average benadiri and barawani dna results

Ethnic Somalis weren't urban people that resided in stone towns with buildings only with Arab and Persian architecture, Arabs and persians lived alone on the coast in their own settlements.

In barawa region tunnis were agro pastoralists who prefer pastoral life over urban life they lived in the outskirts of the stone town of barawa although later when they were urbanized they settled in areas adjacent to biruuni and mpaayi.

Ajuran first came to xamar after the fall of their empire , 4 out of the 8 moorsho clans in xamarweyne claim ajuran waalamoge ;
1-Reer Maxamud Eebow
2-Reer Baatay
3-Reer Ibrahim
4-Reer khalafow.

Moorsho is a confederacy named after the neighbourhood which all 8 clans/families reside in.

In the stone town of Marka, the first hawiyes to settle there were a group known as juunji they came around 300 years ago, they're blacksmiths from Hiraab.

Mogadishu, Marka and Barawa were all established by Arabs and persians, no proof of ethnic Somalis or remains of them wether it's graves or masjids built by them or neighborhood or even architecture.
Benadaris are neither arabs nor persians, you are from Kerala and Pakistan and most likely arrived around 16th or 17th century. Go take a DNA test if you don't believe me. Genetics alone can disprove everything you've said

Also historical texts refute what you say, many ethnic Somalis were traders, craftsmen, and scholars and were described as such from the 11th century on wards. There were many Somalis in Harar who travel back and froth from Xamar as well. Eyl and other port cities are well documented settlements that similar stone buildings to Xamar, these cities were there since the time of the Roman trade network

Not all ethnic Somalis were nomads, if they we were, we'd be a total pastoralist society that had zero involvement with trade and crafts.
Interesting! Im a northerner so i don't know much about the south. I did read this one manuscript a long time ago by a shiekh from barawe in the late 1800s and part of that manuscript talked about how that sheikh dealt with omanis. One thing that was clear was that benadiris didn't view themselves in the same vein as the Omanis, meaning that there were clear cultural/ethnic divides. The people of the coast were referred to as "benadir people" while the omanis were referred to as "arabs". Does that still hold today or do you guys primarily refer to yourselves as either somali or arab?
What's the name of the sheikh?What specific tribes do you mean by banadiris because there's omani banadiris , the biggest clan of them being Al-Bakri.

Banadiris are diverse ethnically,There's gibil cad clans and gibil madow clans and families.
Gibil cad meaning lightskin ie Arabs and Persian clans.(They don't have to be necessarily lightskin as with mixing skintones change)

Gibil madow meaning darkskin ie bantus and ethnic somali clans.(They don't have to be necessarily darkskin as with mixing skintones change)
don't know why you niggas getting triggered. reer xamari cad cad niggas are some of the best somalis i know. All im saying is if you broaden the term somali to include af maay niggas then i dont see why reer xamaris cant be included
No such thing as cad cad that's a skin tone anybody could be lightskin. If you mean gibil cad then say that
What's the name of the sheikh?What specific tribes do you mean by banadiris because there's omani banadiris , the biggest clan of them being Al-Bakri.

Banadiris are diverse ethnically,There's gibil cad clans and gibil madow clans and families.
Gibil cad meaning lightskin ie Arabs and Persian clans.(They don't have to be necessarily lightskin as with mixing skintones change)

Gibil madow meaning darkskin ie bantus and ethnic somali clans.(They don't have to be necessarily darkskin as with mixing skintones change)
I believe it was Sheikh AbdulAziz Al-Amawi
Mogadishu was founded by Somali as the name is Somali,merca was founded by D%M and hawiyes, berawe was founded by tunni and garre etc, u folk came to Somalia as refugees or merchants from India mostly, there's hundred of stone cities scattered in somaliweyn, who u think build harari, Berbera,zeila etc u? u can't rewrite history Indian
If mogadishu was founded by somalis wouldn't the oldest graves found there be of ethnic somali, wouldn't there be masjids built by ethnic somalis in xamarweyne and shingaani? Or where ethnic Somalis living invisibly.

