Babile A Historic Somali Town Has Fallen To Oromo


Nin lagumaystaa doorasho iyo inuu waxdiido hakasugin!. Tabeelaha idiin muqdaa waa magaaladii Baabilleey ee Soomaalodu lahayd boqolaal qarni maanta Oramaa Dhufta Dhufta kuqoratay ayadoo waliba Soomaali wali deggantahay!?.

Waxaan xasuustaa ayadoo xarun u ah Ururkii Itixaadka oo waliba ay degaalo kula galeen ciidankii Tikreega maantana waxaa gabigeediiba lawareegay Oramo.
Dad baa ku’oranaya Oramadu waa walaalaheen haday walaalaheen yihiin maxay dhulkayaga u boobayaan oo dadkayaga u barakicinayaan?!.

Majirto hal tuulo oo Oramo degantahay oo Kikililka Soomaalida lagu wareejiyay halka Degmooyin aad ufaraban oo 100% Soomali degantahay Oramada iyo Canfarta lagoos geeyay!.



Another Dire Dhabe, I was shocked when an Oromo told me why it was named that, he said it meant dir ayaa la dhabay meaning we fucked dirs here referring to the Issa and Gurgure. Now Babile new name will be mark my words karanle Dhabe. How weak can U be when U can't fight a bunch of Ethiopian eelays lol.

The reason I hate Somali habash phobia which has no substance as no habash has any Somali territories, it's always Oromo who r land grabbers and Somali biggest enemy but they give them a pass always and focus on non existent enemies, abiy coming for our waters is Oromo also, wake up Oromo hates u the most not even habasha. We need to focus on them not Amhara and tigray.

I don't understand Somali fear of Oromo to the point they try to treat them like their allies lol, are U that scared of a bunch of weak peasant Ethiopian eelays class 😂

Where is the Oromo @Abba Sadacha I know your the biggest enemy of Somalis but U worked your magic brilliantly where they don't see it and focus on non existent Amhara and Tigray enemies. Even that son of a biij haile sellasie we hate so much was a fuckin Oromo by descent and he hated U too due to Oromo heritage not habash. Yaa dadkan hurdada ka kiciyo it's sad watching your Oromo enemy not being karbashed like hell. Only land grabbers in Ethiopia are Oromo ppl or those of Oromo descent who are habash not true habash ppl.
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I wish a Somali patriot if it even exists to explore how many lands were lost by Somalis and all of it will be Oromo not Kikuyu or Amhara or Tigray, these ppl need to begiven correct intelligence on who your enemy is not go after dad aan waxba ku gaysan. These Oromo since the fall of adal have been on land grab missions thru simple walking invasions and migrations but now their using military which is something of a new development for these peasants. I want this documentary to be done by hareeri as intellectual inquiry of Oromo hatred for Somalis and where it stems from and if it's even resolvable or not.
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Duleedka Jigjiga waxa ka socda maad ogtahay

Why can't we have a Somali pact on Oromo at least, just clean them up as a united bloc and return to our own conflict later this is the wise thing to do as they will not spare any of us, we can't even do that which is sad. Deni plus all Somalis must put aside their conflict untill external threats r dealt with, I don't believe this will cause any unity long term because siyad tried that Ethiopian enemy unity project and we know where it leads too, but I think we can convince even the most backwards person in all clan dagaalkeena waa loo soo noqonaya Lakin nimankan kibray oo Somali dandansi ku haayo since the fall of adal aan uu midowno, karbash the hell out of them untill we know their finished and then resume our conflict at a later stage.
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What's happening they usually target dir and hawiye areas first is what I noticed not so much daroods but this could've changed I'm not sure.
Marar water dam that has stirred up a lot of controversy over the past few years has been completed and inaugurated by the Oromia State and it's president. No SRS officials were invited.

The Oromia State admin now has a chokehold on the water network and can cause floods or water shortages, displacing people in the process. This impacts Jigjiga all the way down the river to Jarar, which relies on the network as a vital water source. Marar essentially serves as the passageway for water to reach as far south as Qabridahar and even beyond there.

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Nin lagumaystaa doorasho iyo inuu waxdiido hakasugin!. Tabeelaha idiin muqdaa waa magaaladii Baabilleey ee Soomaalodu lahayd boqolaal qarni maanta Oramaa Dhufta Dhufta kuqoratay ayadoo waliba Soomaali wali deggantahay!?.

Waxaan xasuustaa ayadoo xarun u ah Ururkii Itixaadka oo waliba ay degaalo kula galeen ciidankii Tikreega maantana waxaa gabigeediiba lawareegay Oramo.
Dad baa ku’oranaya Oramadu waa walaalaheen haday walaalaheen yihiin maxay dhulkayaga u boobayaan oo dadkayaga u barakicinayaan?!.

Majirto hal tuulo oo Oramo degantahay oo Kikililka Soomaalida lagu wareejiyay halka Degmooyin aad ufaraban oo 100% Soomali degantahay Oramada iyo Canfarta lagoos geeyay!.

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dir Dhabi (does not mean were dir hit his spear on the ground in somali even 😭 in fact u dont wana know meaning of dhabe Diree Dawa in af oromo place of dawoh (medicine or remedy) but it was most likely named after Muhammed Dawa who was a Alla he worked on the train tracks and was a key leader in establishing the route and city.
Baabili district is huge and fertile. It’s just 1 of many districts we live in. It’s now part of 2 regions, Oromia + K5 and it borders the entire eastern side of Harar special admin zone.


