Are Somalis Ethno religous?

Some people can't seem to understand that simple fact. They're comparing our identity with identities that are radically different to ours especially regarding our ethnogenesis as a people.
Being somali is having common ancestor lineage and not way of life non Somali can follow somali culture tht doesn't make tht person a somali and non Somali Muslim can follow the way of life Islam and tht person is not somali just cuz tht person is muslim


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
How is Islam intertwined with somal
Like Islam and Somali are tho different thing Islam is religion and Somali is identity those thing are not the same both can't be intertwined
And there is no in Islam tht Allah said non Muslim Somalis are not somalis

Faith is a big part of Somali culture. That's what I meant. I'm aware we have our own cultural customs which are independent.

You just described ethno-religious:wtfdis:

Explained down below.

If you believe anyone other than Allah(i.e Arabs) is the originator of Islam, then It'll be hard not to question your Islanimo. Arabs were not the founders of Islam. If you believe they are, then you need to go learn your religion.

Somalis do not spring to mind when you think of an ethnoreligious group. Sikhs, Copts, Jews, Yazidis and Mormons exemplify this much better. The vast majority of Somalis are Muslim. They are not surrounded by a sizeable population of people of differing faiths. Even in Ethiopia Somalis largely live around other Somalis (often of the same tribe or tribally adjacent) and in some cases non-Somali Muslims i.e. Oromo.
So you don't identify as a Muslim? :wtfdis:

If Islam doesn't permeate every aspect of your life, then do you really follow Islam?

Man, this guy is repetitive. It's like talking to a wall. Warya, let's end it here. I deconstructed your argument a long time ago. It's just taking a little while for your brain to register that.
Nope like I said being Muslim is to submit my will to Allah and worship allah
Tht is identify
If I took being Muslim as identity and use your logic tht me and non Somalis the same ppl seee if I use your logic
Faith is a big part of Somali culture. That's what I meant. I'm aware we have our own cultural customs which are independent.

Somalis do not spring to mind when you think of an ethnoreligious group. Sikhs, Copts, Jews, Yazidis and Mormons exemplify this much better. The vast majority of Somalis are Muslim. They are not surrounded by a sizeable population of people of differing faiths. Even in Ethiopia Somalis largely live around other Somalis (often of the same tribe or tribally adjacent) and in some cases non-Somali Muslims i.e. Oromo.
An ethnoreligious group (or ethno-religious group) is an ethnic group whose members are also unified by a common religious background.

Hopes this clears up everything macaanto.
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Faith is a big part of Somali culture. That's what I meant. I'm aware we have our own cultural customs which are independent.

Somalis do not spring to mind when you think of an ethnoreligious group. Sikhs, Copts, Jews, Yazidis and Mormons exemplify this much better. The vast majority of Somalis are Muslim. They are not surrounded by a sizeable population of people of differing faiths. Even in Ethiopia Somalis largely live around other Somalis (often of the same tribe or tribally adjacent) and in some cases non-Somali Muslims i.e. Oromo.
Don't say our culture cuz there is non muslim Somalis tht follow somali culture tht don't have faith
Being Muslim and being somali are totally different separate thing
I agree with you Somalis have their
cultural customs which are independent.
Your talking in circles sxb, the brother has already adressed your points. Take it or leave anaga ha na sheegan blease. And why cant ya'll just stay with your new found community and be happy and leave as alone😅 war yaa ilaahaygiisa yaqaan!
WTF how did u assume I am non muslim like I said I am Muslim and I rather be close to non Muslim Somalis then Muslim Somalis like u and non Somali muslim
U can't make rule of your own
Whether Somalis be Muslims or not Somalis are still my ppl I don't believe this ethnogenesis
So you don't identify as a Muslim? :wtfdis:

If Islam doesn't permeate every aspect of your life, then do you really follow Islam?

Man, this guy is repetitive. It's like talking to a wall. Warya, let's end it here. I deconstructed your argument a long time ago. It's just taking a little while for your brain to register that.
I follow Islam and my own way of life Allah didn't forbid tht Allah only forbid to follow bad aspects in our culture not the good aspect of our culture
Way of islam is to submit my will to Allah and follow Allah laws and avoid what Allah forbid
And Allah didn't forbid me to have my own way of life and Somali culture lol

I don't follow arabs culture I don't dress in khamiss lol khamiss is not Muslim alter just arab alter
WTF how did u assume I am non muslim like I said I am Muslim and I rather be close to non Muslim Somalis then Muslim Somalis like u and non Somali muslim
U can't make rule of your own
Whether Somalis be Muslims or not Somalis are still my ppl I don't believe this ethnogenesis
Fam are you reading your posts?💀

You'de rather be close to a gaal than a Muslim.
Let me make clear to u all haters the only thing I have common with u Muslim Somali is Islam and nothing else I have my own way of life and Allah didn't forbid not to follow my own way of life Allah only forbid the bad aspects within my own nothing else
I don't have to take Arabic names nor dress like arab nor talk like arab and use arabs language
Fam are you reading your posts?💀

You'de rather be close to a gaal than a Muslim.
Ye so what where did Allah said I can't be close to non Muslim or befriend or be around non Muslim non Muslim lol did u really thought I wanted to be close to u just cuz u Muslim lol
I never want close to u or any tht share your opinion tht non Muslim Somalis are not somali
Lol don't make laugh
Ye so what where did Allah said I can't be close to non Muslim or befriend or be around non Muslim non Muslim lol did u really thought I wanted to be close to u just cuz u Muslim lol
I never want close to u or any tht share your opinion tht non Muslim Somalis are not somali
Lol don't make laugh
Fam, do whatever you want. I honestly don't care. Just don't go around calling Ex-Somalis, Somali.
Would you consider an Somali Atheist to be Somali? Because I wouldnt. I belive Somalis are Ethno religous like the Amish, and Greeks etc. If you leave the deen your not Somali. Our idenity is just that deeply intertwined with our relgion.
How could somalis be ethno religious when they predate Islam? Make it make sense. Islam is a religion that is native to Arabia, it’s not native to Somalia so again why would we be ethno religious?

