Best solution to qabiil problem

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:bell:We should do what our ancestors did and bring back draft day. For every man killed the other qabiil gets a gaashaanti concubine and some geel:win:
A friend of mine wanted to marry this Somali guy who's really a good guy. From a respected family and tribe. Her mother told her its better you die than marry into that tribe. After begging her mother for weeks she finally ran off and married him in different city. Her mother makes bad duas daily like 'ilah ilmo kuma sinayow' and the entire family is cursing her. Even though shes really young 20 she can't get pregnant still. They evil eyed her and are proud of it.

Darood and Hawiye

If it was a Jamaican excon living off the state and looking for wife # 12, she would received duas and blessings from her mother instead. Lamagodleys never cease to amaze me with their truly savage ways. :mjlol::wtf:
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