Arms shipment seized by Caabudwaaq citizens


How stupid could you be to smuggle arms through your rival's territory during hostilities?
If they are importing from Ethiopia they have no other choice but to go through Marehan land since we occupy the entire Galnus border with Ethiopia. But to be fair to them we are talking about +200km stretch of land its impossible to patrol all of that land and on top of that they had some horgal Marehan with them helping them navigate the land so its not completely stupid but high risk.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this was an orchestrated plan by Ethiopians to arm Somalis against each other. They don’t want one side to overpower the other because that would mean an end to hostilities.

Instead, they and other foreign powers want to maintain an ongoing cycle of violence and chaos where there is no clear winner.
Apparently the consignment was for a Hawiye drug trafficker (khat crack distribution) and arms dealers. Big time Khat dealers are some of the richest and most influential people in Somalia.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this was an orchestrated plan by Ethiopians to arm Somalis against each other. They don’t want one side to overpower the other because that would mean an end to hostilities.

Instead, they and other foreign powers want to maintain an ongoing cycle of violence and chaos where there is no clear winner.
The weapons were being escorted by Somali gov linked forces and NISA
I wouldn’t be surprised if this was an orchestrated plan by Ethiopians to arm Somalis against each other. They don’t want one side to overpower the other because that would mean an end to hostilities.

Instead, they and other foreign powers want to maintain an ongoing cycle of violence and chaos where there is no clear winner.
We are blind and can't see what's going on. It’s obvious the weapons were meant for a clan militia otherwise GM admin would just fly it in. Their training 5k SL soldiers and now sending that much weapons into GM. EZ, Childsplay really.
The weapons were being escorted by Somali gov linked forces and NISA
what. first you told me it was NISA and now its weapons smugglers? i am confused, and smugglers or not random people in the streets shouldnt be allowed to loot weapons, at the very least they should have sent it back.

Dadkaan iyagaa is yaqaana, tuuto ain't shit in Somalia, mida kale how tf you gonna walk on your opps lawn without thinking you ain't getting smoked.




Minister Fartaag says Nisa intercepted illegal arms coming into Somalia and militia ambushed them.

He also says that FGS will retrieve the arms shipment and prosecute the militia

This guy happens to be the internal security minister rn and his people do this lol

Marexaanoow hubka soo celiyaa


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
No one imports weaponry by land through volatile regions unless they want the weaponry “off the books”.

On the same hand, anyone that believes the theft of those weapons will lead to good things is also stupid.

The reality is that these weapons shouldn’t have been in Galgaduud in the first place but we can’t also condone clan militias using these weapons.


It’s hard to believe FGS version of events. How are they intercepting weapons coming from Ethiopia into Somalia. Who are the businessmen they are referring to that made purchase. Go arrest them instead of trying to start war with cabidwaq

This is illegal shady weapons that was likely going to be used against cabudwaq one day. They should keep weapons. I don’t trust what this minster saying right now

Other scenario if this is legal weapons belonging to govt. why are they buying from Ethiopia. So many countries to buy from and so many safe ports to bring in weapons and transport with better security.
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Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
View attachment 334630
Minister Fartaag says Nisa intercepted illegal arms coming into Somalia and militia ambushed them.

He also says that FGS will retrieve the arms shipment and prosecute the militia

This guy happens to be the internal security minister rn and his people do this lol

Marexaanoow hubka soo celiyaa
Let them come try apparently 200 Dashikis were taken good luck.

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
This is illegal shady weapons that was likely going to be used against cabudwaq one day. They should keep weapons. I don’t trust what this minster saying right now
They're sending fartaag to collect the weapons but he will be told to f off when gets to Caabudwaaq.

The fededal goverment and galnus goverment has also refused to admit/accept responsibility for what happened at Shiilo-Madoow and until then there will be no reconciliation or as our ugaas put it until they fulfill points one and two unconditionally and number three will be our design going forward from this situation.

