Are Somalis Ethno religous?

The Islamic Courts Union was very rapidly gaining momentum in southern Somalia, they pushed for Sharia law, the majority of the locals were pleased as they drove away the warlords and rule of law was being established after a decade and a half of lawlessness, the West couldn't fathom with the belief that Somalia was stabilizing and Ethiopia obviously feared a return to a stable Somalia and so they collaborated an invasion with the justification being that they are affiliated with Al Qaeda which was somewhat true however if that was the case there could have been other means of dialogue resolutions, also what happened to territory integrity, and the self determination that they always advocate for? Of course they say it but never mean it, it always has its limitations and hypocrisy

I have a family member that captured a mooryan that killed over 50 people. He was executed for his crimes. This wouldn't have happened under a secular democracy and this is I believe the only approach that can keep Somalia safe.
Not true, there are specific rulings on Apostates in Islam. The reasons why Allah made such rules is because of the negative effects apostates have on the islamic community. They could potentially poison other muslims with their mindset when you're trying to help them.
We all live in non muslim countries bro.. And there are no muslim country that fully follows Islamic sharia so you as a layman can't hand out rulings on people.. The best solution is to keep all our brothers and sisters close and aim for a tight knit community that focuses on how we best can survive in this environment we are in.
@Win just ignore these guys. Either they are trolls or lack basic Islamic education.

1. On befriending and liking disbelievers

Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “You will not find any people who believe in Allaah and the Last Day, making friendship with those who oppose Allaah and His Messenger…” [al-Mujaadilah 58:22]

2. Helping and supporting disbelievers against the Muslims:

.Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “The believers, men and women, are awliya’ (helpers, supporters, friends, protectors) of one another…” [al-Tawbah 9:71]. He also says of the kuffaar that they are “ but awliya’ (helpers, supporters, friends, protectors) to one another…” [al-Maa’idah 5:51]. And He says (interpretation of the meaning): “…And if any amongst you takes them as awliya’, then surely he is one of them.” [al-Maa’idah 5:51].

3. Secularism:

Bringing their laws and rules to the Muslim countries. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Do they then seek the judgement of the Days of Ignorance?…” [al-Maa’idah 5:50]

4. Taking them as friends in general terms, taking them as helpers and supporters, and throwing in one’s lot with them.

Allah forbids all this, as He says (interpretation of the meaning): “O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as awliya’ (friends, protectors, helpers, etc.), they are but awliya’ to one another…” [al-Maa’idah 5:51].

5. Compromising with them and being nice to them at the expense of one’s religion:

Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “They wish that you should compromise (in religion out of courtesy) with them, so that they (too) would compromise with you.” [al-Qalam 68:9]. This includes sitting with them and entering upon them at the time when they are making fun of the Signs of Allaah. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And it has already been revealed to you in the Book that when you hear the Verses of Allaah being denied and mocked at, then sit not with them, until they engage in a talk other than that; (but if you stayed with them), certainly in that case you would be like them…” [al-Nisa’ 4:140]
Allah doesn't forbid to be friends those tht don't fight Muslim
Oh you who be believe! Do not take the Jews and the Christians as protecting allies [lit. awliya – plural of wali, mistranslated often here as “friends” ]! Each of them are protecting allies within their own. And the one amongst you who turns to them as protecting allies, then he is one of them. And truly, Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.” [al-Quran, 5:51]

Right away, I’d like to establish that there is no problem with Muslims keeping casual friendships and cordial acquaintances with people of different faiths, as long as those people do not oppose or dislike Islam and Muslims, do not engage in or wrongly influence Muslims towards immoral behaviour, and are not unjust and oppressive to anyone, especially Muslims. This is established by the words of Allah Most High Himself when He says:

“Allah does not forbid you from showing kindness and dealing justly with those who have not fought you due to your faith or driven you out of your homes. Allah loves those who deal justly. Allah only forbids you from those people that fought you because of your faith, drove you out of your homes and helped in your expulsion, that you take them as intimate associates. And whosoever takes them as intimate associates, then it is they who are the wrongdoers.” [al-Quran, 60:8-9]
It happens to be those people are the most self hating people of all, they hate anything Somali, while also complain about us to their white masters, while there are many things to complain about in Somalia, what they do is either correlate it all with Islam even when there isn't any Islamic bearing onto it, or complain about islamic teachings that they have little knowledge about and then shout from the top of their lungs that the the entirety of our way of life is backwards and that western way of life would be much better, while also believing that it is perfect when it is obviously not. It is very hard to trust these people, they would side with gaals to push their agenda, which is why the ideology is to be dealt with caution
They have willingly accepted the role of a house negro, historically we didnt even have that problem as somalis, but somehow they found a way, waa yaab wallahi😅 afar iyo labaatan saac cadaanka bay futada ka dhaqayaan.
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Guys consider this..
If we don't alienate and exclude non muslim Somalis from the community they might become muslims again.. Be kind to them and show them what it means to be muslim..
Be kind to people that want to change us? People that want us to become like them?

