Are Somalis Ethno religous?

Definition of ethno religious:


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Some Somalis rate themselves to highly. You can discuss for as long as you want wether Somali gaals are Somali or not but they are and will always be. It says “Somali” in their passport.

sorry to be the bearer of bad news, your opinions don’t matter. It still says Somali on their passport.

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👏👏What an outstanding argument!👏👏It clearly can't be refuted👏No one can ever prove this wrong👏I'm dumbfounded 👏 :drakewtf:
Oh My God Wow GIFs | Tenor
Man, how many times do these people repeat the same arguments? Hasn't it alreadyoccured to you that all of the point in your post have already been addressed and debunked? @Maxaa kaa galay @Halimo Supremist I'm tired
Stressed GIFs | Tenor

Warya @20pence read this:

Somalis are most definitely ethnoreligious:
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warya just because our history is Muslim doesn’t mean anything. History and culture are always changing. Somalis went from believing in other beliefs like waaq to Islam.

another thing is that if islam can co exist with qabyalad and other backwards practises in somalia then why do you feel bothered by gaals?
Definition of ethno religious:
That's talking about an ethnic religion. A religion associated with a certain group of people:dead1::dead1:

Islam is meant for the whole of humanity.

The actual definition of ethno-religious:
An ethnoreligious group (or ethno-religious group) is an ethnic group whose members are also unified by a common religious background.
Man, how many times do these people repeat the same arguments? Hasn't it alreadyoccured to you that all of the point in your post have already been addressed and debunked? @Maxaa kaa galay @Halimo Supremist I'm tired
Stressed GIFs | Tenor

Warya @20pence read this:

Somalis are most definitely ethnoreligious:
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Just cuz u have different way of life then non muslim somali doesn't make u more somali or less and way of life is way life what makes person somali is by carrying somali lineage and not religion
Don't say say someone is not somali cuz he or she may not have same way of life like u
Tht Allah didn't write tht rule nor Allah said
I don't believe ethnogenesis tht is something ppl like u made up
Answer this question did nabi mohamed and all others nabis tell their ppl if u not Muslim u are not one of us
See how dumb is ur logic
warya just because our history is Muslim doesn’t mean anything. History and culture are always changing. Somalis went from believing in other beliefs like waaq to Islam.

another thing is that if islam can co exist with qabyalad and other backwards practises in somalia then why do you feel bothered by gaals?
Our history isn't Muslim
Muslim isn't history Somalis have their own history
Walahi I am starting to believe in the 68 I.q day by day. 68 is too high if I am being honest, I would say yall are at single digits at this point.
@Win just ignore these guys. Either they are trolls or lack basic Islamic education.

1. On befriending and liking disbelievers

Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “You will not find any people who believe in Allaah and the Last Day, making friendship with those who oppose Allaah and His Messenger…” [al-Mujaadilah 58:22]

2. Helping and supporting disbelievers against the Muslims:

.Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “The believers, men and women, are awliya’ (helpers, supporters, friends, protectors) of one another…” [al-Tawbah 9:71]. He also says of the kuffaar that they are “ but awliya’ (helpers, supporters, friends, protectors) to one another…” [al-Maa’idah 5:51]. And He says (interpretation of the meaning): “…And if any amongst you takes them as awliya’, then surely he is one of them.” [al-Maa’idah 5:51].

3. Secularism:

Bringing their laws and rules to the Muslim countries. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Do they then seek the judgement of the Days of Ignorance?…” [al-Maa’idah 5:50]

4. Taking them as friends in general terms, taking them as helpers and supporters, and throwing in one’s lot with them.

Allah forbids all this, as He says (interpretation of the meaning): “O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as awliya’ (friends, protectors, helpers, etc.), they are but awliya’ to one another…” [al-Maa’idah 5:51].

5. Compromising with them and being nice to them at the expense of one’s religion:

Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “They wish that you should compromise (in religion out of courtesy) with them, so that they (too) would compromise with you.” [al-Qalam 68:9]. This includes sitting with them and entering upon them at the time when they are making fun of the Signs of Allaah. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And it has already been revealed to you in the Book that when you hear the Verses of Allaah being denied and mocked at, then sit not with them, until they engage in a talk other than that; (but if you stayed with them), certainly in that case you would be like them…” [al-Nisa’ 4:140]
That's talking about an ethnic religion. A religion associated with a certain group of people:dead1::dead1:

Islam is meant for the whole of humanity.

The actual definition of ethno-religious:
An ethnoreligious group (or ethno-religious group) is an ethnic group whose members are also unified by a common religious background.
Why are somalis one of the few ethno religious countries? What makes yall so special? Even Yemen has jews. Looool some of yall are so focused on other people’s beliefs rather than fixing somalia.
Why are somalis one of the few ethno religious countries? What makes yall so special? Even Yemen has jews. Looool some of yall are so focused on other people’s beliefs rather than fixing somalia.
I believe in 68 iq. Everything I posted literally skipped right over her head. The few braincells you have aren't even doing their job:what::snoop:
I believe in 68 iq. Everything I posted literally skipped right over her head. The few braincells you have aren't even doing their job:what::snoop:
Go and fix your country you imbecile and stop worrying about what Tom, dick and Harry is doing. Bunch of low lives.
If I can accept non Somali gaals then I can also accept a Somali gaal on the condition they don't promote their gaalnimo or offend islam.
Man, how many times do these people repeat the same arguments? Hasn't it already occurred to you that all of the points in your post have already been addressed and debunked? @Maxaa kaa galay @Halimo Supremist I'm tired
Stressed GIFs | Tenor

Warya @20pence read this:

Somalis are most definitely ethnoreligious:
View attachment 153749
Waa cajalad jabay sxb, why why why un bay wadaan😅 yaa naga reebo umadaan waalan😪 why cant ya'll just be happy with your secular friends and leave somali affairs to actuall somalis🤔
So why does it happen? Why does such a “Muslim” country butcher themselves for 30 years?
The moment secularism and the idea of a nation state was brought to Somalis is when it started. Nationalism entails that one should unify with another person solely based on shared heritage and ancestry and not based on similar religion/principals. This was not good for Somalis because the moment a disagreement would happen each person would retreat to the people they share common heritage and descent with the most (people from the same qabiil). The moment Siyad did what he did. It was innevitable for qabyaalad to emerge, because the idea of a nation state fits so well with the idea of qabyaalad.

This shows you that what happened to us was not because of Islam but Secular nationalism.

Islam clearly forbids nationalism/tribalism. It is known as Assabiyah and Assabiyah should not take root in the heart of a believer.

Hope that made you understand that it was not Islam that caused all our problems but the lack of it.
I Wonder how many white people Come to Somali forums and turns nazi.
I cant belive most of you people live in the West.
If I can accept non Somali gaals then I can also accept a Somali gaal on the condition they don't promote their gaalnimo or offend islam.
Saaxib it has nothing to do with treating them a certain way. I would interact with an Ex-Somali the same way I'de interact with an Ex-Muslim. If they don't claim Somalinimo and if they don't insult our religion then I'm cool with them but that doesn't mean they're one of us.

