Decline of Wahabism Begins

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
The UK is home to a number of insane radical extremists who support terrorist organisations because they were educated in Wahabi Madrasas funded by the Saudis under Pakistanis. Now they will no longer receive funding from Saudi Arabia and They will eventually fall apart. Saudi Arabia was the world's largest financier of Wahabism. With its Petrodollar, MBS intends to eradicate Wahabism from his nation and all of its vassals abroad.


Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
The article about MBS's plans to completely transform Saudi Arabia from an extremist Wahabist society to a liberal one can be found by clicking the link below from BBC. He has already imprisoned numerous Wahabi scholars who have criticised him, and he is now stopping funds for Wahabi mosques and madrasas abroad that are paid to propagate Wahabism; many of these institutions are also in Somalia, where they were previously paid millions of dollars a month
Those wahabis introduced Ugly Niqab, Terrorism and Arabization of our country by adopting Arabic language for everything.


Amaan Duule
The article about MBS's plans to completely transform Saudi Arabia from an extremist Wahabist society to a liberal one can be found by clicking the link below from BBC. He has already imprisoned numerous Wahabi scholars who have criticised him, and he is now stopping funds for Wahabi mosques and madrasas abroad that are paid to propagate Wahabism; many of these institutions are also in Somalia, where they were previously paid millions of dollars a month
Those wahabis introduced Ugly Niqab, Terrorism and Arabization of our country by adopting Arabic language for everything.
The Shah of Iran tried to do the same thing and look at what happened to him. And Saudis have always been way more religious than Iranians. If he tries to turn his country liberal, he will get overthrown.
My friend in Canada told me few years ago Saudi are geared towards this approach because theyr saliid is soon empty. And he havent missed.

The well is soon dry, even tho they are OPEC and are the literal oil cartel, they definetly over played their hand. Ofcourse ARAMCO wont disclose the actual oil reserves.
The article about MBS's plans to completely transform Saudi Arabia from an extremist Wahabist society to a liberal one can be found by clicking the link below from BBC. He has already imprisoned numerous Wahabi scholars who have criticised him, and he is now stopping funds for Wahabi mosques and madrasas abroad that are paid to propagate Wahabism; many of these institutions are also in Somalia, where they were previously paid millions of dollars a month
Those wahabis introduced Ugly Niqab, Terrorism and Arabization of our country by adopting Arabic language for everything.
Wahabbism wont stop at all and that’s assuming this article is even true. I hate KSA for the damage they’ve done to Muslim countries around the world, set them all back by decades. Hope the Saud family falls one day.

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
My friend in Canada told me few years ago Saudi are geared towards this approach because theyr saliid is soon empty. And he havent missed.

The well is soon dry, even tho they are OPEC and are the literal oil cartel, they definetly over played their hand. Ofcourse ARAMCO wont disclose the actual oil reserves.
They want to change their economy based on tourism that's why they're spending trillions of dollars on futuristic cities like Neom and The Line
They must adopt liberal lifestyle to survive or else no one is going to visit extremist Wahabi country for tourism.
They want to change their economy based on tourism that's why they're spending trillions of dollars on futuristic cities like Neom and The Line.
I heard most of their projects are flashy and all but practically useless. Also Saudi Arabia has a shit reputation, nobody is going there for tourism ever unless they change their laws.

But I’m guessing now MBS will have to tread carefully considering there are plenty of his own people who are hardline extremists and won’t tolerate his liberalisation. But I’m sure many Saudis will welcome his changes. Apparently they didn’t even allow cinema until recently. Crazy.
The Shah of Iran tried to do the same thing and look at what happened to him. And Saudis have always been way more religious than Iranians. If he tries to turn his country liberal, he will get overthrown.
Ur actually retarded if you think he will be overthrown. Saudi Arabians have become so westernized/materialistic. Also most of them don't even pray. They're the most munafiq.
The Shah of Iran tried to do the same thing and look at what happened to him. And Saudis have always been way more religious than Iranians. If he tries to turn his country liberal, he will get overthrown.
Iran was never a hardline sharia run Islamic country like Saudi Arabia though, that’s a completely different situation. They had a democratic government. The Shah was also Muslim.

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
Wahabbism wont stop at all and that’s assuming this article is even true. I hate KSA for the damage they’ve done to Muslim countries around the world, set them all back by decades. Hope the Saud family falls one day.
That's why I was betting on the Houthis to beat those Wahabi scum, but the war in Gaza prevented it from happening because the Houthis were preparing to battle the Saudis and take control of the Hejaz region, which is home to the two holy mosques. However, their plan was derailed by the unexpected conflict in Gaza.


Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
Staff Member
Interesting read. Visionary and a dreamer. If you’re going to have a leader who steals from his country, he better provide value.
That's why I was betting on the Houthis to beat those Wahabi scum, but the war in Gaza prevented it from happening because the Houthis were preparing to battle the Saudis and take control of the Hejaz region, which is home to the two holy mosques. However, their plan was derailed by the unexpected conflict in Gaza.
I doubt the Houthis could actually attack KSA and hold on to territory, especially of religious sites. Even if the Houthis COULD, what’s stopping KSA from getting outside help? I very much doubt the other powers would sit around and allow that to happen considering the implications for the rest of the region.

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
I doubt the Houthis could actually attack KSA and hold on to territory, especially of religious sites. Even if the Houthis COULD, what’s stopping KSA from getting outside help? I very much doubt the other powers would sit around and allow that to happen considering the implications for the rest of the region.
Don’t underestimate the Houthis they are incredibly courageous. I have seen them raid Saudi military bases close to the Yemeni border, wiping out entire brigades with just an Ak-47. The Saudi army is made up of spoilt brats incapable of fighting a real war. The Houthis have been preparing for a war with the Saudis for years; they have registered almost 400k soldiers. If that war broke out, I am sure they would actually capture significant portions of Saudi territory.
The UK is home to a number of insane radical extremists who support terrorist organisations because they were educated in Wahabi Madrasas funded by the Saudis under Pakistanis. Now they will no longer receive funding from Saudi Arabia and They will eventually fall apart. Saudi Arabia was the world's largest financier of Wahabism. With its Petrodollar, MBS intends to eradicate Wahabism from his nation and all of its vassals abroad.
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I have a feeling he’s not religious at all
Don’t underestimate the Houthis they are incredibly courageous. I have seen them raid Saudi military bases close to the Yemeni border, wiping out entire brigades with just an Ak-47. The Saudi army is made up of spoilt brats incapable of fighting a real war. The Houthis have been preparing for a war with the Saudis for years; they have registered almost 400k soldiers. If that war broke out, I am sure they would actually capture significant portions of Saudi territory. Arabian Saudi
400k soldiers? Proof? And even then, “soldier” can mean almost anything with these types.

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
400k soldiers? Proof? And even then, “soldier” can mean almost anything with these types.
They started out with 150k soldiers, but since the war in Gaza began, they have added nearly 200k more due to the Houthis' rise to international fame. Prior to the war in Gaza, few people knew much about them, so this is why the majority of Yemen's youth have recently joined them; it reminded me of the time when Al Shabab was still in its infancy and they were exploiting the Ethiopian invasion as a scapegoat to recruit the youth and they eventually succeeded in recruiting the youth from everywhere