Do you lie about your ethnicity?

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
Imagine getting bullied by a South American they are the product of race mixing and they always have a mix of everything :nahgirl:
Nah but you need to understand these niggas look like neymar :drakelaugh: And they bully these bantus for their nose and accent. Somalis in general here are cool. I only hang with morocans and turks


Wallahi i dont why i laughed you should have sticked with your own etnicity :kanyeshrug:
your right that means he wouldnt have called us ugly and probably leave the convo. That means I would know he didn't want to talk to me because of my ethnic oh well lool
Question to reer America have you seen an African-American in the wild. :jaynerd:
Yes two madow girls fought at the mall and they kept slamming into the glass xoolos :mjlol:

but Somalis in America do the same i saw a Somali girls jumping this Somali boy they were boxing:mjcry:

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
i hope it wont happen to syrians those niggas who coming over here went thru bad shit
We somalis kinda had it chill here. Because most of us hang out with morocans and turks So that made it easy for us. growing up here Morrocans used to say somalis are darker skin Morrocans:heh::mjlol:
your right that means he wouldnt have called us ugly and probably leave the convo. That means I would know he didn't want to talk to me because of my ethnic oh well lool
when i used to get bullied for that shit i full on left niggas like that behind.

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
your right that means he wouldnt have called us ugly and probably leave the convo. That means I would know he didn't want to talk to me because of my ethnic oh well lool
And another thing why did they dislike somalis. But loved eritreans and ethiopians? I have seen vids of jamaicans ass kissing habeshas

