AUN Doctor murderd in Galkayo


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
AUN to dr. Sakariye Gowte. InshAllah the perpetrators will be caught and brought to justice.
Reer Biciidyahan are wrong to kill a young Doctor who got nothing to do with what his sub-clan did earlier this year. The killings are squarely on the shoulders of Mudug governor. He failed big time to build on what sanyare did. Reer Mahad Killed three RB men on board day light inside Galkacyo and the governor didn't apprehend anybody for that
Looks like Reer Bicidyahans in Mudug are the Darood version of Habargidir Cayr mooryaans. RB Beef with all the Darood clans they neighbor in Somalia whether it’s Mareexaan,Lelkase or other Majeerten subs
Aano Qabiil killers and its cheerleaders, are blood thirsty terrorists who should be strung up by their necks. This is all Puntland's fault for not intervening and placing the city under martial law until they got all the killers. Why collect taxes if they can't provide protection or at least: punishment?
Looks like Reer Bicidyahans in Mudug are the Darood version of Habargidir Cayr mooryaans. RB Beef with all the Darood clans they neighbor in Somalia whether it’s Mareexaan,Lelkase or other Majeerten subs

It may appear that way, but it's not true. All clans engage in aano qabiil and fight themselves and their neighbours. RB do not rob, rape or harm the "lama taabtaan" during aano qabiil.


Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
Looks like Reer Bicidyahans in Mudug are the Darood version of Habargidir Cayr mooryaans. RB Beef with all the Darood clans they neighbor in Somalia whether it’s Mareexaan,Lelkase or other Majeerten subs
This is untrue, it seems nobody cares about the RB men killed earlier in the year and are assuming this unfortunate incident happened out of nowhere. No clan is innocent in caano qabiil.


This is bad. These sorts of issues r hard to resolve, they won't accept the culprit clan qisas since his not the same value as the victim, and this will simmer away unresolved for decades even untill the culprit clan has high human capital person and then they will 'strike'.

This targetting of high human capital must cease in PL. Wa dhaqan aad uu xun, this is something the isimo need to stamp out across all PL. At least if u gonna kill someone, kill the useless ppl, the ones who r true burden but they won't cause their loss won't be felt.


This shit will simmer away for decades mark my word. AUN to the victim clan. They won't accept qisas when the culprit is of this value

young thug GIF

When the victim is of this value

Happy Ryan Eggold GIF by Global TV

Mark my word, the victim clan, will write it down, dates, jifi responsible and will wait till the culprit clan has someone they LOVE. I wish I knew how to solve 'aano qabiil' but it's very hard issue becuz they won't accept 'faataxo' like abgaal clans do sometime. Plus it means another haldoor maybe in 5-10 years ayaa ka baxayo Puntland, thru no fault of his own, but clan justice.


Aano qabiil must be stamped out by the ISIMO ama wallahi haldoorka will flee and noone from the diaspora will return in fear they may be targetted over no fault of their own but due to clan justice. This is hurting our base to develop, if their all marked for execution the second they are spotted by another clan who is seeking revenge for his haldoor killing.