Currently which city is more developed hargeisa or muqdisho?


the reer galan of Djibouti claim the other reer galan are the lost brothers og from there the reer galan from Harar claim the Djibouti ones are og from Harar.

the reer galan elders from chirecha I met in dir Dhabi told me all I have to do when I go garamuleta or Harar is show then elders my hand they will immediately know I am there brother.
the Galan from chirecha told me the ones from welaga and shewa are og from Harar but Ahmed gragn took them there and they stayed there after gureys death. heck there is Oborra, Jaarso, Meta, Galan, Nolee inside the Shewa and walaga they are neglected by the tulama and maaca and are known as son of barents @Abba Sadacha a maaca would know more.
Ciise and other somali clans pushed deep into ethiopia especially during the days of Imam Ahmad Gurey. Many ciise can be found still In Hararghe.

These are all pure blooded Somalis of Dir extract
tell me the meaning of Galan in af somali my freind? in af oromo werra Galan it is a name and it also means (Werra Galan the people of the river or lake) Reer Gada another eleye Werra Gada people of the Gada.


tell me the meaning of Galan in af somali my freind? in af oromo werra Galan it is a name and it also means (Werra Galan the people of the river or lake) Reer Gada another eleye Werra Gada people of the Gada.
let me tell you about the Alla oromo start it from fiiq take it to dir Dhabi from the west start it from Garamuleta end it at Mulu.
we border Afar to north west ittu to the west Oborra to the south west Isse to the north east, Nole to the east Ogaden tot he south east, Anniya to the south. Ala qudhalama (the 12 Ala) the largest afran qallo.


Never heard of that happening.This opinion is based on my experience since I visited both cities long ago. But I'm sure you won't have to worry about Alkebab suicide bombers in Hargeisa instead you'll worry about water shortages. I'm not saying Hargeisa is a perfect place but when compared to Mogadishu it suddenly looks like a civilized city.
Just because a terrorist attack happens in muqdisho doesn't make it less civilised lol


If u want a more developed city its muqdisho

If u want a more safe city its hargeisa but it really depends on ur clan
oromo land jus the name and the indigenous clans Akisho and Obo (subclass of oborra and Alla) wallahil atheem went to jijiga few days ago and I saw OBO in the country side past the ashamtele sign who spoke a little oromo.
My goodness bro your brain hurts my brain. So speaking oromo makes you oromo? Lmaoo yo damn near all somalis living in Ethiopia close to oromo know the language bro. Like wow he spoke oromo 😱😱 were you shocked? Like cmon man all ogadens learned the language of their enemy within a split. Trust me its not hard


My goodness bro your brain hurts my brain. So speaking oromo makes you oromo? Lmaoo yo damn near all somalis living in Ethiopia close to oromo know the language bro. Like wow he spoke oromo 😱😱 were you shocked? Like cmon man all ogadens learned the language of their enemy within a split. Trust me its not hard
He's acting like they don't have Somali blood, have some clans that trace back to Somali Qabils and have millions who speak Somali. Basically all Oromo clans that border Galbeed speak Somali
He's acting like they don't have Somali blood, have some clans that trace back to Somali Qabils and have millions who speak Somali. Basically all Oromo clans that border Galbeed speak Somali
Yes sir indeed i believe that whole heartedly. And guess what bro there isnt anything wrong with that, he jus has to embrace it. Gotta think light on the things that possibly couldve happen/might be true than the ehh idk might not be true but…/ego. Plus theres so many different types of oromos that there not even on the same page while hes here defending his statements as such n such. 1 day you guys will come back as somali asnd embrace it


Yes sir indeed i believe that whole heartedly. And guess what bro there isnt anything wrong with that, he jus has to embrace it. Gotta think light on the things that possibly couldve happen/might be true than the ehh idk might not be true but…/ego. Plus theres so many different types of oromos that there not even on the same page while hes here defending his statements as such n such. 1 day you guys will come back as somali asnd embrace it
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