Mogadishu comes from Maq'ad Shah which is a combination of an Arabic and Persian word that's what all banadiri scholars have agreed upon.

Also stop butchering the names of our towns it's Marka and Barawa.

Hawiyes or Digil &Mirifle never founded the old stone town of Marka which is made up of Saraha and awbaale. They weren't urban people and the first hawiyes to settle in
stone town of Marka were juunjis who were blacksmiths from Hiraab and they arrived around 300 years ago.

Stone town of barawa ie mpaayi and biruuni were established by Arabs and persians also,tunnis lived in areas adjacent to them as they were agro pastoralists who preferred pastoral life to urban life.There were no intermarriages between them until tunnis became urbanized.

Harar ,Berbera and Zaylac look completely different from banadiri cities the architecture isn't identical.Old town of Zaylac may look similar since it was established by Arabs but the architecture will still vary as they were different Arabs.

Also Indians first arrived in banadir coast in the 1800s, there isn't any banadiri clan that's indian, Indian clans and families are known and they kept their identity seperate.
Possibly because he's referring to the Reer Xamar minorities. There are two different Reer Xamar groups, Group 1 (ethnic Somalis) and Group 2 (minorities). He's probably talking about the minorities, hence your confusion. Also, that Benadiri is spreading misinformation, those minorities never created cities. This claim of theirs has been debunked several times yet the ones who come on here continue peddling it. Majority of them have Indian ancestry, not Arab or Persian. I don't know why they act like that. Possibly because Somalis treated them different and they want to get back at us for other Somalis treating them like trash.
Are you even banadiri to be wafffling about Reer xamars.Gibil cads are far more than Gibil madows that's well known and gibil madows will tell you that themselves also ,Gibil madows aren't only ethnic somali they're also Bantu. You're purposely not mentioning them due to your possible hatred against them which is common amongst nomadic somalis.

If gibil madows were more there would've been more huts than Arabic style buildings in xamarweyne and shingaani.

Name me the banadiri tribes that are Indian if you're so confident about that.
sxb iska amuus u clearly uneducated calling asal somali fake, what is somali at that point, having different dailect doesn't mean that group is different ethnic group, amahara have 7 different dialects, oromo more tahn 12, somalis only having 3 is nothing, if af maay speaker take dna test they'll come out 100%
Af maay isn't a dialect it's a language with its own alphabet, seperate grammar and with several dialects within it. There's af dhoobey spoken along the shabelle river from Afgooye till buulo mareer and in wanlaweyn.
There's af reewin spoken in bay, bakool,gedo and parts of middle jubba
There's Bantu maay spoken by the specific Bantu clans in gosha region
Af tunni spoken by tunnis in barawa district and parts of middle jubba
Af dabarre & Af iroole spoken by dabarre and iroole in Diinsoor district of Bay.

Speakers of different af maay dialects can understand eachother to some extent but maxatiri speakers wouldn't be able to understand them unless they learn it.

Here's a video of af maxatiri being translated to af maay speakers of bakool
Benadaris are neither arabs nor persians, you are from Kerala and Pakistan and most likely arrived around 16th or 17th century. Go take a DNA test if you don't believe me. Genetics alone can disprove everything you've said

Also historical texts refute what you say, many ethnic Somalis were traders, craftsmen, and scholars and were described as such from the 11th century on wards. There were many Somalis in Harar who travel back and froth from Xamar as well. Eyl and other port cities are well documented settlements that similar stone buildings to Xamar, these cities were there since the time of the Roman trade network

Not all ethnic Somalis were nomads, if they we were, we'd be a total pastoralist society that had zero involvement with trade and crafts.
You're speaking out of emotions with zero factual evidence.I didn't say all ethnic somali were nomads it seems you lack basic comprehension skills, reread my first comment.

I also mentioned ethnic somali cratfsmen like juunji.There are far more craftsmen groups, however ethnic somalis of nomadic background tend to look down on them.

Eyl looks nothing like xamar or marka or barawa, There weren't any multi storey buildings of elegant Arabic design.
Banadiri stone towns and all the other stone towns accross east African coast look similar to cities in Hadhramut, Hijaz and Arabia in general.