Above is the map of east Hararghe. East Hararge has about 17 districts and we live in 9 of those districts with either majority or a large plurality. Districts include Babile, Mayu Muluqe, Haramaya, Gorugutu, Qarsa, Chinaksan (Jinacsanay), Kombolcha and Kurfa Chale. We also live in West Hararge districts of Mieso and Hawi Gudina. The areas of Hawiya Erer, Ali Keno, Hawiye Guda, and Awsharif are names of old Karanle figures buried near Harar and part of Harar special admin zone which is chartered like Dire Dawa.

Nin lagumaystaa doorasho iyo inuu waxdiido hakasugin!. Tabeelaha idiin muqdaa waa magaaladii Baabilleey ee Soomaalodu lahayd boqolaal qarni maanta Oramaa Dhufta Dhufta kuqoratay ayadoo waliba Soomaali wali deggantahay!?.

Waxaan xasuustaa ayadoo xarun u ah Ururkii Itixaadka oo waliba ay degaalo kula galeen ciidankii Tikreega maantana waxaa gabigeediiba lawareegay Oramo.
Dad baa ku’oranaya Oramadu waa walaalaheen haday walaalaheen yihiin maxay dhulkayaga u boobayaan oo dadkayaga u barakicinayaan?!.

Majirto hal tuulo oo Oramo degantahay oo Kikililka Soomaalida lagu wareejiyay halka Degmooyin aad ufaraban oo 100% Soomali degantahay Oramada iyo Canfarta lagoos geeyay!.

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acting shocked babille has been oromia since forever border is atfafem
Baabili district is huge and fertile. It’s just 1 of many districts we live in. It’s now part of 2 regions, Oromia + K5 and it borders the entire eastern side of Harar special admin zone.

View attachment 342013
Above is the map of east Hararghe. East Hararge has about 17 districts and we live in 9 of those districts with either majority or a large plurality. Districts include Babile, Mayu Muluqe, Haramaya, Gorugutu, Qarsa, Chinaksan (Jinacsanay), Kombolcha and Kurfa Chale. We also live in West Hararge districts of Mieso and Hawi Gudina. The areas of Hawiya Erer, Ali Keno, Hawiye Guda, and Awsharif are names of old Karanle figures buried near Harar and part of Harar special admin zone which is chartered like Dire Dawa.

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bro lets be real hawiya are not a majority in even one town hararghe ormia Babille is the land of Ala and terra Billie
bro this guy is mentioning cities that hawiya do not even exist in let alone karanle. only town were the hawiya makeup at least over 15 percent population is Mayu Mule (Again Alla Obbo land) and Hawiye Buda. hawiya in mieso have a small suburb of 7 houses its even closer to asebot then mieso city they said abdi iley brought us here 😭
bro lets be real hawiya are not a majority in even one town hararghe ormia Babille is the land of Ala and terra Billie

bro this guy is mentioning cities that hawiya do not even exist in let alone karanle. only town were the hawiya makeup at least over 15 percent population is Mayu Mule (Again Alla Obbo land) and Hawiye Buda. hawiya in mieso have a small suburb of 7 houses its even closer to asebot then mieso city they said abdi iley brought us here 😭
This is a map from the last century. The Hawiye sandwich all these other small tribes like Nole, Alla and Ittu in the Erer Valley. The cartographer did his best trying to squeeze all the small clans in the region but it’s obvious Hawiye and Dir dominate the Oromo tribes

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Inshallah we get Babile, Moyale, and all those other towns back. I don't suggest kicking Oromos out either btw, they just need to be apart of Somaliweyn or K5.
There needs to be a United armed resistance by every Somali clan to fight these boys. They won’t stop until they get what they want you actually just have to karbaash them

dir Dhabi (does not mean were dir hit his spear on the ground in somali even 😭 in fact u dont wana know meaning of dhabe Diree Dawa in af oromo place of dawoh (medicine or remedy) but it was most likely named after Muhammed Dawa who was a Alla he worked on the train tracks and was a key leader in establishing the route and city.
Do you speak Somali?


Reer guri
Inshallah we get Babile, Moyale, and all those other towns back. I don't suggest kicking Oromos out either btw, they just need to be apart of Somaliweyn or K5.
Moyale is still apart of Ogadenia, it’s in the dawa region of the Somali state.
The reason why they got these cities is Somali qabyalaad, which is ironic because the thread maker lives for qabil.

The Somali clans started to seek alliance with Oromos and then Oromos started claiming them. Bear in mind both karanle and gurgure speak Oromo too causing even more of a mess.

Oromos are a confederation and they believe in assimilation so to them speaking Oromo means you are Oromo and the land you live on, your culture etc will all be claimed as Oromo.

Mac sakor Somalis.


The reason why they got these cities is Somali qabyalaad, which is ironic because the thread maker lives for qabil.

The Somali clans started to seek alliance with Oromos and then Oromos started claiming them. Bear in mind both karanle and gurgure speak Oromo too causing even more of a mess.

Oromos are a confederation and they believe in assimilation so to them speaking Oromo means you are Oromo and the land you live on, your culture etc will all be claimed as Oromo.

Mac sakor Somalis.

Do U know much about them as they stole moyale, babile, dire Dhabe, and I remember they were attacking Geri kombe lands also. I know haile sellasie was of Oromo heritage but habash loyalist kinda like abiy and he started this even tho it was happening since the fall of adal, where as menguistu was madow Wayne ppl who became habash subjects. These ppl r hell bent on Somali land not the true Tigray or Amhara. Then U have @Zak12 who sees them as allies lol(allies don't steal your land) that's called Stockholm syndrome he is so scared of them 😂
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