Biggest catfish

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You're brutal.

When you wake up the next morning and see her true form. :jcoleno:


kkkkkkkk you probably abuse make up too

ofcourse. :pachah1: Weliba water proof make-up... so I can give guys like you a hope of being with the dime you been dreaming to have :mjlol:only then to crush your hope once I take my make-up off

For real tho she doesn't deserve this savagery :bell:so what if she's tryna make herself feel beautiful. Nothing wrong with that. Everyone knows make-up is true art and I'm sure you will get to see the person without make up before you marry em. I hope she doesn't come across this site to see this. I really love her!!


cismaan maxamuud
ofcourse. :pachah1: Weliba water proof make-up... so I can give guys like you a hope of being with the dime you been dreaming to have :mjlol:only then to crush your hope once I take my make-up off

For real tho she doesn't deserve this savagery :bell:so what if she's tryna make herself feel beautiful. Nothing wrong with that. Everyone knows make-up is true art and I'm sure you will get to see the person without make up before you marry em. I hope she doesn't come across this site to see this. I really love her!!


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
That girl must be Somali Bantu.

I refuse to accept those features as one of our own.


Suldaanka Gobyare
ofcourse. :pachah1: Weliba water proof make-up... so I can give guys like you a hope of being with the dime you been dreaming to have :mjlol:only then to crush your hope once I take my make-up off

For real tho she doesn't deserve this savagery :bell:so what if she's tryna make herself feel beautiful. Nothing wrong with that. Everyone knows make-up is true art and I'm sure you will get to see the person without make up before you marry em. I hope she doesn't come across this site to see this. I really love her!!
Qalin dont worry I already considered that fact and I made it spoiler for a reason :denzelnigga:now mac I sii
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