences and capitalism. A huge portion of American women are still stay at home moms. You really can't compare the two.


Suicidal men adore me.

Half of what you say is just feminist propaganda, rape is taken extremely seriously, however, it's a difficult crime to prove.

How can someone dictate or shame you if you don't care for their opinion? This is what I don't get? That's what I meant by seeking approval.

I agree with you that the situation of somali women can be greatly improved. I disagree with your victim complex idealogy though. It's an unhealthy attitude to have imho.

We can start off by not having the conversation of ' are you ok with a female president?' And instead support one another for positions in power ( not just because they're a women but because their qualified) instead of blindly supporting a fat middle aged guy from your Qabil.

We're more than 50% of the population we don't have to beg for our haqq. It's there for the taking.

Abayo how are you gonna take anything when you're not even viewed as a human in the first place? Somali women are told to forget about education and a job and that they are only on this earth to get married and give birth to children, preferably boys. No one want's approval or any form of validation from men. What we however want is equality and to change men's view of the world and of women. Men don't look at women and think of us as humans. That's the inherent problem. If we we're equal in every position so much could change both for men and form women.


smh..I feel sorry for you.

infest your time in some useful stuff instead of talking about siilkeyga bla bla :williamswtf:
That's not something to be proud of. It's really embarrassing.

I think we are lucky we didnt see what our South Asian or Arab friends had to deal with in their household. A man beating his wife is an isolated incident in our community. Their women are also locked indoors.

I have a Bengali friend whose mother came here in the 1980s and she can't speak English.


future pirate king
lol? pakistani men beat their own sisters for dating anyone (ive seen it with my own eyes) arabs too they will kill their daughters, somalis dont do anything they let their daughters marry jamaicans for the price of kfc bargain bucket which actually happened here in the uk it was on a documentary on salafis
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