Are Somalis Ethno religous?


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
Quran was sent in Arabic language to Arabs first
If Arabs existed before Islam why cant Somalis who gives a shit what we named ourselves as we still spoke Somali and had same culture
Wallahi I think you lack some basic comprehension skills.

وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَا مِن رَّسُولٍ إِلَّا بِلِسَانِ قَوْمِهِ لِيُبَيِّنَ لَهُمْ
And We have not sent any messenger except in the language of his people, that he may explain matters to them. (14:4)

The Zabuur wasn’t sent in Arabic yes? What about the Injeel. The tawrah? Only the Quran was sent in Arabic. Try again.
Arabs were the worst of the people, so corrupted in Jahilliya which is why the prophet PBUH was sent to him. For all you care about, there was a Somali prophet.
Quran was sent in Arabic language to Arabs first
If Arabs existed before Islam why cant Somalis who gives a shit what we named ourselves as we still spoke Somali and had same culture
Because our ethnogenesis as a people happened because of Islam. If you don't understand that simple fact, then go read up on my previous posts on this thread. I'm not gonna explain it constantly to people that 2 digit IQ levels.
Yet I’m a VIP with thousands of messages and a well renowned reputation. “Do you live on here”. Sure, whatever floats your boat

and who are you again?

Oh shit i'm sorry miss VIP, if you see that as some sort of achievement, then well fucking done. You must be a little kid on here 24/7 with over 7000 comments since August, get a fucking life you silly girl and log out once in a while.


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
Oh shit i'm sorry miss VIP, if you see that as some sort of achievement, then well fucking done. You must be a little kid on here 24/7 with over 7000 comments since August, get a fucking life you silly girl and log out once in a while.
Do you expect me to shiver or what? :hemad::gaasdrink:

I notice how you only are responding to this quote yet you failed to respond to my many replies to your banter. Arood sooco, go read it and come back as a noble geeljire


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
In my opinion any somali whose atheist I don't consider them somali in my eyes they're somali card is revoked
Because our ethnogenesis as a people happened because of Islam. If you don't understand that simple fact, then go read up on my previous posts on this thread. I'm not gonna explain it constantly to people that 2 dig IQ levels.
Religion is one of the many factors that help define culture, and thus ethnicity. It is not the only factor so to say our ethnogenesis was based on Islam only is dishonest. If a Somali leaves Islam but still has the other factors than they technically considered Somali but not muslim Somali there is a difference


Veni Vidi Vici
That's actually wrong saaxib. They aren't ethnically Somali either.

The actual meaning of ethnicity is:
the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition.

Since a bulk of the traditions Somalis engage in are Islamic. It clearly follows that Ex-Muslims are in the literal sense Ex-Somali as well.
Even better, so not only have you not violated the requirements of citizenship, but you also are a outcast to the point that your only "identity" has been removed. Now, what will they identify as?

Get them outta here. Make Somalia Great Again
Read about 7 pages, so many retards on this site I swear. Though I am happy that they have no say in my identity no matter how much they would like to. They can keep on rambling on the internet but it doesn't change a thing in real life. I'm out of this stupid thread. :drakekidding:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Speaking off somali atheist I remember seeing a post on reddit a long time ago about a somali atheist guy who said hes planning to marry a somali girl and hes gonna hide that hes an atheist some people are pure evil


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
Read about 7 pages, so many retards on this site I swear. Though I am happy that they have no say in my identity no matter how much they would like to. They can keep on rambling on the internet but it doesn't change a thing in real life. I'm out of this stupid thread. :drakekidding:
Can I ask you something? Do you expect us, as Somalis, to embrace you? You claim that this is just the internet laakin you will be shunned back home too. Do you expect us to claim you, an ex Muslim, who insults us like this?
I'm sorry but Muslims are fucking stupid, it's a fucking cartoon so fucking what??? Man I hate being associated with you lot.

Kill people and then cry Islamphobe, low IQ wallahi.
Somalis are so fucking embarrassing. You can't even run your own country but constantly crying about other people.

Oh and that girl is right, Islam is a disease.

do you want your hug and caano shaax now? :pachah1:
Religion is one of the many factors that help define culture, and thus ethnicity. It is not the only factor so to say our ethnogenesis was based on Islam only is dishonest. If a Somali leaves Islam but still has the other factors than they technically considered Somali but not muslim Somali there is a difference
Reading your post showed me that you clearly don't understand the meaning of ethnogenesis.

Islam was the main factor for our ethnogenesis. I'm honestly not gonna explain why. Go read my previous posts talking about it. This is getting too repetitive.


They are Somali whether you like it or not, the extreme atheists online are not the best example but I have met a Somali christian in rl

What is the point of labelling yourself anything when you're largely excommunicated from said group?

It's meaningless. Stay in the deep end of the closet next to the fakkits and the door to Narnia.
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Even better, so not only have you not violated the requirements of citizenship, but you also are a outcast to the point that your only "identity" has been removed. Now, what will they identify as?

Get them outta here. Make Somalia Great Again
This deserves 2 reactions bro😭😭😭😭 Make Somalia Great Again!!!


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Brooo! I never expected this Chad behaviour from you:gladbron::gladbron:
I have more in common with a somali whose muslim than a somali whose atheist part of being somali is being proud of where you from and your religion

not to mention many of em mock and belittle the religion yet wanna be accepted into the community
Speaking off somali atheist I remember seeing a post on reddit a long time ago about a somali atheist guy who said hes planning to marry a somali girl and hes gonna hide that hes an atheist some people are pure evil
Watch him try to turn her into a gaal. May Allah ruin that illegitimate marriage. Aamiin🤲

