Best solution to qabiil problem

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Suicidal men adore me.
I'll gladly marry a Midgaan. Somalis and their stupid qabil structures. What's wrong with midgaans? They're Somali too?

Somalia needs a revolution like yesterday
I know the Somali mentality and their hypocrisy :ivers:
No not all tribes discraminated against Midgaan, the MJ and Marahan married them always and never discraminated them, only the backwards tribes like Dhulbahanta, Warsangali and Isaaq who practice this behaviour but new generation are starting to reject this bullshit and fake fairlytales.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Why just these two groups? I think ALL qabils need to come together.

I mentioned them cause many look down on em for various reasons now if they have a few rich and succesfull ones Than ppl would forget about dissing em


Why would anyone look down on anyone for that matter, just because of qabiil? Somalis can be so sick sometimes... Both Abgaals and Madhibaan are Somalis. I don't go around and ask every Somali what their clan is because things like that doesn't matter to me at all.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Why would anyone look down on anyone for that matter, just because of qabiil? Somalis can be so sick sometimes... Both Abgaals and Madhibaan are Somalis. I don't go around and ask every Somali what their clan is because things like that doesn't matter to me at all.

They have nothing better to talk about I dont Even know many of My friends qabiil cause it's just weird to me


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
I'll gladly marry a Midgaan. Somalis and their stupid qabil structures. What's wrong with midgaans? They're Somali too?

Somalia needs a revolution like yesterday


Your kids will be heavily bullied for being Midgaan. It's not worth it.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Why would anyone look down on anyone for that matter, just because of qabiil? Somalis can be so sick sometimes... Both Abgaals and Madhibaan are Somalis. I don't go around and ask every Somali what their clan is because things like that doesn't matter to me at all.

People ask each other subtly now. Like whuch city/town are you from. If you say Jigjiga there's a high chance you're Ogaden. If you say Las Canood there's a huge chance you're Dhulbahante etc etc.


People ask each other subtly now. Like whuch city/town are you from. If you say Jigjiga there's a high chance you're Ogaden. If you say Las Canood there's a huge chance you're Dhulbahante etc etc.
I'm not good with knowing what clans live in which cities though... Lol


Loves milk is lactose intolerant, kill me
marry someone else other then your qabiil. If you have a father and mother from different clans then you wont be as hateful of other clans and you will have less qabiil centric view. Is it viable solution to qabiilism?
Could be a solution since my parents are from different qabiil and I have never had a problem with other qabiil but then again they never really stressed me about it and have presented my qabiil to me as something to be proud of but not feel superior about.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I believe the best solution is to build a wall between the different qabil's more intermixing will lead to more hatred & confusion.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Who gives a shit? My parents don't care about qabil and I sure as hell won't neither will my children inshallah

I'm sure your kids give a shit. They're the ones who will face the xoolo Somali culture of bullying and ostracism.. You're Hawiye so you don't know what it's like to be Midgaan.


Suicidal men adore me.
I'm sure your kids give a shit. They're the ones who will face the xoolo Somali culture of bullying and ostracism.. You're Hawiye so you don't know what it's like to be Midgaan.

I don't associate with people who discuss qabil neither will my children. Hopefully by the time I have kids qabil will be gone.

Midgaans are Somali that's the only thing that matters.

I've never seen anyone talk badly about them and if I do I swear I'll spit in their face.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
The only solution is political and economic stability that makes qabiil irrelevant to the average person who has to worry about putting his children through school and putting food on the table.

Most societies have abandoned clan structures in favor of the nuclear family because clans are no longer necessary to your survival or prosperity.

People cling to clan now because they're poor and in real danger of being killed, making clan a social safety net.
@waraabe I don't think this is a good idea. Most of these kids grow up confused and will be rejected by one side entirely. Look at the civil war. Many of the warlords war murdering their own matetnal uncles and people from their mothers tribe. :mjkkk:

Now is even worse time than ever to marry a different qabil. Imagine trying to go back home and the issues that arise wanting to see say Kismayo and Berbera. Kids will even be more confused and potentially hateful.:ohno:

These days I see Darod only marrying Darod, Hawiye only marrying Hawiye, and Isaaq only marrying Isaaq. Marriage is hard and the Somali divorce rate is very high, why not at least try to make it more stable by having the blessings of both families who will come together to work things out when things go bad unlike when different clans marry?

There are very good reasons to shun marriages across qabil ina abti and I hope you can start to see why.:rejoice:
I think if there comes a Millionare Midgaan and Abgaal That preach about How Qabiil is pointless and how important unity is that would be a huge step

What makes you think a millionaire madhiban would actually go through all those hoops to marry women that descend from savagery and are given away to excon reverts for a sahih bukhari book?:mjlol:

Especially now when there are infinitely better options around? :ivers:

I don't think the rich madhiban brothers here care at all that they still can't marry into a geeljire family and why would they want to. On average they are more intelligent and beautiful people than your typical geeljires.:manny:
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