There is no doubt about it these weapons were heading directly to Gaalkacyo - Gelinsoor - Dir fronts and they would most def be used against us. Preventive seizure of ILLEGAL weapons is well within our right and we will excerise every time Iljeex attempt to smuggle weapons through our land.

1- Waxaa uu dhaleeceeyay masuuliyad darrada ay ku kaceen ciidanka dowladda oo uu sheegay in ay dileen dad shacab ah.

2- Waxaa uu si cad u sheegay Ugaaska in Ciidanka dowladda iyo kuwa Galmudug aysan wax dhaq dhaqaaq ah ka samayn karin degmada illaa laga helayo cidda qaadanaysa masuuliyadda dhacdadii maantay ka dhacday Shiilamadow, Haddii aysan samayn taasina ay masuuliyadeeda ay qaadanayaan Dowladda Federaalka iyo Galmudug.

3- Dadka shacabka ah ee Waqooyiga gobalka Galgaduud ee beesha Sadde ayuu Ugaaska ugu baaqay in ay ka tashadaan aayahooda shirna ay iskugu yimaadaan.

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium

Caabudwaaq citizens weight in on yesterday's gifts.

Wasiir Shariif oo kamid ah Wasiirada Galmudug ayaa yiri “Hubka Caabudwaaq lagu furtay kama duwana kii dowladdu uqaybisay Qabiilada kale, reer Caabudwaaq Hal maalin ayay xisaabtoodii Heleen intii dhimatay Alaha unaxariisto.”

Wasiirka ayaa sidoo kale yiri “Hubka warshiikh iyo Ruunirgood inta udhaxaysa yaala kama fidno badnaan doono.”


They're sending fartaag to collect the weapons but he will be told to f off when gets to Caabudwaaq.

The fededal goverment and galnus goverment has also refused to admit/accept responsibility for what happened at Shiilo-Madoow and until then there will be no reconciliation or as our ugaas put it until they fulfill points one and two unconditionally and number three will be our design going forward from this situation.

There is no doubt about it these weapons were heading directly to Gaalkacyo - Gelinsoor - Dir fronts and they would most def be used against us. Preventive seizure of ILLEGAL weapons is well within our right and we will excerise every time Iljeex attempt to smuggle weapons through our land.

1- Waxaa uu dhaleeceeyay masuuliyad darrada ay ku kaceen ciidanka dowladda oo uu sheegay in ay dileen dad shacab ah.

2- Waxaa uu si cad u sheegay Ugaaska in Ciidanka dowladda iyo kuwa Galmudug aysan wax dhaq dhaqaaq ah ka samayn karin degmada illaa laga helayo cidda qaadanaysa masuuliyadda dhacdadii maantay ka dhacday Shiilamadow, Haddii aysan samayn taasina ay masuuliyadeeda ay qaadanayaan Dowladda Federaalka iyo Galmudug.

3- Dadka shacabka ah ee Waqooyiga gobalka Galgaduud ee beesha Sadde ayuu Ugaaska ugu baaqay in ay ka tashadaan aayahooda shirna ay iskugu yimaadaan.
Never should these weapons be returned. How many clans is being armed by fgs under macwisley. Not a peep when these clans use weapons for clan wars or talks of returning weapons to govt.

FGS should be consistent about disarming and weapons sharing. Not give to certain clans and put others at disadvantage. Cabduwaq should stand ground nothing to gain from returning weapons it’s not like yall had peace anyways


Never should these weapons be returned. How many clans is being armed by fgs under macwisley. Not a peep when these clans use weapons for clan wars or talks of returning weapons to govt.

FGS should be consistent about disarming and weapons sharing. Not give to certain clans and put others at disadvantage. Cabduwaq should stand ground nothing to gain from returning weapons it’s not like yall had peace anyways
Retarded fgs and hu2s made a peace treaty with al shabab so they can fight mareexan.


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