Can you name any ancient masjid built by ethnic somalis that's even 300 years old.
Af maay isn't a dialect it's a language with its own alphabet, seperate grammar and with several dialects within it. There's af dhoobey spoken along the shabelle river from Afgooye till buulo mareer and in wanlaweyn.
There's af reewin spoken in bay, bakool,gedo and parts of middle jubba
There's Bantu maay spoken by the specific Bantu clans in gosha regiono w
Af tunni spoken by tunnis in barawa district and parts of middle jubba
Af dabarre & Af iroole spoken by dabarre and iroole in Diinsoor district of Bay.

Speakers of different af maay dialects can understand eachother to some extent but maxatiri speakers wouldn't be able to understand them unless they learn it.

Here's a video of af maxatiri being translated to af maay speakers of bakool
Firstly af tunni and af dabarre have nothing to with af maay, af maxaa tir and af maay are much more similar to each other than to the digil languages (af tunni, af jiddu, af karre, af dabarre) and have a very recent ancestor. Also an af maxaa tiri speaker can understand af maay if its not a hard dialect, for example I can understand what the man is saying in af maay here
Firstly af tunni and af dabarre have nothing to with af maay, af maxaa tir and af maay are much more similar to each other than to the digil languages (af tunni, af jiddu, af karre, af dabarre) and have a very recent ancestor. Also an af maxaa tiri speaker can understand af maay if its not a hard dialect, for example I can understand what the man is saying in af maay here
Yes they have everything to do with af maay ,closest language to af jiddu is af maay, they're not recent languages. Af maay and af maxatiri aren't similar they have different grammar, alphabet, phonology etc.

You may understand af maay after listening to it multiple times but definitely won't understand it upon first time hearing.

That man himself you're sharing (Sheeq Eething Sheeq si'id) has a video says af maay is a language.

Af tunni and af dabarre are closer to af maay than any other language whereas af garre is closer to af boon
Yes they have everything to do with af maay ,closest language to af jiddu is af maay, they're not recent languages. Af maay and af maxatiri aren't similar they have different grammar, alphabet, phonology etc.

You may understand af maay after listening to it multiple times but definitely won't understand it upon first time hearing.

That man himself you're sharing (Sheeq Eething Sheeq si'id) has a video says af maay is a language.

Af tunni and af dabarre are closer to af maay than any other language whereas af garre is closer to af boon
this wrong walaal. You're correct that af aweer/boni and af garre are similar, their in fact the same language, but the rest of what you said is not. There is no linguist that will tell you af juddu is similar to af maay, in fact af jiddu is similar to bayso tahn to af maay, af maxaa tiri or any other somaloid language. This schema shows the relation of the languages well:
Firstly af tunni and af dabarre have nothing to with af maay, af maxaa tir and af maay are much more similar to each other than to the digil languages (af tunni, af jiddu, af karre, af dabarre) and have a very recent ancestor. Also an af maxaa tiri speaker can understand af maay if its not a hard dialect, for example I can understand what the man is saying in af maay here
Also the people who speak af maay are also digil ,so to classify af tunni af jiddu and af dabarre seperately is wrong. Digil Diinsame is the ancestor of mirifle. As mirifle is son of Reewin son of Safar son of Kaalmogi son of talmadar son of Maxamed son of Digil.


This is from المنارة الهادية إلي تاريخ إمارة بارطيري a book written by Sheeq Eething Sheeq Si'id, the man in that video.
You may understand af maay after listening to it multiple times but definitely won't understand it upon first time hearing.

That man himself you're sharing (Sheeq Eething Sheeq si'id) has a video says af maay is a language.
Firstly I did understand most of what he said about the taarikh of the suldanad on the first hearing. Secondly you're saying he calls is a language but the thing is, 'language' in of itself is somewhat of a social construct, many languages like german, chinese and many others for are in fact umbrella terms for mutully unintelligable related languages that are just called dialects. In many german dialects are less similar to each other than af maay and af maxaa tiri but they aren't called a different language. There is no clear divide of what constitutes a dialect or a language.

