Arms shipment seized by Caabudwaaq citizens

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
Never should these weapons be returned. How many clans is being armed by fgs under macwisley. Not a peep when these clans use weapons for clan wars or talks of returning weapons to govt.

FGS should be consistent about disarming and weapons sharing. Not give to certain clans and put others at disadvantage. Cabduwaq should stand ground nothing to gain from returning weapons it’s not like yall had peace anyways
I would be scared shit if I was the fgs too they just flooded caabudwaaq with more guns and heavy weapons then they've used to equip the galnus state army

Bangeele ila Doolo every household has a 3 rifles, 3 pistols and a machine gun even the little kids.

The city is on lockdown as of now, teknikos, zuugs, bebes and cidan are patrolling the city rn and ofc there is the reinforcements coming in from the other towns and tuulos, there will be a shir between all marexaan elders to decide what the plan is moving forward until then the situation will remain tense.

Hutu can come and



Let them come try apparently 200 Dashikis were taken good luck.
Fake numbers sxb dshk are around the 20 mark. Its impossible to carry the number that you claim in 2 trucks lol

This has nothing to do with Villa Somalia. Just iljeex opposition politicians and businessmen using their funds to pay off SNA, Nisa and police in Galmudug who are of the same clan. HG hub itobiya ka soo gadatay wax cusub ma ahan


I would be scared shit if I was the fgs too they just flooded caabudwaaq with more guns and heavy weapons then they've used to equip the galnus state army

Bangeele ila Doolo every household has a 3 rifles, 3 pistols and a machine gun even the little kids.

The city is on lockdown as of now, teknikos, zuugs, bebes and cidan are patrolling the city rn and ofc there is the reinforcements coming in from the other towns and tuulos, there will be a shir between all marexaan elders to decide what the plan is moving forward until then the situation will remain tense.

Hutu can come and

Macwsiley have been getting armed to teeth as well many shipments like this and massive amounts of armour and weapons. Crazy how much weapons in Somalia right now. Will be big job for future govt to disarm all these clans. Yemeni Iranian and Ethiopians making living off our squabbles


Retarded fgs and hu2s made a peace treaty with al shabab so they can fight mareexan.
MX getting attacked with a lot of the weapons supposed to be used for Al shabab offensive same thing in mudug where Sacad trying to go take land in galdogob and bully lk

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
Macwsiley have been getting armed to teeth as well many shipments like this and massive amounts of armour and weapons. Crazy how much weapons in Somalia right now. Will be big job for future govt to disarm all these clans. Yemeni Iranian and Ethiopians making living off our squabbles
Future govts won't disarm them but integrate millitas into a regional network of division and brigades. We have to apply federalism not only to goverment but everything under it. Why have a central army but not a central goverment.

Yh somalis have a shit ton of weapons some where in the millions in total when accounting for small arms.

I can only imagine how the first soldiers in the civil war felt when they fired a ZU-23 for the first time after looting goverment facilities
Fake numbers sxb dshk are around the 20 mark. Its impossible to carry the number that you claim in 2 trucks lol

This has nothing to do with Villa Somalia. Just iljeex opposition politicians and businessmen using their funds to pay off SNA, Nisa and police in Galmudug who are of the same clan. HG hub itobiya ka soo gadatay wax cusub ma ahan
20? Did you see the size of those trucks and the boxes full of weapons peaking out? I hope this is you (?in)successfully coping with what happened today or you can't do basic math those trucks were around 20ft wide and 7 ft tall and there are two of them. They jampacked boxed and unboxed AK 47s, DShKs, pistols, mines, mortars and other assorted weapons in to the cargo space
x two. Say mashallah and hope that some cheap weapons will finally enter mogadishu market.


Galmudug govt got right priorities figure out who brining weapons into state and what their intentions are. Qor Qor especially with elections coming up needs to be wary


I got intel.

This was a massive cache of weaponry, over 15 million USD worth of arms. The owners were Habar Gedir and HSM had signed it off (turned a blind eye after a bribe no doubt). They bought it from weapons sellers in Ethiopia, some say in Oromia, not the Ethiopian Federal government. The shipment was made to be owned by the Somali government with paperwork supplied to allow it safe passage through DDS.

Habar Gedir bought these weapons to fight both Mareexaan and Majeerteen. HSM wanted them to fight his qabiil wars and they were more than willing.

Kulane Jiis got wind of it from his intelligence contacts in Gode (he is an Ethio intelligence asset and reports to 3 Ethio intelligence officers based there). He informed his kinsmen in Caabudwaaq of the coming cargo and its route. The rest is history.

