This guy is a fucking liar. I've lived there for years. This is how it goes:
People with western passports (whether he's black or white) climb up the corporate ladder quicker and they are also paid more. This is not due to the ethnicity of the person, it's what passport they're carrying.
People with khaleeji passports are second to those who carry western passports.’s-the-colour-of-your-passport/
What is your fucking point anyway? you are trying to discredit Islam by mentioning the misconduct of its adherents.
You are a fucking moron m8
One of the biggest pay differentials occurs in the United Arab Emirates where Western expats earn 12.6 per cent more than Arab equivalents, and a whopping 40.5 per cent more than Asian ones.
Joshua Yim, CEO of Singapore-based recruitment firm Achieve Group, said: "I believe this phenomenon stems from a historical perception that has roots tracing back to colonial times; that Westerners are the ‘superior colony master’.
Anyone here can tell you a white Westerner is preferable to a Somali Westerner in the M.E. Even you know that but you're embarassed to admit it. This is why they are treated better in salary packages.
You're being dishonest.
True, militant Somali atheist are doing a great disservice by constantly talking about the diin, but don't let them bring you down to their level.
They want you to get riled up and then when u say something crazy, they are going to point that out.
Somalis are moderate, tolerant Muslims. Even those who are Gaalo and atheist are allowed to live among Somalis if they aren't causing any problems.
Thats my opinion.
That proves what I said to you. What a fucking retard this guy is... LMFAO. Westerners are favoured over khaleeji arabs. khaleeji Arabs are favoured over other Arabs. Other Arabs are favoured over Asians. It's not about the ethnicity of the person. You just proved my point what a retard you are LOL.I'm not going to argue about this. You and @Kaafiye. Don't come to me and tell me you Somalis will get the same salary packages.
That proves what I said to you. What a fucking retard this guy is... LMFAO. Westerners are favoured over khaleeji arabs. khaleeji Arabs are favoured over other Arabs. Other Arabs are favoured over Asians. It's not about the ethnicity of the person. You just proved my point what a retard you are LOL.
An atheist is below a dog in Somalia
Somalis in Somalia don't think much of you (I of course do not) and they put you in 0.5.
How do non native reer Mudug Somalis get half the representation in Mogadishu city council while you get nada? They don't see you as Somali. That is why. You have no property rights. Nothing. Ask your brothers why they mistreat you. Ask them why post 1990s Mudug Somalis are given all kinds of representation in a land they arrived in after you were born while you (how many centuries were you in Xamar?) get nothing?
You came to the West for because you were respect and dignity from the kufaar Westerner. We have given it to you with public housing and education and health care. These things are out of reach to you in Somalia because you are 0.5. Don't bite the hand that feeds you and gives you dignity.
Your brothers here do not. Us kufaar Westerners do.
I have more say in Somalia than a fucking atheist if you actually believe otherwise, you are retarded. I have been to Somalia. I've not had a single problem with them and they see me as their brother wallahi.
Somalis in Somalia don't think much of you (I of course do not) and they put you in 0.5.
How do non native reer Mudug Somalis get half the representation in Mogadishu city council while you get nada? They don't see you as Somali. That is why. You have no property rights. Nothing. Ask your brothers why they mistreat you. Ask them why post 1990s Mudug Somalis are given all kinds of representation in a land they arrived in after you were born while you (how many centuries were you in Xamar?) get nothing?
You came to the West for because you were respect and dignity from the kufaar Westerner. We have given it to you with public housing and education and health care. These things are out of reach to you in Somalia because you are 0.5. Don't bite the hand that feeds you and gives you dignity.
Your brothers here do not. Us kufaar Westerners do.
You didn't answer my question how did islam help your cad cad folks when they were getting slaughtered in the past ?
Loool a Hutu acting prestigeOne of the signs surely is a .5 half breed telling us what is and what isn't acceptable in Somalia.
You really are a shaytan
We have corruption in Somalia one day this will be changed. Our deen doesn't teach us to be unfair to anyone, so why are you blaming this on Islam? There's corruption in gaalo countries too, what's your point.
That's a lie I've been there on numerous occasions smh you must be a khawrij sympathiser, they would be no mercy for an apostate in puntland.They could go to Puntland, its a save heaven for their kind.
@Kaafiye is @Salih a Somali yes or no? You said Bantus are not Somali and also people like him aren't either. You want Bantus and @Salih back to Tanzania and Yemen.
Can you restate your views here please? You only want ethnic Somalis with political representation back home. Right? Do you believe @Salih people should be President or PM of Somalia?
You really are a shaytan
We have corruption in Somalia one day this will be changed. Our deen doesn't teach us to be unfair to anyone, so why are you blaming this on Islam? There's corruption in gaalo countries too, what's your point.