Desi Tate supporter cries about Andrew Tate being racist


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Tate is half black.
1/4 his dad looked about 50%, his dad looked Arab/Latino.



♚Sargon of Adal♚
His dad was full African American as fas as we are aware.

Look at his grandfather, his grandmother was also Afro American. Light skin does not mean latino or heavily mixed.

On average AA are only 73.2% African & 24% European, Samuel L. Jackson I believe was roughly that amount when he got tested, at best his 35% depending on how that DNA recombines it could be less, his more European than African, and men tend to inherit more from their mother.
On average AA are only 73.2% African & 24% European, Samuel L. Jackson I believe was roughly that amount when he got tested, at best his 35% depending on how that DNA recombines it could be less, his more European than African, and men tend to inherit more from their mother.
Look mate, I know all of this, but it still does not negate the fact that he is half African American.

Also how on earth does a man inherit more from his mother? We inherit equally from both parents.
Tate is half black.

Fully black people and other POC identify with white supremacists all the time, so how on earth does bringing up that he's half-black make him exempt from being a self-hater who sees himself as a good fit for the right-wing grift?

But you feel comfortable calling me an idiot just because I love the Hot Girl I supposed to listen to Mozart all the time to demonstrate my intellect?


You are clearly an idiot.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Look mate, I know all of this, but it still does not negate the fact that he is half African American.

Also how on earth does a man inherit more from his mother? We inherit equally from both parents.
You said half black (I view black as a european social construct) but in this context, I'm viewing it as West African-derived DNA, I'm just saying he's white, he wouldn't be called black in the EU or anywhere else besides America, since his probably 70% European in origin, I wouldn't be surprised if his haplogroup was also European in origin.

Chromosomes are not randomly divided in size; 22 out of the 23 pairs have specific lengths and gene quantities. These sizes are so distinct that chromosomes are named by numbers from 1 to 22, ordered from longest to shortest. Each egg and sperm cell contains one chromosome from each pair, ensuring no duplicate copies are received from a single gamete. The 23rd pair determines sex: females have two X chromosomes (XX), and males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY). The X chromosome is significantly larger and contains more genes than the Y chromosome. Thus, males inherit more genes from their mother (via the X chromosome) than their father (via the Y chromosome).
I'm just saying he's white, he wouldn't be called black in the EU or anywhere else besides America.

Chromosomes are not randomly divided in size; 22 out of the 23 pairs have specific lengths and gene quantities. These sizes are so distinct that chromosomes are named by numbers from 1 to 22, ordered from longest to shortest. Each egg and sperm cell contains one chromosome from each pair, ensuring no duplicate copies are received from a single gamete. The 23rd pair determines sex: females have two X chromosomes (XX), and males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY). The X chromosome is significantly larger and contains more genes than the Y chromosome. Thus, males inherit more genes from their mother (via the X chromosome) than their father (via the Y chromosome).
That is where your downfall lies my brother. Western science is an ever changing chameleon, tomorrow they will teach you a new theory and ofcourse you will eat it up as per usual.
Tate is half black.
So? His old Twitter before he got famous was full of racist material.

He’s always passed for white. Most people treated like him like a white boy and they probably thought he was Welsh, Celtic or something. 🤣I’ve seen full English darker than him than those pics above.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
That is where your downfall lies my brother. Western science is an ever changing chameleon, tomorrow they will teach you a new theory and ofcourse you will eat it up as per usual.
You're typing this from a device that is made out of various metals and plastics, that have been manufactured to conduct an electrical signal that sends a byte of data that travel 200,000 kilometres a second so that we can communicate from the comfort of our homes.

Science is the progress of many generations of men and women some forgotten in the echos of time, the slow incremental progress of many generations, its part of us, it's just the west time to shine before the eventual collapse and the torch gets passed to the next civilization that progress us further.
So? His old Twitter before he got famous was full of racist material.
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He’s always passed for white. Most people treated like him like a white boy and they probably thought he was Welsh, Celtic or something. 🤣I’ve seen full English darker than him than those pics above.
Im not defending Tate, my point is to show the absurdity of how easily people are offended nowadays.
You're typing this from a device that is made out of various metals and plastics, that have been manufactured to conduct an electrical signal that sends a byte of data that travel 200,000 kilometres a second so that we can communicate from the comfort of our homes.

Science is the progress of many generations of men and women some forgotten in the echos of time, the slow incremental progress of many generations.
This same device is also dumbing down modern humans. When you depend on it and cannot live without it, you are essentially turning into a subhuman.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
This same device is also dumbing down modern humans. When you depend on it and cannot live without it, you are essentially turning into a subhuman.
True, it's a double edge sword, this is why it's our duty to keep our future kids off it, or heavily restrict it with monitoring apps, god help my kids, they only be able to browse education sites.
Im not defending Tate, my point is to show the absurdity of how easily people are offended nowadays.
I don’t buy that argument personally. The guy clearly has and will always have his foot on the white supremacist line of things. He just uses his mixed heritage as excuse when he’s called out.
I don’t buy that argument personally. The guy clearly has and will always have his foot on the white supremacist line of things. He just uses his mixed heritage as excuse when he’s called out.
That user is a misogynistic weirdo who spends too much time on SSpot giving female users a hard time while being a self-admitted father of 4.

That user is a misogynistic weirdo who spends too much time on SSpot giving female users a hard time while being a self-admitted father of 4.

Your opinions are meaningless drivel. The same idiot who panders to "feminism" while at the same time promoting degenerate celebrities and female exploitation booty shaking culture.

On the opposite side, I actually love and care for my people and only advise them to follow a clean respectful Islamic life. To not be a perpetually weak and offended society and yes to marry and have children, Alhamdulilah.

Now get going you meaningless obsessed fool.