Habar Gedir and HSM won’t let this slide. Mareexaan have just received a massive amount of arms tipping the balance of power in the area. Habar Gedir is preparing to attack in the next few weeks with the blessing of the corrupt FGS in the guise of “fighting militias” to return the contraband weapons.

True to his nature, the corrupt and qabilist HSM will oversee another massive clan war in Mudug during his term.

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
I got intel.

This was a massive cache of weaponry, over 15 million USD worth of arms. The owners were Habar Gedir and HSM had signed it off (turned a blind eye after a bribe no doubt). They bought it from weapons sellers in Ethiopia, some say in Oromia, not the Ethiopian Federal government. The shipment was made to be owned by the Somali government with paperwork supplied to allow it safe passage through DDS.

Habar Gedir bought these weapons to fight both Mareexaan and Majeerteen. HSM wanted them to fight his qabiil wars and they were more than willing.

Kulane Jiis got wind of it from his intelligence contacts in Gode (he is an Ethio intelligence asset and reports to 3 Ethio intelligence officers based there). He informed his kinsmen in Caabudwaaq of the coming cargo and its route. The rest is history.

Habar Gedir and HSM won’t let this slide. Mareexaan have just received a massive amount of arms tipping the balance of power in the area. Habar Gedir is preparing to attack in the next few weeks with the blessing of the corrupt FGS in the guise of “fighting militias” to return the contraband weapons.

True to his nature, the corrupt and qabilist HSM will oversee another massive clan war in Mudug during his term.
@Abaq you are familiar with DDS goverment, do you think the FGS lying to DDS about the owners and intended location of this shipment will affect their relationship and do you think the Ethiopian Federal Goverment will raise concerns with Villa Somalia about bypassing Addis Abba to buy weapons from Ethiopian smugglers who might be supplying OLF or amhar rebels


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Good job on mx for seizing illegal weapons headed into the country. If only PL would do the same in bosaso. The FGS statement shows that it is in fact their’s, the locals weren’t given preemptive knowledge regarding this, so they rightfully stopped the unknown truck coming into Somalia. Should they return the weapons? Absolutely not, the fact that they were kept in the dark shows that it was to cause instability in the region. Shame on the president for inciting Qabil wars, and the NISA are definitely wrong if what other people saying about them firing first is true.

@Aiman12 these people would have stopped foreigners trying to enter Somalia aswell, so let’s not criticize too harshly.

The arms embargo will be put back in place for all this chimping out


I got intel.

This was a massive cache of weaponry, over 15 million USD worth of arms. The owners were Habar Gedir and HSM had signed it off (turned a blind eye after a bribe no doubt). They bought it from weapons sellers in Ethiopia, some say in Oromia, not the Ethiopian Federal government. The shipment was made to be owned by the Somali government with paperwork supplied to allow it safe passage through DDS.

Habar Gedir bought these weapons to fight both Mareexaan and Majeerteen. HSM wanted them to fight his qabiil wars and they were more than willing.

Kulane Jiis got wind of it from his intelligence contacts in Gode (he is an Ethio intelligence asset and reports to 3 Ethio intelligence officers based there). He informed his kinsmen in Caabudwaaq of the coming cargo and its route. The rest is history.

Habar Gedir and HSM won’t let this slide. Mareexaan have just received a massive amount of arms tipping the balance of power in the area. Habar Gedir is preparing to attack in the next few weeks with the blessing of the corrupt FGS in the guise of “fighting militias” to return the contraband weapons.

True to his nature, the corrupt and qabilist HSM will oversee another massive clan war in Mudug during his term.
I don’t know it’s possible. But just as possible FGs want to overthrow Qor Qor election time anything possible especially with galmudug message being different from fgs
I got intel.

This was a massive cache of weaponry, over 15 million USD worth of arms. The owners were Habar Gedir and HSM had signed it off (turned a blind eye after a bribe no doubt). They bought it from weapons sellers in Ethiopia, some say in Oromia, not the Ethiopian Federal government. The shipment was made to be owned by the Somali government with paperwork supplied to allow it safe passage through DDS.

Habar Gedir bought these weapons to fight both Mareexaan and Majeerteen. HSM wanted them to fight his qabiil wars and they were more than willing.

Kulane Jiis got wind of it from his intelligence contacts in Gode (he is an Ethio intelligence asset and reports to 3 Ethio intelligence officers based there). He informed his kinsmen in Caabudwaaq of the coming cargo and its route. The rest is history.

