DEVASTATING: Youtuber asks people on the street “which African country has the most handsome men”. Geeljires were ignored (xaliimos here happy)

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Thats because farah are skinny and beautiful. Farah need to buff up, combined with their soft hair and somali looks, they will be good commodity. I saw a video of a group of well dressed somali men passing each other combs, even the hard customer, african american women were going goo goo on them. The videos had millions of viewership

Whats the video ?
How many of the people in those videos meet a lot of Somalis? You're trying to compare a group of 20 million to like 1 billion. How is that fair to us? Even if you ask them to just name African countries, Somalia would be like one of the last they think of, we're not even in their peripheral.
I think one thing we have over them is height. Their natural stature is more stocky and shorter, whereas we're more lanky and taller.

We can all increase our muscle mass through a 10$ gym membership, laakin you can't become 6'3" by lifting.

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
How many of the people in those videos meet a lot of Somalis? You're trying to compare a group of 20 million to like 1 billion. How is that fair to us? Even if you ask them to just name African countries, Somalia would be like one of the last they think of, we're not even in their peripheral.

You’re absolutely right, when they’re naming African countries, if they even heard of Somalia and you say to them “you could’ve said Somalia”, they be like “ain’t Somalia in Asia “
your statement reminds me of this internet meme :deadmanny: :dead1::dead1:

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The average skinny Abdi has to be on mass gainers and hit the gym 6 days a week to achieve that athletic NFL player like frame. Blame it on the skinny east Africa nomadic genes.

I Can't relate to this struggle though because I am 6'3" 220lbs of pure muscle. :win:

Why is it always uplift everyone else but make fun of Somali boys in general? It seems like we're in a catch 22, if we argue back then we're incels, but if we express our feelings then we're soft. We have sit back and be made fun of and act like it's nothing, whereas if you made of Madow men, then that's racism, and if you make fun of the looks of any woman on earth, then it's sexism, but for us, it's hahaha skinny ass abdi.

Our country is one of the least developed in the world, we can't just go back home and lead a similar life if we got tired of here, and over here we're made fun of for jokes. Some ethnicities are made fun of a lot, like East Asian men, but when someone throws tiny dick jokes at them in the west, they go home and go to a beautifully developed land where they're celebrated cause everyone is like them.

usually, when a group is made fun of, they have numbers to defend themselves, laakin we're small in number here, so we're overwhelmed, even to the point that other Somalis join in rather than be on our side, it's mostly women but men too. Like, @Leftside and @Viscount who felt compelled to state that they're tall and have muscles, to make it seem like they're above the insults and it doesn't include them when Somali men are made fun of.

It's annoying see Somali women join in when ajnabi start their Somali men bashing, especially on twitter. Like, did an ajnabi man raise you, is an ajnabi your brother, etc, etc. why do some of these self-haters show more affection and appreciation to strangers than those in their own community?

Wallahi, sometimes I'm surprised at the shitty hand we've been drawn, nowhere where you won't be disrespected in one fashion or another.


You need people like me
Why is it always uplift everyone else but make fun of Somali boys in general? It seems like we're in a catch 22, if we argue back then we're incels, but if we express our feelings then we're soft. We have sit back and be made fun of and act like it's nothing, whereas if you made of Madow men, then that's racism, and if you make fun of the looks of any woman on earth, then it's sexism, but for us, it's hahaha skinny ass abdi.

Our country is one of the least developed in the world, we can't just go back home and lead a similar life if we got tired of here, and over here we're made fun of for jokes. Some ethnicities are made fun of a lot, like East Asian men, but when someone throws tiny dick jokes at them in the west, they go home and go to a beautifully developed land where they're celebrated cause everyone is like them.

usually, when a group is made fun of, they have numbers to defend themselves, laakin we're small in number here, so we're overwhelmed, even to the point that other Somalis join in rather than be on our side, it's mostly women but men too. Like, @Leftside and @Viscount who felt compelled to state that they're tall and have muscles, to make it seem like they're above the insults and it doesn't include them when Somali men are made fun of.

It's annoying see Somali women join in when ajnabi start their Somali men bashing, especially on twitter. Like, did an ajnabi man raise you, is an ajnabi your brother, etc, etc. why do some of these self-haters show more affection and appreciation to strangers than those in their own community?

Wallahi, sometimes I'm surprised at the shitty hand we've been drawn, nowhere where you won't be disrespected in one fashion or another.

Most Somali guys deserve it tbf. West African guys don't have the same reputation because they aren't needy for women that come from the same country as them. Nigerian women bash Nigerian men all the time but they have no care because their dating pool isn't limited to only Nigerian women.

Bashing + no response from men means it eventually just dies down. With Somali men you can always guarantee a bitter, insecure and needy over-reaction. Some random girl will say something and 100 men will be in her comments doing a pick me dance lol that's the most feminine trait going. "Somali women join in when ajnabi start their bashing" well why wouldn't they when they have Somali men wrapped around their fingers?

If Somali men weren't such losers online, stopped their constant twerking for Somali women, and levelled up in life, none of this would bother them because they would have access to all sorts of women.
I've been checking different communities and see how it is, and I know that's not just us that get jokes. It's a very common theme on twitter that women of ethncities make fun of their own men, I've seen it with Albanians ( , ), Sudanese ( , ), South East Asians ( ,
, Arabs ( )

but the thing that makes us different is that they all have decent countries to go back to, we have almost nothing. So, we're down here and down there.
Most Somali guys deserve it tbf. West African guys don't have the same reputation because they aren't needy for women that come from the same country as them. Nigerian women bash Nigerian men all the time but they have no care because their dating pool isn't limited to only Nigerian women.