Another thing that I find it odd is that Somalis are the only ones that can’t separate religion from ethnicity. You don’t see Turkish people disowning Turkish non Muslims, you don’t see arab Muslims disowning arab non Muslims but Somalis want to disown other non Muslim Somalis for what?

Our ancestors weren’t even Muslims so are you going to disown them too?
A non Muslim Somali is still Somali. How the f*ck can you turn against your own brethren over something like religion? WTF? You'll never see Ayyrabs choosing you over their non Muslim folk so why the hell should you? Somalis that say "YoU aInT sOmAli AnYmOrE" can f*ck off. 68 IQ begs :kodaksmiley:
Preach sis, this folks can’t comprehend that Somalis don’t all have to eat, sleep, breath the same.
How could somalis be ethno religious when they predate Islam? Make it make sense. Islam is a religion that is native to Arabia, it’s not native to Somalia so again why would we be ethno religious?

Another thing that I find it odd is that Somalis are the only ones that can’t separate religion from ethnicity. You don’t see Turkish people disowning Turkish non Muslims, you don’t see arab Muslims disowning arab non Muslims but Somalis want to disown other non Muslim Somalis for what?

Our ancestors weren’t even Muslims so are you going to disown them too?
Islam is not arab religion
Allah created Islam and gave it to the first people tht existed long before arabs and those people are Adam and hawa and their child
So stop saying Islam is Arab religion
Cuz Allah created Islam and send it to all nations
Some Somalis rate themselves to highly. You can discuss for as long as you want wether Somali gaals are Somali or not but they are and will always be. It says “Somali” in their passport.

sorry to be the bearer of bad news, your opinions don’t matter. It still says Somali on their passport.

How could somalis be ethno religious when they predate Islam? Make it make sense. Islam is a religion that is native to Arabia, it’s not native to Somalia so again why would we be ethno religious?

Another thing that I find it odd is that Somalis are the only ones that can’t separate religion from ethnicity. You don’t see Turkish people disowning Turkish non Muslims, you don’t see arab Muslims disowning arab non Muslims but Somalis want to disown other non Muslim Somalis for what?

Our ancestors weren’t even Muslims so are you going to disown them too?
Man, how many times do these people repeat the same arguments? Hasn't it already occurred to you that all of the points in your post have already been addressed and debunked? @Maxaa kaa galay @Halimo Supremist I'm tired
Stressed GIFs | Tenor

Warya @20pence read this:

Religion plays a major role in our identity. The first documentation of the word Somali was during the Adal-Abysinian war when the king of the habash was writing a letter to someone. That was when Islam had a huge grip on Somalida and most of us were Muslim. Our ethnogenesis as a Somali people happened because of Islam and that's because the only time our people ever united was when we were fighting against gaalo. The use of the word Somali increased during the colonial era when Somalis needed to unite to successfully fend off these invaders that wanted to make us subservient to them by conquering us and changing our religion.

When reading about wars that were fought by Somalis, most would consider them wars that were between native Somalis and foreigners, but the old Somalis didn't see it that way. They considered it a war between religions. That's why they addressed their enemies as Gaal Madow(Oromo, Xabash) and Gaal Cad(Portuguese, French, British, Italians) because what all these enemies all had in common was their intention of sabotaging and changing our way of life and a major facet of our identity.....our religion. One of the roots/base/foundations of the concept of Somalinimo is Islam, because Islam is the one that helped in unifying our people.

Now tell me, how can an apostate call himself Somali when he has abandoned such a major facet of our identity? A facet of our identity that was one of the main causes if not the main cause of our ethnogenesis as a people. A Somali that has abandoned Islam has also abandoned Somalinimo. Simple as that.
Macanto. Something you should realize from the history of the Somalis is that whenever we were waring with foreigners. The Somalis never considered it a war between ethnicities but rather a war between religions. It was jihad for them. That's why they addressed their enemies as Gaal Madow(Oromo, Habash) and Gaal Cad(Portuguese, British, Italians, French) because what all these enemies had in common was their extreme desire to conquer us and make us subservient to them by striping us of our religion. This shows you how major the role of Islam was in the formation of our people.
Asking this question clearly shows your ignorance regarding our people. We don't share common traditions, customs and religion as our ancestors. The meaning of ethnicity is the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition. Using basic logic we can come to the conclusion that we aren't the same ethnicity. Just like the Copts of today aren't the same ethnicity as the ancient Egyptians despite having a genetic link to them.

They didn't call themselves Somalis. We do. That's basic logic. We do originate from them but we're not the same ethnicity, if we go by the definition of the word "ethnicity" which is:

the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition.

Somalis are most definitely ethnoreligious:
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