AUN Doctor murderd in Galkayo

RB killed a RM guy in property dispute.
RM went back and killed 2 RB and injured 3, one of the injured lost his testicles.
RB now killed a doctor who studied in Malaysia and went back to help his people.

Bro what's the cause of all this Aano qabiil murders here, why doesn't Puntland just solve this by carvinh Galdogob into 2 gobols and just give 1 side to Leelkase and the other 1 gobol of Galdogob to Bicidyahan, problem is than solved and everyone stays their side of Galdogob.

Or do leelkase simply not accept bicidyahan as natives of Galdogob and Mudug but from Ethiopia?
Reer bicidyahan have zero claims on galdogob and they’re beefing reer galkacayo not reer galdogob. They tried to split garoosr into 3 xaafads which got rejected by leelkase also the reason want a stake in galdogob is cause of the tuur dibi custom which will never happen
Security during Gaas's tenure was much worse. Arsenal use to routinely assassinate local businessmen, wadaads, and government officials.

Even in Deni's 1st two years the situation had not improved. The assassination of the Mudug governor was the catalyst for change. The insecurity was mostly a policing issue once the government trained local policemen specifically to monitor terrorist activities the situation started to improve.

Not to mention Sanyare involving the locals and holding weekly security meetings with police chief Mumiin.
Sanyare was a man of the people they need to bring him back


Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
I have Wacays Gaalaeri blood, Gaalkacyo name literally comes from Gaalaeri clan we kicked out the Oromo from Gaalkacyo together. Cumar Maxamuud came much later after the expulsion of Oromo.
They’re amongst the city’s oldest residents. Along with Reer Maxamuud, Amartiwaaq, Danweyne, etc
Looking back at a post the slain victim made a couple of years ago, and seeing it happen to him now is beyond disheartening. May Allah heal the souring tensions between the brotherly clans involved and prevent further bloodshed of innocent lives.

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This is the video of the millitias entering the hospital and murdering Dr Zakariye AUN in cold blood.

AUN. How can someone kill a doctor who is saving people's lives for qabiil reasons.

This is the reason Somalia is cursed and is in endless civil war. We kill our educated young people who are making a change.

May Allah rectify the affairs of the somali people and bring peace and stability to our country.
This is exacly the reason why educated somalis stay in the west after their education and can you blame them