Are Somalis Ethno religous?

In all seriousness though. Allah guides and misguides who he wills. Let's hope that Allah does not make us disbelieve after we have believed and let's hope that Allah guides the Ex-Somalis back to Islam. I honestly wouldn't want people to suffer in Jahannam for eternity. May Allah guide me and us all. Aamiin🤲
It is not pure emotional lol and I am muslim
And second Allah didn't make tht rule and said non Muslim Somalis are not Allah didn't do tht but u arrogant somali Muslims
Made your on rule up tht if somali is not Muslim tht he or she is not Muslim
You know tht in judgment day you and who have same opinion will be asked why u did and use Islam to take way ppl nation and out casted them your whole argument doesn't even make sense nor logically
U and ppl like u use Islam to make your own rule up
I dare you to bring proof when did Allah said tht and revealed in Islam and did nabi also said tht non Muslim Somalis are not somali
U just sound ignoret person tht twisted Islam for his or her own way and to fit with your view
Your being emotional and thats not a befitting trait for a "somali" man, let them joing ajaanib maxaa anaga na daba galiyey🤔
Haye, listen here lady. Ex-Muslim=Ex-Somali
I am kit lady u dumb arragont person and I muslim
Islam and Somali identity are not same and Islam didn't shape somali culture stop lying somali culture existed long before Islam came to Somalis so does somali language and ppl and Somali identity
What dumb person u are now tell me where is the proof tht Allah said tht


Now that the matter has been concluded, I propose the following:

Ajnabi gaal > gaal born to Somali parents


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I think its a misnomer to call Somalis an ethnoreligious group merely because Islam is intertwined with Somalinimo. Somalis are not the progenitors of the faith. They did not become Somali upon the advent of Islam (as far as I know). They are not like yahuds. One can't become Somali by converting to Islam. And one does not cease to be Somali because they are at odds with their faith. If they for whatever reason have a personal religious revival are they suddenly Somali again?

I would say that Somali non-Muslims are still Somali even though they are on the fringe. It's not like they can join another ethnic group. I say this even though I'm Muslim. It's crazy that one has to make that declaration online (these days).

This by far the funniest response on here. Allah decided for our ethnogenesis to happen because of and after Islam.

These questions you're asking shows your ignorance concerning this topic. Fist of all, we are not discussing the teachings of Islam. We were discussing the impact Islam had on our people and how it led to the ethnogenesis of our people. The Somali identity is an identity that was cultivated by Islam. So a non Muslim has no right to identify with an identity cultivated Islam because they disbelieve in the very thing that helped form our Somalinimo.

Now tell me. Since you want to bring up the teachings of Islam.

Where in the Quran does it say that a Ex-Somali can't be outcasted by his/her old community?
Like I said somali wasn't cultivated by Islam and Islam is not identity and if u mean arab culture tht had impact on Somalis then tht is not somali culture but arab
Stop lying and making Islam to be somali identify Islam is deen and not culture nor identity Islam is way of life to follow Allah law and to worship allah
I am kit lady u dumb arragont person and I muslim
Islam and Somali identity are not same and Islam didn't shape somali culture stop lying somali culture existed long before Islam came to Somalis so does somali language and ppl and Somali identity
What dumb person u are now tell me where is the proof tht Allah said tht
Lol no one is talking about culture and whatnot, were talking about identity, if your not a muslim then you out of the criteria of what defines being a somali means. Ex-muslim = ex-somali im sorry thats just how it is. Why dont ya'll just joing Igbo community or something there overwhelming christian!
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Islam and Somali culture and Somalis identity are not same and Islam didn't have Impect Somalis culture nor identity and Islam didn't shape our culture and identity
Somali identity wasn't cultivated Islam
Islam and identity are 2 different thing and are not same
Islam is to submit to Allah and follow Allah law while somali identity is identification tht ppl tht share same forefathers and language and culture and yea Islam and Somali identity are 2 different thing
Islam is not my identity nor my identification and I am muslim
So don't mix Islam and Somali identity together cuz tht is haram
I honestly can't take you seriously buddy.

1.Yes Islam and our identity are different, but Islam has a MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR influence on our culture. Remember Islam is not only a belief system. It can also be considered a culture if we go by the actual definition of the word culture, which means a way of life. So saying that Islam doesn't have an influence on our culture/way of life is like saying Somalis don't follow Islam on their day to day life even a little bit.

2. Somali identity was definitely cultivated by Islam. Read this:
Religion plays a major role in our identity. The first documentation of the word Somali was during the Adal-Abysinian war when the king of the habash was writing a letter to someone. That was when Islam had a huge grip on Somalida and most of us were Muslim. Our ethnogenesis as a Somali people happened because of Islam and that's because the only time our people ever united was when we were fighting against gaalo. The use of the word Somali increased during the colonial era when Somalis needed to unite to successfully fend off these invaders that wanted to make us subservient to them by conquering us and changing our religion.

