Atheists have no place in Somalia

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Shut the f*ck up.

More than 95% of Somalis don't live in the West, so why are you trying to base Somalia's Government Policy towards Atheists on the relatively few Somalis who reside in Western countries?

There are more Somalis in Galkaacyo then all of North America, yet you wanna prioritize Somalia's national interests on those tiny percentage of Westerner Somalis.

Do you realize how stupid you sound?

P.S. And yes, people do change all the time. But what happens if someone were to die before converting back to Islam? What do you think will happen to a Somali on Yawmal Qiyamah if he dies in a state of disbelief? Do you think the outcome will be pretty, and why the hell are you taking the issue of apostasy so lightly ?
When Somalia was secular country in 60s and 70s we were 4 strongest country in Africa. Best health factories industries cleanest city in Africa, schools and the Somali men who did it were liberal went to for school Russia and Italy UK.
@Kaafiye do you care about my fate on judgement day? Is that why always bash Atheists? Are you actually worried that I might die without repenting to Allah?

I'm not worried about you cause you're an online character who I don't know. But I am indeed worried over the people I do personally know, and how disastrous the consequences of Atheism are on Judgment Day.
When Somalia was secular country in 60s and 70s we were 4 strongest country in Africa. Best health factories industries cleanest city in Africa, schools and the Somali men who did it were liberal went to for school Russia and Italy UK.

Lol quit your false pride. I can show you National Geographic Articles dating back to 1982 where it was speaking on Somalia's famine and severe malnutrition.

Even in the Siyad Barre era, Somalia was a poor third-world dictatorship with poor infrastructure, low quality of living, and dependent on Soviet foreign aid.
Are they from Puntland or are they from the West? Quit your lies and trolling, it isn't funny.
Shut the f*ck up.

More than 95% of Somalis don't live in the West, so why are you trying to base Somalia's Government Policy towards Atheists on the relatively few Somalis who reside in Western countries?

There are more Somalis in Galkaacyo then all of North America, yet you wanna prioritize Somalia's national interests on those tiny percentage of Westerner Somalis.

Do you realize how stupid you sound?

P.S. And yes, people do change all the time. But what happens if someone were to die before converting back to Islam? What do you think will happen to a Somali on Yawmal Qiyamah if he dies in a state of disbelief? Do you think the outcome will be pretty, and why the hell are you taking the issue of apostasy so lightly ?
Libya and Saudi are both 99% Muslim countries watch how they treat our refugees and compared to UK Norway Finland. Plz improve your argument not use dirty words and insults would not cover up the fact that western atheist will treat more human than Muslim in Saudi or Libya. This is not insult to Islam. I am wallahi Muslim
Somalis it's important to cherish your religion, but please let's move beyond the pre-feudal mentality.
Somalia will never become an advanced country if people don't have freedom of thought and belief. This essential freedom is what brings creativity and dynamism to a society, not a stifling conformity to old ways. This is my slogan: "Up with Islam, down with Islamic chauvinism, freedom for all."
what is this attack on cadcad I'm assuming its against rer hamar people? So, at least they are Muslim they can have their say, but we don't trust gaalo.
Wtf is this guy talking about? I'm pretty sure over 97% of Muslims live in their own countries or other Muslim countries.
Oh yh and xaarka iska dakh you smell like shit

Thousands of Somalis spend their life savings and get on boats risking their lives to reach the West. They rather take the risk and reach the secular West than stay home.

The entire country would be empty if they too had the money to make the trip.

The other option is to go to the brotherly nations but the brotherly nations from Malaysia to UAE will not let you live with them. They will not give you residency permits, forget about citizenship. You can only visit them visa free for a month or so because you have Western passports. Try going to Dubai or Doha with your Somalia or Pakistani or Bangladeshi passport on a visit; you won't be given visa free entry.

The ummah

Libya and Saudi are both 99% Muslim countries watch how they treat our refugees and compared to UK Norway Finland. Plz improve your argument not use dirty words and insults would not cover up the fact that western atheist will treat more human than Muslim in Saudi or Libya. This is not insult to Islam. I am wallahi Muslim

Why do you care how Libya and Saudi behave? Who gives a shit about the conduct of these foreign Arab countries? You're making an ass of yourself here because you're implicitly equating Arabness with Islam.

Lol quit your false pride. I can show you National Geographic Articles dating back to 1982 where it was speaking on Somalia's famine and severe malnutrition.

Even in the Siyad Barre era, Somalia was a poor third-world dictatorship with poor infrastructure, low quality of living, and dependent on Soviet foreign aid.
That was after 77 war and lost of war our economic failed due refugee crisis from Ogaden and loans that government had to pay to world bank plus civil war in north which lead to more refugees and pressure from apposition inside and outside of country.
Thousands of Somalis spend their life savings and get on boats risking their lives to reach the West. They rather take the risk and reach the secular West than stay home.

The entire country would be empty if they too had the money to make the trip.

The other option is to go to the brotherly nations but the brotherly nations from Malaysia to UAE will not let you live with them. They will not give you residency permits, forget about citizenship. You can only visit them visa free for a month or so because you have Western passports. Try going to Dubai or Doha with your Somalia or Pakistani or Bangladeshi passport on a visit; you won't be given visa free entry.

The ummah


Isn't that how it is in almost every country though? China and India and Brazil and Bolivia and almost every fucking country in the world is extremely strict on who they let in.

So why are you singling out Muslims?
That was after 77 war and lost of war our economic failed due refugee crisis from Ogaden and loans that government had to pay to world bank plus civil war in north which lead to more refugees and pressure from apposition inside and outside of country.

Lol are you actually trying to argue that Somalis were living well during the time of Siyad Barre?



Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
>I am an Athiest
>goes back home and probably greets his parents with asalamu aleykum


It's a cultural thing dude. I still say things like InshaAllah and Salama Caleykum, not because I believe in Allah but because I'm so used to saying it for most of my life. I also say Jesus Christ sometimes, and I don't believe in Jesus.
Third question is how did your beloved Islam help your beloved Xaraab cad cad from the onslaught that befell them ?
what is this attack on cadcad I'm assuming its against rer hamar people? So, at least they are Muslim they can have their say, but we don't trust gaalo.

We don't trust Gaalo but the whole world got their hands on Somalia, the south is poorly protected by gaalo yall don't trust the Gaalo but yall trust Gaalo money :chrisfreshhah: yall don't trust gaalo but yall trust to be educated by a gaal system and housed in a gaal country and be protected by gaalo :chrisfreshhah:
Isn't that how it is in almost every country though? China and India and Brazil and Bolivia and almost every fucking country in the world is extremely strict on who they let in.

So why are you singling out Muslims?

A White Western man has a MUCH easier time moving to Jeddah, Dubai and Doha than a Pakistani or Somali or Bangladeshi or Indonesian or Chechen. It doesn't matter the job position offer they got. It can be from mall cop to consultancy. They don't even need a job offer; they can simply move and live there.

They also get a much better salary and benefits package in the Middle East than even a Pakistani or Somali Western passport holder.

How does that make you feel?
Atheists have a place in Somalia! Y'all already got Christians roaming around with guns and a UN badge!

Viva Somaliland!
You low iq would not distinguish between atheist Somali who defending his country and Christian Kenyan who invading his country. You are dumb
Somalis it's important to cherish your religion, but please let's move beyond the pre-feudal mentality.
Somalia will never become an advanced country if people don't have freedom of thought and belief. This essential freedom is what brings creativity and dynamism to a society, not a stifling conformity to old ways. This is my slogan: "Up with Islam, down with Islamic chauvinism, freedom for all."
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