Bashing + no response from men means it eventually just dies down. With Somali men you can always guarantee a bitter, insecure and needy over-reaction. Some random girl will say something and 100 men will be in her comments doing a pick me dance lol that's the most feminine trait going. "Somali women join in when ajnabi start their bashing" well why wouldn't they when they have Somali men wrapped around their fingers?

If Somali men weren't such losers online, stopped their constant twerking for Somali women, and levelled up in life, none of this would bother them because they would have access to all sorts of women.

See this is what I'm talking about, why are you joining in on the bashing? I now understand what women mean when they say pick-me.

Don't act like they don't get upset, if you walk out of your bubble and go to other communities you'd see they're all having the same tension.

I heard a great point about this on reddit, I'll bring it up:


I have a theory about guys that post stuff like this, no offense OP.

Sorry if this sounds a bit crude, but I think that the sexual tension they have from avoiding sex until marriage (even when their sex drive is the highest - ages 15-25) leads to insecurities which when triggered manifest themselves in such anger and verbal aggression against the opposite sex.

For most of them, I think the most interaction they have with women is online. And, the stuff they see them talk about (even if they're just joking) just magnifies in their head and they think all women are like that.

I always wondered why young Somalis are so obsessed with marriage, and I think that's why.

The average person usually starts having sex when they're 17. It's a very modern phenomena where the Muslim and the culturally Muslim minority in the west tells their kids they have to wait until they have a degree and a good job until they can fulfill their (natural) sexual desires (which for most is around mid to late 20's). Even the parents and grandparents that are saying this now, they themselves were getting married pretty young. I think it's unnatural for most to suppress these desires for so long and I would argue such vitriol is an example of the negative societal consequences for doing so.

for clarification, I'm not advocating for pre-martial sex, it's just an observation. If anyone disagrees, I'd would love to hear why and your views on this."

It just makes more sense that you see people upset by it more because we're looked down upon if we have any relations with girls (and where do you get the need fulfilled from? gaining intimate attention from a woman). Which is something we're forced to handle but gaalo are not. If you're told to stay away from girls all the time, and the only time you interact with them is when they're bashing you online, it gets bad.


You need people like me
tbh the average west african male has more options in his dating pool and considered desireable to others compared to a somali man. somali men are like the black equivalent of a nerdy Asian/indian male but without the money and intelligence.

Because it's an accurate representation. Most are just out of shape and socially awkward so it's not surprising. Being molly-coddled by mummy and promised a virgin Somali wife has done a number on most Somali men.

Somali men were dealt a great hand and then completely blew it. If you're Somali, in good shape and can speak to women you'll have no problems with women.
feminine faaraxs are shook. :mjkkk:

See this is the catch 22, you're soft or ugly for mentioning it at all, and the only solution is to act like you're a rock or join in which some of them do. You can be good looking or even decent looking and still be annoyed by it.

They join in the bashing but say "look at me (insert height + weight), I'm good looking" like that just looks pathetic. You don't look like you're above it, it looks like it got to you but you're trying to cope.

It's literally the same thing to when Somalis are insulted by madow, but madow wannabe Somalis join in and smear us too. You can't handle the heat so you try to spin it and act like it's not directed at you too.

Timo Jareer and proud

2nd Emir of the Akh Right Movement
Looks like Nigerian, Ghanaian and Angolan men are the most desired. To be far though most Somalis left the Netherlands to move to the UK and other countries more than a decade ago. :whoa:
Abayo macaan stop the cap the Somali population in the Netherlands is still large enough to be noticed. :dead:

it's a combination of poor diet, low social status, the mouth breathers, and overall laziness to workout that causes Somali men to be unattractive in most cases. Most of us have no idea how to take care of ourselves. Height doesn't mean shit if you're ugly as f*ck in every other department.
Because it's an accurate representation. Most are just out of shape and socially awkward so it's not surprising. Being molly-coddled by mummy and promised a virgin Somali wife has done a number on most Somali men.

Somali men were dealt a great hand and then completely blew it. If you're Somali, in good shape and can speak to women you'll have no problems with women.

Where do you live ? I find it very hard to believe that any group of young men, let alone Somalis, are mostly fat and out of shape.

Most young Somali men I know irl, play basketball and soccer with an intensity, and they're usually fit.

Have none of your friends ever played sports before?

Timo Jareer and proud

2nd Emir of the Akh Right Movement
Have you actually been around them? Even as kids, they tend to be bulkier than Somali kids. A lot of them are already pretty muscular without even working out.That's a major advantage if you ask me. It's not just the men, but also the girls tend to be able grow muscles more than Somali girls. The girls tend to be less jiggly and more toned than us.
They do, same as how East Africans are naturally proposed to be taller than average, they are naturally proposed to have higher levels of testosterone.

Lakiin like you said it's just an advantage, a Cadbi who is dedicated to bodybuilding can still achieve the same body mass or go even further beyond than your typical built Madow, it just takes longer.
See this is the catch 22, you're soft or ugly for mentioning it at all, and the only solution is to act like you're a rock or join in which some of them do. You can be good looking or even decent looking and still be annoyed by it.

They join in the bashing but say "look at me (insert height + weight), I'm good looking" like that just looks pathetic. You don't look like you're above it, it looks like it got to you but you're trying to cope.

It's literally the same thing to when Somalis are insulted by madow, but madow wannabe Somalis join in and smear us too. You can't handle the heat so you try to spin it and act like it's not directed at you too.
quit eating rice and pasta and drinking tea with 10 cups of sugar every single day or embrace looking like a xaliimo minus the naaso.
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