DEVASTATING: Youtuber asks people on the street “which African country has the most handsome men”. Geeljires were ignored (xaliimos here happy)

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I think it is exaggerated. They only have a slight advantage when it comes to muscle mass, not an overwhelming one.

Have you actually been around them? Even as kids, they tend to be bulkier than Somali kids. A lot of them are already pretty muscular without even working out.That's a major advantage if you ask me. It's not just the men, but also the girls tend to be able grow muscles more than Somali girls. The girls tend to be less jiggly and more toned than us.
Have you actually been around them? Even as kids, they tend to be bulkier than Somali kids. A lot of them are already pretty muscular without even working out.That's a major advantage if you ask me. It's not just the men, but also the girls tend to be able grow muscles more than Somali girls. The girls tend to be less jiggly and more toned than us.
Not all of us are fat asses sweet pea kkkkkk . Somali girls usually don’t have any muscle mass which is a good thing for women. Only a gay dude would want a chick who can rival his biceps :russ:
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west African men are folxuumo. I don’t know what girls see in them, sanka ballaaran oo u eg Indian Oceanka uno liqaayo.
Media brainwashing. They’re fugly with their flat faces and hard hair. The only hot ones are AAs because they have white admixture. Very brutal truth :russ:
Have you actually been around them? Even as kids, they tend to be bulkier than Somali kids. A lot of them are already pretty muscular without even working out.That's a major advantage if you ask me. It's not just the men, but also the girls tend to be able grow muscles more than Somali girls. The girls tend to be less jiggly and more toned than us.

They have a different diet to us. They have less carbs more veggies and eat soor.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake

ladies remember, y’all stuck with us :rejoice: :hemad:

majority of us might be ugly but y’all eventually have to settle down with us:umad::sass1:

Thats because farah are skinny and beautiful. Farah need to buff up, combined with their soft hair and somali looks, they will be good commodity. I saw a video of a group of well dressed somali men passing each other combs, even the hard customer, african american women were going goo goo on them. The videos had millions of viewership
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