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Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
- This Syrian guy who came with 2 of his ftiends touches my arm with his finger rubs his finger on a dark area of the bus seat saying " i didnt knew could colour off like that" I beat his coward ass up but I Bled from the nose but was worth it. Iranian guy who dissed my mom by saying she looks wellfed for being Somali after the fight I took the guys expensive shoes and threw them up on the hghest roof near me . A friend who tried to bang my sister whose 14 he deserved that broken arm and in Hargeisa a few years back This guy was throwing kittens in thorny bushes when that cat screamed of pain I ran towards the guy he ran away I check up on the kittens one of the kittens passed away unfurtuonately the other one Is my pet I call him Ramzi

Why would he insult an older woman. Good on your part for beating him up. :salute: I would have gone crazy if it happened to me. Activate the is qarxis mode :birdman:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Why would he insult an older woman. Good on your part for beating him up. :salute: I would have gone crazy if it happened to me. Activate the is qarxis mode :birdman:
The guy was a weirdo anyway one time he was on his knees praying that hitler gets resurrected


What are you trying to say vixr? :ohreally:

@Mercury I hope you got the hint. :yousmart:
I'm saying male facial hair isn't soft, it hurts lol, hence the creation of the lovely mixture we like to call beard oil. You be sure to use it, too, merka. The kisses you get will increase exponentially
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