Ciise and other somali clans pushed deep into ethiopia especially during the days of Imam Ahmad Gurey. Many ciise can be found still In Hararghe.the reer galan of Djibouti claim the other reer galan are the lost brothers og from there the reer galan from Harar claim the Djibouti ones are og from Harar.
the reer galan elders from chirecha I met in dir Dhabi told me all I have to do when I go garamuleta or Harar is show then elders my hand they will immediately know I am there brother.
the Galan from chirecha told me the ones from welaga and shewa are og from Harar but Ahmed gragn took them there and they stayed there after gureys death. heck there is Oborra, Jaarso, Meta, Galan, Nolee inside the Shewa and walaga they are neglected by the tulama and maaca and are known as son of barents @Abba Sadacha a maaca would know more.
These are all pure blooded Somalis of Dir extract