You cannot be cisse and Oromo at the same timereer Gada the tribe of the gala (Gada is a system of leadership in oromo) reer Galan the largest oromo tribe stretching from Walega Shewa Harar and Garamuleta/
You cannot be cisse and Oromo at the same timereer Gada the tribe of the gala (Gada is a system of leadership in oromo) reer Galan the largest oromo tribe stretching from Walega Shewa Harar and Garamuleta/
Oromo have nothing to do with Harla history they are newcomersthe reer galan of Djibouti claim the other reer galan are the lost brothers og from there the reer galan from Harar claim the Djibouti ones are og from Harar.
the reer galan elders from chirecha I met in dir Dhabi told me all I have to do when I go garamuleta or Harar is show then elders my hand they will immediately know I am there brother.
the Galan from chirecha told me the ones from welaga and shewa are og from Harar but Ahmed gragn took them there and they stayed there after gureys death. heck there is Oborra, Jaarso, Meta, Galan, Nolee inside the Shewa and walaga they are neglected by the tulama and maaca and are known as son of barents @Abba Sadacha a maaca would know more.
Yes the only place other Somalis can live in peacefully in somaliland is booramaSimple answer is it’s up to where you’re from and where your family lives. If you’re from waqooyi (not just isaaq) you’re more likely to have relatives that live in Hargeisa. Vice versa if you’re from the south. If you have no family in either then Mogadishu is probably better as it’s a much more welcoming place to soomaaliweyn as a whole. My father’s side relocated to hargeisa during the Ethiopian invasion and weren’t able to live there for more than 2 years because of how hostile the locals were. The already higher prices at the market were jacked up x2 because of their accent and where they’re from. The reverse is unthinkable in Xamar. I’m visiting right now and one of my bajaaj drivers even had a somaliland flag waving from his carPeople don’t really care much (but that might change soon).
In terms of development I haven’t properly visited Hargeisa so I can’t say. They’ve had around 30 years of peace to begin rebuilding the city while Mogadishu has had less than 15. I’ve also heard that they now have a development oriented mayor which is nice. Mogadishu’s admin is pretty incompetent tbh but that’s how the system is currently designed sadly. Despite that, the city has improved massively in my 11 years away. With much more access to international funds I think Xamar will probably be a better city all around in about ten years.
Boorama is a beautiful city and I have nothing but respect for the people of the region, who have shown us what Somalia can look like if we choose to invest in peace. In sha Allah I can visit the city one day.Yes the only place other Somalis can live in peacefully in somaliland is boorama
Bossaso.Also which city would you prefer to live if you had to choose between hargeisa or muqdisho?
is this man trynna say obo and akisho are oromo lmao. Akisho are an subclan of the oborra and were mentioned in 16th century documents as oromos Obo assimilated into Ogaden is Alla subclan of the largest clan Arrodji they primarily live in the area between kebri Bayeh and mayuMuluke. both these groups are neglected by the somali and called Galakahreeyn, I mean bro if you can show me one mention of Ali madaxweyne being a real thing before 1900.My goodness bro your brain hurts my brain. So speaking oromo makes you oromo? Lmaoo yo damn near all somalis living in Ethiopia close to oromo know the language bro. Like wow he spoke oromowere you shocked? Like cmon man all ogadens learned the language of their enemy within a split. Trust me its not hard
what if I showed you multiple mention of oromos before the 16th century.Oromo have nothing to do with Harla history they are newcomers
Oromo were naked In northern Kenya until the end of Imam Ahmad's noble jihad to civilise thr Highlands.what if I showed you multiple mention of oromos before the 16th century.