Currently which city is more developed hargeisa or muqdisho?

my man khaemwaset just search up Werra Galan Harar then search up were galan welaga and shewa then reer galan djibouti.


my man khaemwaset just search up Werra Galan Harar then search up were galan welaga and shewa then reer galan djibouti.
listen bro wardik is the smallest putting that on my life the only area I can be like ye they have some large presence adigale and Harmukaale the rest bruv you have nothing


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
every somali city is good some more developed then others, its really up to the population size and density.
I can go to Djibouti claim mamassan go dir Dhabi claim musse go garamuleta and Harare claim Alla go to walega and shewa claim barents.


I am an eeer musse my asil is eleye reer galan is assimilated into mamassan as she told me.
Mamassan doesn't even have Harla lineage and you're talking about galla.
Warya don't insult my reer abti with that dumb shit
I'm so confused are you Mamassan of Ciise or are you just an Oromo larping
you dont get it I said before that a lot of us are becoming mamassan recently idk why maybe for power I clearly stated my asil is reer musse if u idk English anaga reer musse banahay.
one thing I can respect about Issa is we are deadly warriors with xeer and respecte I can even describe some somali clans from there behaviour.
Ofc you change qabil every city you go you illegal Galla
the reer galan of Djibouti claim the other reer galan are the lost brothers og from there the reer galan from Harar claim the Djibouti ones are og from Harar.

the reer galan elders from chirecha I met in dir Dhabi told me all I have to do when I go garamuleta or Harar is show then elders my hand they will immediately know I am there brother.
the Galan from chirecha told me the ones from welaga and shewa are og from Harar but Ahmed gragn took them there and they stayed there after gureys death. heck there is Oborra, Jaarso, Meta, Galan, Nolee inside the Shewa and walaga they are neglected by the tulama and maaca and are known as son of barents @Abba Sadacha a maaca would know more.