When reading about wars that were fought by Somalis, most would consider them wars that were between native Somalis and foreigners, but the old Somalis didn't see it that way. They considered it a war between religions. That's why they addressed their enemies as Gaal Madow(Oromo, Xabash) and Gaal Cad(Portuguese, French, British, Italians) because what all these enemies all had in common was their intention of sabotaging and changing our way of life and a major facet of our identity.....our religion. One of the roots/base/foundations of the concept of Somalinimo is Islam, because Islam is the one that helped in unifying our people.

Now tell me, how can an apostate call himself Somali when he has abandoned such a major facet of our identity? A facet of our identity that was one of the main causes if not the main cause of our ethnogenesis as a people. A Somali that has abandoned Islam has also abandoned Somalinimo. Simple as that.
Islam is not my identity nor my identification and I am muslim
So you're basically saying you're a Kafir since you don't identify with Islam?:wtfdis:

Read before you post buddy.
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I think its a misnomer to call Somalis an ethnoreligious group merely because Islam is intertwined with Somalinimo. Somalis are not the progenitors of the faith. They did not become Somali upon the advent of Islam (as far as I know). They are not like yahuds. One can't become Somali by converting to Islam. And one does not cease to become Somali because they are at odds with their faith. If they for whatever reason have a personal religious revival are they suddenly Somali again?

I would say that Somali non-Muslims are still Somali even though they are on the fringe. It's not like they can join another ethnic group. I say this even though I'm Muslim. It's crazy that one has to make that declaration online (these days).
How is Islam intertwined with somal
Like Islam and Somali are tho different thing Islam is religion and Somali is identity those thing are not the same both can't be intertwined
And there is no in Islam tht Allah said non Muslim Somalis are not somalis
Lol no one is talking about culture and whatnot, were talking about identity, if your not a muslim then you out of the criteria of what defines being a somali means. Ex-muslim = ex-somali im sorry thats just how it is. Why dont ya'll just joing Igbo community or something there overwhelming christian?
Being Muslim is to submit to Allah and worship Allah being Muslim has nothing to do with being somali
And no non Muslim Somali are Somalis whether u like it or not cuz u know why Allah didn't sy so
U can make up anything u want but u can't change somali person to be non Somalis religion doesn't make one non Somali but lineage does so yea
Go way u have 1 sick mind
I think its a misnomer to call Somalis an ethnoreligious group merely because Islam is intertwined with Somalinimo
You just described ethno-religious:wtfdis:

They did not become Somali upon the advent of Islam (as far as I know).
Explained down below.
Religion plays a major role in our identity. The first documentation of the word Somali was during the Adal-Abysinian war when the king of the habash was writing a letter to someone. That was when Islam had a huge grip on Somalida and most of us were Muslim. Our ethnogenesis as a Somali people happened because of Islam and that's because the only time our people ever united was when we were fighting against gaalo. The use of the word Somali increased during the colonial era when Somalis needed to unite to successfully fend off these invaders that wanted to make us subservient to them by conquering us and changing our religion.

When reading about wars that were fought by Somalis, most would consider them wars that were between native Somalis and foreigners, but the old Somalis didn't see it that way. They considered it a war between religions. That's why they addressed their enemies as Gaal Madow(Oromo, Xabash) and Gaal Cad(Portuguese, French, British, Italians) because what all these enemies all had in common was their intention of sabotaging and changing our way of life and a major facet of our identity.....our religion. One of the roots/base/foundations of the concept of Somalinimo is Islam, because Islam is the one that helped in unifying our people.

Now tell me, how can an apostate call himself Somali when he has abandoned such a major facet of our identity? A facet of our identity that was one of the main causes if not the main cause of our ethnogenesis as a people. A Somali that has abandoned Islam has also abandoned Somalinimo. Simple as that.
. Somalis are not the progenitors of the faith
If you believe anyone other than Allah(i.e Arabs) is the originator of Islam, then It'll be hard not to question your Islanimo. Arabs were not the founders of Islam. If you believe they are, then you need to go learn your religion.
I think its a misnomer to call Somalis an ethnoreligious group merely because Islam is intertwined with Somalinimo. Somalis are not the progenitors of the faith. They did not become Somali upon the advent of Islam (as far as I know). They are not like yahuds. One can't become Somali by converting to Islam. And one does not cease to be Somali because they are at odds with their faith. If they for whatever reason have a personal religious revival are they suddenly Somali again?