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “Man is influenced by the Faith of his friends. Therefore, be careful of whom you befriend.”
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We all live in non muslim countries bro.. And there are no muslim country that fully follows Islamic sharia so you as a layman can't hand out rulings on people.. The best solution is to keep all our brothers and sisters close and aim for a tight knit community that focuses on how we best can survive in this environment we are in.
Ofcourse, the best you can do is advise them and give them your arguments on why they're doing wrong peacefully. If they still choose to neglect Islam and Allahs teachings then it's best to cut them off.

By the way Apostates in Sharia Law are given the chance to repent and return to Islam as well.
The Islamic Courts Union was very rapidly gaining momentum in southern Somalia, they pushed for Sharia law, the majority of the locals were pleased as they drove away the warlords and rule of law was being established after a decade and a half of lawlessness, the West couldn't fathom with the belief that Somalia was stabilizing and Ethiopia obviously feared a return to a stable Somalia and so they collaborated an invasion with the justification being that they are affiliated with Al Qaeda which was somewhat true however if that was the case there could have been other means of dialogue resolutions, also what happened to territory integrity, and the self determination that they always advocate for? Of course they say it but never mean it, it always has its limitations and hypocrisy
Gaalo are always hypocrites. Never expect to have an honest deal with them. They aren't as honorable as Muslims. Their beliefs contain contradictions and they act like they've got the holy grail. Hypocrisy at its finest.
Gaalo are always hypocrites. Never expect to have an honest deal with them. They aren't as honorable as Muslims. Their beliefs contain contradictions and they act like they've got the holy grail. Hypocrisy at its finest.
People who have no basis of morality are not to be reasoned with.
Anyways somali gaals are Somali and they ain’t much yall could do about it in your dusty projects taking Cayr in some western country. Go and cry somewhere else :drakelaugh::chrisfreshhah:
It is useful for us to live here temporarily, and there is its downsides, the good thing is that the education could be reinvested into our country to do good and to uplift ourselves, the bad side is that it has indoctrinated some of us like a few of the people in this thread into believing their way of life over our own, when there is very little to say good about it, they are currently in a downward spiral with their liberal religion, which is why the right has gained a lot of momentum in the past few years


I am NOT a federal agent
How could somalis be ethno religious when they predate Islam? Make it make sense. Islam is a religion that is native to Arabia, it’s not native to Somalia so again why would we be ethno religious?

Another thing that I find it odd is that Somalis are the only ones that can’t separate religion from ethnicity. You don’t see Turkish people disowning Turkish non Muslims, you don’t see arab Muslims disowning arab non Muslims but Somalis want to disown other non Muslim Somalis for what?

Our ancestors weren’t even Muslims so are you going to disown them too?
islam in not native to arabia it was with the Israelites for thousands of years and Adam's sons before that.


I am NOT a federal agent
So why does it happen? Why does such a “Muslim” country butcher themselves for 30 years?
they are astray from Allah's guidance if they followed islam to a T somaila would not be as bad as it today. there would no civil war as muslim brothers would not kill each other over qabil.
Ex muslim spotted:whoo:

Always bringing arabs in their conversations to try to make "a point". :stopit:
News flash!!! we dont give a f*ck about what arabs do or not. We arent dying for their approval. :hillarybiz:
Can't believe I missed this post lol.

Why do all these Ex-Somalis have such a huge inferiority complex towards Arabs?
I just read the thread all over again, and I actually can't believe someone used "It's written Somali on my passport" as an argument:mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::pachah1::pachah1::russ::lolbron::lolbron::lolbron::lolbron::russ::russ::russ::russ::damn::damn::damn::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::drakelaugh::drakelaugh::drakelaugh::drakelaugh::russ::russ::russ::russ::russ::russ::damn::damn::damn::damn::damn::damn::damn::damn::damn::damn::damn::heh::heh::heh::mjlaugh::mjlaugh::mjlaugh::drakewtf::drakekidding::drakekidding::drakekidding::drakekidding::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead1::dead1::deadmanny::deadmanny::deadmanny::deadrose::deadrose::deadrose::deadrose::deadrose:

I've been interacting with fools who only work with emotion. I think it's safe to assume they lack any intellectual faculties.
they are astray from Allah's guidance if they followed islam to a T somaila would not be as bad as it today. there would no civil war as muslim brothers would not kill each other over qabil.
Bro if we followed Islam to a T. Leave us not being in the same situation we are in now, We would actually be a super power. If there isn't any foreign intervention that is.


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