Astaghfirullah in advance, but that fággot Tate "reverting" to Islam seemed like a marketing ploy to from the start. He took the "Islam is right about women" pol meme a little too literally. And assumed that Muslims have carte blanche to "karbaash their 4 wives". Baldy cùntMuslim feminists when it comes to these men are any women who believe that they’re people who deserve dignify and rights. Tate spent most of his career calling women b1ches, promoting infidelity and promiscuity and made most of his money via corn and he’s never hidden it. When Muslim women feel rightfully disgusted by those who are putting him on a pedestal, we’re supposedly the feminist deviants who are going against the deen though. These are same men trying to normalize Misyr marriage and were the ones piling on the single mother. Tate’s ideology is now fully steeped into how Western Dawah men think and view women. They now defend each other when they want to use and abuse Muslim women since their idol Tate sees women in that lens.
These men are the enemy of Muslim women, Muslim families and the overall dignity of Muslims. Let them scream about feminism whilst they’ll unleash norms worse than any feminist ever could.