Habar Gedir and HSM won’t let this slide. Mareexaan have just received a massive amount of arms tipping the balance of power in the area. Habar Gedir is preparing to attack in the next few weeks with the blessing of the corrupt FGS in the guise of “fighting militias” to return the contraband weapons.

True to his nature, the corrupt and qabilist HSM will oversee another massive clan war in Mudug during his term.
Imagine if that money went into development projects. It cost 4 million less than 15 million USD to build Gode airport. Dhuusomareeb could've got a fully standard airport on par with Gode with that.
Libaan shuluq went shopping straight after his 4 million cheque for his service at the dabdamiska and lost it all :dead:

I don’t know it’s possible. But just as possible FGs want to overthrow Qor Qor election time anything possible especially with galmudug message being different from fgs

Yep it’s to fuel clan wars, destabilise the region, remove qorqor and install libaan shuluq. Galmudug state is on high alert now. Galmudug court is now dealing with the case.


Libaan shuluq went shopping straight after his 4 million cheque for his service at the dabdamiska and lost it all :dead:

Yep it’s to fuel clan wars, destabilise the region, remove qorqor and install libaan shuluq. Galmudug state is on high alert now. Galmudug court is now dealing with the case.
Makes sense election time always cranks up heat in Somalia. Always delays extensions and threats To overthrow. Cabduwaq did right thing seizing weapons no outcome that will be good for them will come from weapons going into clan or liban hands. Better safe than sorry


@Abaq you are familiar with DDS goverment, do you think the FGS lying to DDS about the owners and intended location of this shipment will affect their relationship and do you think the Ethiopian Federal Goverment will raise concerns with Villa Somalia about bypassing Addis Abba to buy weapons from Ethiopian smugglers who might be supplying OLF or amhar rebels
Ethiopia is a paper state currently. Each regional state is practically independent and get no financial support from Addis. DDS will definitely be worried about weapons flowing through its territory but their main concern is the Oromo-Afar border. The Ethio government probably won’t like it but they are too weak currently. Some Ethio gov officials might even be complicit in this illegal trade due to the financial crisis Ethiopia is currently in (salaries aren’t being paid)


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
I got intel.

This was a massive cache of weaponry, over 15 million USD worth of arms. The owners were Habar Gedir and HSM had signed it off (turned a blind eye after a bribe no doubt). They bought it from weapons sellers in Ethiopia, some say in Oromia, not the Ethiopian Federal government. The shipment was made to be owned by the Somali government with paperwork supplied to allow it safe passage through DDS.

Habar Gedir bought these weapons to fight both Mareexaan and Majeerteen. HSM wanted them to fight his qabiil wars and they were more than willing.

Kulane Jiis got wind of it from his intelligence contacts in Gode (he is an Ethio intelligence asset and reports to 3 Ethio intelligence officers based there). He informed his kinsmen in Caabudwaaq of the coming cargo and its route. The rest is history.

Habar Gedir and HSM won’t let this slide. Mareexaan have just received a massive amount of arms tipping the balance of power in the area. Habar Gedir is preparing to attack in the next few weeks with the blessing of the corrupt FGS in the guise of “fighting militias” to return the contraband weapons.

True to his nature, the corrupt and qabilist HSM will oversee another massive clan war in Mudug during his term.
Surely Ogaden knew about this? We didnt they loot the weapons themselves? They had to go through Makaahiil land to reach Cabudwaaq.


I don’t know it’s possible. But just as possible FGs want to overthrow Qor Qor election time anything possible especially with galmudug message being different from fgs
There is another version of events which state this as well. HG opposed to Qoorqoor imported these weapons with the blessing of HSM to overthrow QQ. This is why Galmudug came out with a press release saying they will go after the weapons smugglers (ie HG politicians that are trying to get rid of QQ) whereas the FGS said they will attack Caabudwaaq which ruined their plan.


Surely Ogaden knew about this? We didnt they loot the weapons themselves? They had to go through Makaahiil land to reach Cabudwaaq.
My sources tell me the weapon dealers in Ethio in cahoots with the FGS labelled the weapons as belonging to the FGS and they had the necessary paperwork. So unless DDS wanted to trigger a regional crisis and get in Addis’ bad side, they had to let the weapons through, even if they knew. I’m certain ree Caabudwaaq were tipped off by DDS OG intel as DDS couldn’t do anything directly


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