barni disgusting dp

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You seem to have reading comprehension issues. Let me break it down in simpler terms for your nomadic mind to understand:

There are two archetypes overrepresented on the cesspit known as the alley on the world wide web.

1. The bitter, obese banshee with 5 kids from 5 different baby daddies and is bitter with the way how these particular black men have treated her. This specimen typically writes walls of text on how black men "ain't shit" and has a profile on POF waiting and believing with all her heart that her white knight in shining armor will rescue her and her bastards and ride off into the sunset, despite waiting since 2009 and 2 kids earlier.

2. The young, typically dark skin black girl with deep psychological and self esteem issues. She has been largely rejected and ignored by young black men her age and seeks to blame them for her shortcomings and insecurities. She needs to learn to take responsibility for herself and that black men don't owe her any love, for she statistically won't find any love from whites.

You're projecting your own beliefs and values onto black women, despite every statistic and study on dating categorically disagreeing with you. You may love and adore the white man, and that is your choice, but don't project yourself onto black women for that admiration is not shared. Black women are loyal to black men, sadly sometimes to their detriment.

I will note the very few times you will see black women marrying white men, it is usually professionally successful and established men unlike with Faradheer women who only can seem to get the losers and rejects among them.

Black American women are as open as their options. When they're successful, especially if also attractive, they move away from that paradigm you described and gladly shift their gazes to White men, Asian men, Hispanic men, etc. The White men are attracted to the best of them, and the rest stay single, unable to find a suitable Black man after having pulled themselves out of that abyss most of their men still reside in. The educated Black man, on the other hand, dates out almost exclusively and is more successful at it, tho without the benefit of longevity. Whilst, the Black woman is as open as her options, with the upside of longevity.


Queen of the light
Black American women are as open as their options. When they're successful, especially if also attractive, they move away from that paradigm you described and gladly shift their gazes to White men, Asian men, Hispanic men, etc. The White men are attracted to the best of them, the rest stay single, unable to find a suitable Black man after having pulled themselves out of that abyss most of them still reside in. The educated Black man, on the other hand, dates out almost exclusively. The Black woman is as open as her options.
Let women chose to marry who they like why are these men so concerned dammit it's not your mind it's theirs. Women more than ever have a choice who they would like as their spouse no more racial discrimination only minorities who hate this are arabs somalis etc. Don't hate embrace


omg they're dating in real life


Tell men when I should call 911 for yall poor hearts

@Bahal @Freebandz @Jubba_Man
is always team natural:uCkf6mf:
And you always claim to be bantu why is a bantu so concerned with Somali women?

It is easy to get under your skins and provoke a reaction. You are the easiest group to troll. But, as you have observed, I have largely stopped my antics until this topic. Just don't speak about black women and black people and we are good.


It is easy to get under your skins and provoke a reaction. You are the easiest group to troll. But, as you have observed, I have largely stopped my antics until this topic. Just don't speak about black women and black people and we are good.


Suicidal men adore me.
It is easy to get under your skins and provoke a reaction. You are the easiest group to troll. But, as you have observed, I have largely stopped my antics until this topic. Just don't speak about black women and black people and we are good.

I speak about what I like. Just like you do.
Black American women are as open as their options. When they're successful, especially if also attractive, they move away from that paradigm you described and gladly shift their gazes to White men, Asian men, Hispanic men, etc. The White men are attracted to the best of them, and the rest stay single, unable to find a suitable Black man after having pulled themselves out of that abyss most of their men still reside in. The educated Black man, on the other hand, dates out almost exclusively and is more successful at it, tho without the benefit of longevity. Whilst, the Black woman is as open as her options, with the upside of longevity.

I see lots of LSA buzzwords and tired cliches that are completely inconsistent with the facts. For starters, the educated black men dating out is nothing more than the delusions of unwated single mother heffers:

Four Myths about Black Marriage

"Black men drop black women as soon as they reach a certain level of success, donโ€™t they? While plenty of rap stars, athletes and musicians may choose to date or marry interracially when they achieve fame, the same is not true for the bulk of successful black men. By analyzing census data, Toldson and Marks found that 83 percent of married black men who earned at least $100,000 annually got hitched to black women".

Same study even a larger proportion of college educated black women ("almost all" as you would put it) married to black men. Further busting the tired rhetoric of the typical angry and lonely black woman you are parroting here.

Oh, and before you try the typical retort of "that is not common among the younger generation", online dating statistics which is much more common among educated millennials than the older generation disproves you yet again:

OKCupid: Race and Attraction

As you can see, white men and other minority men typically have to earn substantially more to garner the attention of a black woman than a black man, completely demolishing your deluded notions that they actively seek them out at the expense of their men.

It would be wise of you at this point to stop projecting your interracial fetish on proud group of women who love themselves and their heritage and believe in preservation of their ethnic identity.
I speak about what I like. Just like you do.

Then don't get mad and cry foul when I put you in your place.
Yes I promote the erasure of all black men. Imagine a world without them :chrisfreshhah:

At the rate we are going, the Somali will go extinct far, far, far earlier before any threat of the black man is threatened with going the way of the Dinosaur. We are in good shape, can't say the same about your people.

It is interesting however. The fact that you think black women or Somali woman can exist independently of their men. All one needs to cite in recent history to discredit your feminist delusion is Argentina and how there are no black people there anymore. Now I understand why your people say a woman has no qabil. There is great wisdom in that statement.


I see lots of LSA buzzwords and tired cliches that are completely inconsistent with the facts. For starters, the educated black men dating out is nothing more than the delusions of unwated single mother heffers:

Four Myths about Black Marriage

"Black men drop black women as soon as they reach a certain level of success, donโ€™t they? While plenty of rap stars, athletes and musicians may choose to date or marry interracially when they achieve fame, the same is not true for the bulk of successful black men. By analyzing census data, Toldson and Marks found that 83 percent of married black men who earned at least $100,000 annually got hitched to black women".

Same study even a larger proportion of college educated black women ("almost all" as you would put it) married to black men. Further busting the tired rhetoric of the typical angry and lonely black woman you are parroting here.

Oh, and before you try the typical retort of "that is not common among the younger generation", online dating statistics which is much more common among educated millennials than the older generation disproves you yet again:

OKCupid: Race and Attraction

As you can see, white men and other minority men typically have to earn substantially more to garner the attention of a black woman than a black man, completely demolishing your deluded notions that they actively seek them out at the expense of their men.

It would be wise of you at this point to stop projecting your interracial fetish on proud group of women who love themselves and their heritage and believe in preservation of their ethnic identity.


Lol. OKCupid.


Well, I have no stake in this, anyway.


Suicidal men adore me.
Then don't get mad and cry foul when I put you in your place.

At the rate we are going, the Somali will go extinct far, far, far earlier before any threat of the black man is threatened with going the way of the Dinosaur. We are in good shape, can't say the same about your people.

It is interesting however. The fact that you think black women or Somali woman can exist independently of their men. All one needs to cite in recent history to discredit your feminist delusion is Argentina and how there are no black people there anymore. Now I understand why your people say a woman has no qabil. There is great wisdom in that statement.

Waryaada this foreigner is obsessed with Somali women. It's honestly concerning.
I don't have an obsession with black men tho :drakelaugh:

I don't even notice them ALLHAMDULLILAH :damn:

You clearly love talking about us on here again and again. I thought that was the determining factor one is obsessed with a group according to your own logic. Trust me when I say I don't at all notice your Faradheer sisters. The feeling is mutual. :manny:
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