I would say that Somali non-Muslims are still Somali even though they are on the fringe. It's not like they can join another ethnic group. I say this even though I'm Muslim. It's crazy that one has to make that declaration online (these days).
Were not all blood related right? And we all dont share the same lineage so what does it constitute being a somali? If a habesh adopts our culture, religion, customs and language does he become a Somali? No he doesnt, identities are formed of sets of attributes and ours as a group of people is made of sharing the same religion, culture, customs, language and qabil. Lacking in qabil and not being a muslim are the two that takes you out of the group.
I honestly can't take you seriously buddy.

1.Yes Islam an our identity are different, but Islam has a MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR influence on our culture. Remember Islam is not only a belief system. It can also be considered a culture if we go by the actual definition of the word culture, which means a way of life. So saying that Islam doesn't have an influence on our culture/way of life is like saying Somalis don't follow Islam on their day to day life even a little bit.

2. Somali identity was definitely cultivated by Islam. Read this:

So you're basically saying you're a Kafir since you don't identify with Islam?:wtfdis:

Read before you post buddy.
Islam is to submit to one's will to Allah Islam is not identify
Again don't make assumption lol I am Muslim and Islam is my deen but it is not my identity
Second Islam of way of life and Somali culture way of life is different just cuz i follow Allah laws doesn't make it my whole identity I also follow somali culture since it is not forbiden and Islam didn't cultivated Somalis culture
I still follow somali culture and have my own way of life just like many somalis
Now tell me where did Allah said non Muslim Somalis are not somali
U dumb
Way of islam don't make 1 non somali
And also your way of life is Islam u follow Islam and not somali culture second non Somalis tht follow way of life of Somalis culture is somali whether tht person follows somali culture or not
Were not all blood related right? And we all dont share the same lineage so what does it constitute being a somali? If a habesh adopts our culture, religion, customs and language does he become a Somali? No he doesnt, identities are formed of sets of attributes and ours as a group of people is made of sharing the same religion, culture, customs, language and qabil. Lacking in qabil and not being a muslim are the two that takes you out of the group.
Some people can't seem to understand that simple fact. They're comparing our identity with identities that are radically different to ours especially regarding our ethnogenesis as a people.
I honestly can't take you seriously buddy.

1.Yes Islam an our identity are different, but Islam has a MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR influence on our culture. Remember Islam is not only a belief system. It can also be considered a culture if we go by the actual definition of the word culture, which means a way of life. So saying that Islam doesn't have an influence on our culture/way of life is like saying Somalis don't follow Islam on their day to day life even a little bit.

2. Somali identity was definitely cultivated by Islam. Read this:

So you're basically saying you're a Kafir since you don't identify with Islam?:wtfdis:

Read before you post buddy.
Islam didn't change somali identity only removed the bad aspects of thing in the culture you and non Somali are Somali way of life doesn't make you and non muslim Somalis different
If I use you logic tht makes non so. Ali Muslims a somali since those non Somalis are Muslim like wtf do really think
And way of life of Islam and way of life of somali culture are totally different
What makes one somali is lineage u dumb arrogant
Some people can't seem to understand that simple fact. They're comparing our identity with identities that are radically different to ours especially regarding our ethnogenesis as a people.
Islam is not identity I can leave Islam and still be somali
Your argument and those are have same arguments have no logic what so ever
Being somali is by lineage and tribe
Culture is culture
Are non Somalis tht follow somali culture somali and is non Somali who is Muslim a somali answer this question lets see what is your respon
Islam is to submit to one's will to Allah Islam is not identify
So you don't identify as a Muslim? :wtfdis:
Second Islam of way of life and Somali culture way of life is different just cuz i follow Allah laws doesn't make it my whole identity
If Islam doesn't permeate every aspect of your life, then do you really follow Islam?

Man, this guy is repetitive. It's like talking to a wall. Warya, let's end it here. I deconstructed your argument a long time ago. It's just taking a little while for your brain to register that.
Islam is to submit to one's will to Allah Islam is not identify
Again don't make assumption lol I am Muslim and Islam is my deen but it is not my identity
Second Islam of way of life and Somali culture way of life is different just cuz i follow Allah laws doesn't make it my whole identity I also follow somali culture since it is not forbiden and Islam didn't cultivated Somalis culture
I still follow somali culture and have my own way of life just like many somalis
Now tell me where did Allah said non Muslim Somalis are not somali
U dumb
Way of islam don't make 1 non somali
And also your way of life is Islam u follow Islam and not somali culture second non Somalis tht follow way of life of Somalis culture is somali whether tht person follows somali culture or not
Your talking in circles sxb, the brother has already adressed your points. Take it or leave anaga ha na sheegan blease. And why cant ya'll just stay with your new found community and be happy and leave as alone😅 war yaa ilaahaygiisa yaqaan!

