Bantu Countries Invaded Congo to Cleanse M23 Tutsis.

I don’t think this conflict is really about religion. It’s between farmers and pastoralists fighting over grazing land. Pastoralists are mostly Muslim while farmers are mostly Christian, but the root cause isn’t due to religious differences. Are there similar tensions between Muslims and Christian’s outside of the north/central region?
Is the root cause of many conflicts not just geography? It’s manifested in a way ethnic groups seek more a kin with their brethren in other countries (Niger) and that’s what’s important
Is the root cause of many conflicts not just geography? It’s manifested in a way ethnic groups seek more a kin with their brethren in other countries (Niger) and that’s what’s important
Yea a lot of the conflicts we saw are over access to resources. Climate change will exasperate things as resources like water become even more scarce
How much Nilo-Saharan ancestry do the Tutsi have? I want to know so that I can decide if I support them or not

Must be substantial, because no population in Africa (without Nilotic ancestry) is that damn tall

How much Nilo-Saharan ancestry do the Tutsi have? I want to know so that I can decide if I support them or not

Must be substantial, because no population in Africa (without Nilotic ancestry) is that damn tall

Probably few or good amount
They got nilotic ancestry from southern Cushitic


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Kagame first supported Kabila and wanted him to put Tutsi in the government once he refused he backed rebels that’s when the second Congolese war started. Tutsi dominate Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda and he wants Tutsi to dominate Tanzania and Congo you can take out the men out of the Horn of Africa but you can’t take out the Horn of Africa in the men, what a xoogster Kagame is.
View attachment 315276
you are trying to tell us uganda burundi are tutsi /horn of africa


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