Do men or women have life easier (in the western world)

It is a man's* world, more so in the work and academia environments,
Women in parts of the West are starting to out earn Men and have been doing better in school, whether its with regards to grades, attendence or behaviour etc... than Men for a while now.
Contrarily, at the bottom layer, in the Service industry, where work conditions are harsher, more stressful, and pay much less, it is women's turf.
93% of workplace deaths are Male, jobs like construction, mining, bricklayers etc... are all overwhelmingly dominated by Men. The jobs with the objectively most "harsh" conditions are done completely by Men.
What makes you think I'm a women?
The feisty, if nuanced tone of your posts, penchant for minutiae, speed with which you somersault, and vixen reflections.
Did you grow up upper class?
Were you adopted by cadaan parents?
This assumes we are all lowly, if impoverished 'dawdaro'. Far from it.

It further assumes only 'cadaans' are well to do, well-versed, and supreme. Again, far from it.
Do you think classical poetry s the "finer things in life"?
If anything I thought you would have said something like going on holidays, eating at fancy resturaunts, going to measums,
Classics was just one example.


πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί The hate starts here
Staff Member
Absolutely. Men who become murderers, rapists, terrorists, extremists, BLM activists, deadbeat dads were all decent people once who collapsed under the pressure of life and no one to turn to. These people are typically not good looking, unhealthy, may have a drug addiction, are depressed and having feels of no self worth. No one wants to be around these kinds of men. They then snap and become evil men. Women don't hit this rockbottom that much. It's probably 100 to 1 compared to men. Someone will usually come to their rescue before it comes close to it (women's shelter, father and brothers, police, society at large).

