Everyone is following the presidents example. Police and military don’t exist on a national level yet to maintain security. People on this thread hate the hypocritical FGS which has more weaponry to give to Somalia killing a rival clan than to anyone willing to stop Ethiopia. Sxb I’m tired of FGS bs. He’s trying to get QQ outta there by arming a homegrown badbado qaran in GM. The ones illegally transporting weapons through an unauthorized area is FGS, so they’re in the wrong here. With people this stupid and qabiliste as president, an arms embargo is needed.thats the problem, they are literally just people, not militia, police or state military. its still crazy to me that majority of people on this thread see absolutely no problem with citizens looting military grade hardware like its still 91, if they didnt want to send it back they should have let gm admin handle it.
this is exactly what people mock somalia for, anarchy, no law, authority or accountability just people doing whatever they want
if this is normalized embargo will be slapped back on us in no time