Civil war enters second year in Ethiopia


@Django new information is coming in by the minute and I have to adjust my prediction accordingly. This thing is looking more and more like a 3-5 day operation and I'm being here too generous tbh. Sorry to disappoint you, but the data on the ground points to a few days long operation. As I've always insisted the Tigray Liyu is no match to the army.



@xabashi WTF!?!:gucciwhat:
No that is lake Tana.
red is tplf? wtf theyre not far from the gerd dam.:gucciwhat:
No that is Lake Tana.

Gerd Dam is in Beni Shangul & Gumuz Kilil.

But 25 million plus Amhara who claim to be rightful rulers of the horn of Africa from Xamar to Hargiesa to mozambique are being violated by less than 200K TDF militia.

This is guunimo.
amharas had DRONES, oromos, somalis, mountains, 4x the tigray population, ENDF, and should be bloodthirsty because they're against tplf(they're not cuz they dont have warrior gene), yet are getting shat on.

these people are designed to be subservient but europeans messed up the balance of powers. if horn was one society they would be working tech support and shit like that
When the western powers helped them the created the fake solomonic dynasty.
Used oromos and whitemans weapons to take over our land.
When TDF takes over they need to remove Amhatic language as the official language of Ethiopia its this tool that they have been using to gain competitive advantage against others.

English should be adopted as the lingua franca of communication.
Amharic language should be relegated.
Also the orthodox church should start using tigringya.
Also Ethiopian history should be revised.
Menelik should be taught as a bloody villian who masscred millions.
Amhara state should pay 1% tax on every goods and service for reparation against wrongs committed on Tigray and others
Every amhara should have a unique tax code and pay for the crimes their grand parents did or else we will have same recurring issues like the genocide that happened in Tigray of which majority of Amhara supported.
amharas had DRONES, oromos, somalis, mountains, 4x the tigray population, ENDF, and should be bloodthirsty because they're against tplf(they're not cuz they dont have warrior gene), yet are getting shat on.

these people are designed to be subservient but europeans messed up the balance of powers. if horn was one society they would be working tech support and shit like that

I want the war in Amhara region to carry on for months.

Amhara have been the greatest distabilising group in the horn of africa they need to taste the fruit of their achievements.


Forza Somalia!


Veni Vidi Vici
@Sheikh Kulkuli this is what Abiyot "Abiy" Ahmed Ail said a couple of years ago when he was clearing up stuff about himself, his family, his mother (she ain't amhara as he says) and whatnot

no one is giving or taking away my Oromummaa.

Look how that came out.
@Sheikh Kulkuli this is what Abiyot "Abiy" Ahmed Ail said a couple of years ago when he was clearing up stuff about himself, his family, his mother (she ain't amhara as he says) and whatnot


Look how that came out.
His mom is amhara I remember when he was being given the nobel prize and his mom mentioned as amhara if I am not wrong.

Being oromo or somali is daqan / culture.

Mustafa Omer is somali by ethnicity but amhara by culture.

So we dont want a somali coconut.

Mustafa omer was celebrating the victory of Menelik in Adwa.
Menelik is the same dog that killed almost close to a million muslims in Ethiopia and converted the Grand Masjid of Harar into a Coptic church.

Mustafa opened amhara coptic churches and has been funding amhara immigration into somali kilil while he focuses his attention on dividing somalis by trying to destroy their unity and watching them butchered while he has the means to speak out against masscres in Garbo ciise.


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