barni disgusting dp

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if i'm being real, none of the jamaican or carribean girls i know give a rat's f*ck about white men. most can't even be bothered to say they're attracted to a dude like henry cavill which left me utterly flabbergasted.

african women tend to have a tinier interest in white dudes from what i can gather, but it's mostly locale. if you grew up with white people, you tend to find them more acceptable as a mate. if you didn't, then fat chance.

can't speak for black people from america. i mean they do have a couple hundred year relationship of pejoration and oppression with the white man. i would assume that would change shit for them.
save us the bs carriabans and other africans are worse then AA when it comes to white
They don't any attention from Black men yet they had five different Black baby daddies

You seem to have reading comprehension issues. Let me break it down in simpler terms for your nomadic mind to understand:

There are two archetypes overrepresented on the cesspit known as the alley on the world wide web.

1. The bitter, obese banshee with 5 kids from 5 different baby daddies and is bitter with the way how these particular black men have treated her. This specimen typically writes walls of text on how black men "ain't shit" and has a profile on POF waiting and believing with all her heart that her white knight in shining armor will rescue her and her bastards and ride off into the sunset, despite waiting since 2009 and 2 kids earlier.

2. The young, typically dark skin black girl with deep psychological and self esteem issues. She has been largely rejected and ignored by young black men her age and seeks to blame them for her shortcomings and insecurities. She needs to learn to take responsibility for herself and that black men don't owe her any love, for she statistically won't find any love from whites.

The successful Black women venture out of that paradigm. And the best of them attract White men.

You're projecting your own beliefs and values onto black women, despite every statistic and study on dating categorically disagreeing with you. You may love and adore the white man, and that is your choice, but don't project yourself onto black women for that admiration is not shared. Black women are loyal to black men, sadly sometimes to their detriment.

I will note the very few times you will see black women marrying white men, it is usually professionally successful and established men unlike with Faradheer women who only can seem to get the losers and rejects among them.
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you got your facts wrong is the other way around the hood rat tend to be more loyal then the successful ones successful blacks men/women tend to become coons and seek the acceptence of white is one of the reason why most blacks call anybody who talks in normal english acting white usually if they don't speak in slang there white kiss ups

Most of the data I am using to bolster my arguments comes from online dating sites, the majority of their users typically being educated and gainfully employed. The "uncle Tom" phenomenon exists, but I would say it is definitely much more prevalent with black men than black women


Queen of the light
You seem to have reading comprehension issues. Let me break it down in simpler terms for your nomadic mind to understand:

There are two archetypes overrepresented on the cesdpit known as the alley on the world wide web.

1. The bitter, obese banshee with 5 kids from 5 different baby daddies and is bitter with the way how these particular black men have treated her. This specimen typically writes walls of text on how black men "ain't shit" and has a profile on POF waiting and believing with all her heart that her white knight in shining armor will rescue her and her bastards and ride off into the sunset, despite waiting since 2009 and 2 kids earlier.

2. The young, typically dark skin black girl with deep psychological and self esteem issues. She has been largely rejected and ignored by young black men her age and seeks to blame them for her shortcomings and insecurities. She needs to learn to take responsibility for herself and that black men don't owe her any love, for she statistically won't find any love from whites.

You're projecting your own beliefs and values onto black women, despite every statistic and study on dating categorically disagreeing with you. You may love and adore the white man, and that is your choice, but don't project yourself onto black women for that admiration is not shared. Black women are loyal to black men, sadly sometimes to their detriment.

I will note the very few times you will see black women marrying white men, it is usually professionally successful and established men unlike with Faradheer women who only can seem to get the losers and rejects among them.
Not all women want a reject loser as their spouse I would reach far higher then some drugged up loser if I chose to marry out. Why would one wish to be content with low class men ? Is beyond me a mystery indeed.


Suicidal men adore me.
palm trees in the snow they have it on Netflix

It's Okayish. The romanticized colonization a bit too much but I like the references about the bubi people and their culture. The movive was waaaaay tooooooo looong. And the love story between the couple in my avi was cute.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
It's Okayish. The romanticized colonization a bit too much but I like the references about the bubi people and their culture. The movive was waaaaay tooooooo looong. And the love story between the couple in my avi was cute.
exactly its like 3 hours long palla inte se på filmer som är såå långa
Jubba mans is only active on SSpot when has something rude to say about Somali women

It must be some AMISOM conspiracy to keeping the Somali woman down. I am certainly a believer that #SomaliWomenMatter. I reiterate that.

On a more serious note, I took contention only with your faradheer sister projecting her interracial fetish on black women despite all facts and statistics contradicting her claim.


Suicidal men adore me.
omg they're dating in real life


Tell men when I should call 911 for yall poor hearts

@Bahal @Freebandz @Jubba_Man


Suicidal men adore me.
It must be some AMISOM conspiracy to keeping the Somali woman down. I am certainly a believer that #SomaliWomenMatter. I reiterate that.

On a more serious note, I took contention only with your faradheer sister projecting her interracial fetish on black women despite all facts and statistics contradicting her claim.

No AMISOM conspiracy. Somali men have done enough already.

And you always claim to be bantu why is a bantu so concerned with Somali women?
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