
Received about 20 qashins overnight from this Taliban supporter who just joined SSpot last week.

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Somalia got a bunch of chicks like her and a bunch of niggas with the same IQ level as @Nin123

Our country is cooked Ozzy :mjcry:

I will be identifying as cadaan soon. Got my blond wig coming in the mail soon. I plan on rocking this look
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I've also been getting triggered hearing people say my somali name so I'm considering getting an cadaan one.
I thought Ms @DojaKhat is your friend you gaal stabbing ass nigga.

you can’t trust a gaal guy like @Kisame
@DojaKhat Unfortunately, I would like to send you some long lectures in Arabic, but you do not understand Arabic and I cannot explain them to you because I do not have time and the phrases are very long. / I think that issues like these that come to your mind were more likely to have answers among Arabic speakers than foreign Muslims, because they are more involved in such matters.

A Mean Guy

Minister of Ajanabi Affairs
I've always wondered what motivated youths to bomb buildings and cause the deaths of philanthropists like Hodan Nalayeh, she'd probably be alive if certain ilk weren't around 🤔
Why do you murtads always use her death as some sort of gotcha against muslims. The people who killed her don't even consider normal muslims as muslims. Stop using her death in your shitty arguments.
You obviously see muslim Somalis as AS. But AS is an enemy to muslims because of their beliefs:
  • Listening to music = Gaal
  • Shaving the beard or trimming it short = Gaal
  • Western-style education = Gaal
  • Working for international organizations or NGOs = Gaal
  • Using social media = Gaal
  • Women working outside the home = Gaal
  • Engaging in political activities not aligned with Al-Shabaab = Gaal
  • Voting in democratic elections = Gaal
  • Participating in cultural or traditional dances = Gaal
  • Adopting modern technology or innovations they consider un-Islamic = Gaal
  • Engaging in interfaith dialogue or cooperation = Gaal
  • Supporting or aligning with the Somali government or allied forces = Gaal
I find it extremely frustrating when people with little understanding of Islam keep repeating the same misconceptions. They often lack knowledge about the religion they claim to have once followed.

For instance, there was even a user who incorrectly stated that the Quran teaches the world is 2,024 years old. :kodaksmiley:

I don't have any issues with non-Muslim Somalis as long as they are respectful, don't repeat the same talking points as right-wing extremists, and don't accuse regular Muslims of being terrorists.
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Lol you gave me 14 qashins in a row and now you're crying when I did the same?

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Oooh you pulled out the receipts, but would you mind explaining the context of those vile comments about Muslim women/girls or are you just going to act like I'm a mindless hater of you specifically?

I also noticed that instead of taking your screenshot of the "Reactions received" tab which shows the exact comments I disliked of yours, you took your screenshot from the "Alerts" tab in the right-hand corner which doesn't have that same comment viewing function. Am I to believe that's a coincidence?

You gave me qashins because you're an obsessive hater. I gave you qashins because you were spitting venomous hatred towards a minor @Wonyluvr and being disgustingly misogynistic overall, misrepresenting the depth of Islam to bully female users.

Case in point, ladies and gents:
No argument or logic, just emotion. Typical woman.
No wonder most of jahannam will be women. You are deficient in intelligence and religious commitment as our Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said.
These are not my words, they are the words of the best of mankind.

You couldn't even spare a little 16-year-old girl from your nastiness:
You seem to love their puppet governments.

She started crying about the Taliban initially
their lineage may be a somali lineage but ethnicity is far more than just "you are what your father is". While it is true that children are to be named after the father(if theyre not bastards) this does not mean that you are what your father is precisely. yes you carry his lineage but the somali identity is far more than just lineage, otherwise the barwanis, Madows etc would not be seen as somali. ethnically they aren't but you'll get laughed at if you call them non somalis back home.

islam is part of the somali identity, just like lineage (which honestly is debatable considering the aforementioned groups are commonly seen as somalis back home)

lacking islam means ur not somali anymore
Where is your daleel that Allah stops making someone what they were born if they become apostates? You need evidence.
Oooh you pulled out the receipts, but would you mind explaining the context of those vile comments about Muslim women/girls or are you just going to act like I'm a mindless hater of you specifically?

I also noticed that instead of taking your screenshots of the "Reactions received" tab which shows the exact comments I disliked of yours, you took your screenshot from the "Alerts" tab in the right-hand corner which doesn't have that same comment viewing function. Am I to believe that's a coincidence?

You gave me qashins because you're an obsessive hater. I gave you qashins because you were spitting venomous hatred towards a minor @Wonyluvr and being disgustingly misogynistic.

Case in point, ladies and gents:

You couldn't even spare a little 16-year-old girl from your nastiness:

I said nothing wrong. You're too emotional and brainwashed by feminism to see the truth.
I said nothing wrong. You're too emotional and brainwashed by feminism to see the truth.
I'd rather be 'brainwashed by feminism' than be one of the female members of your family. May Allah (SWT) protect them for your timo jileec mentality.

I doubt you're even Somali.
I'd rather be 'brainwashed by feminism' than be one of the female members of your family. May Allah (SWT) protect them for your timo jileec mentality.

I doubt you're even Somali.

My views are based on the Quran and Sunnah, your views are based on the judeo satanic ideology of feminism.
My views are based on the Quran and Sunnah, your views are based on the judeo satanic ideology of feminism.
Then I suppose I should leave Islam, then? Since my "Judeo-satanic" views of not wanting to have the shit kicked out of me by several men like your precious Taliban likes to do are not compatible with the diin, right? 🤔
I knew it, no one is gonna dish out 20 qashin for no reason:mybusiness:
You didn't know shit GeelgireNacas. You were only suspicious of me because you're naturally biased against women.

Will you acknowledge the (actually good) reason I had to give his comments a qashin? They were actually disgusting, and I explained it above on Post #205.


Prima Hablood
You didn't know shit GeelgireNacas. You were only suspicious of me because you're naturally biased against women.

Will you acknowledge the (actually good) reason I had to give his comments a qashin? They were actually disgusting, and I explained it above on Post #205.
Exactly he is a Taliban SYMPATHISER
Exactly he is a Taliban SYMPATHISER

Are these your people?
Aisha was born into an Afghan family in Afghanistan. She lost her mother at a young age. When she was twelve, her father promised her to a Taliban fighter as compensation in a practice called baad, for a murder committed by a member of Aisha's family. She was forced to marry this man at the age of fourteen.Her husband and his family abused her. At the age of eighteen, she fled the abuse, but she was caught by the police, jailed for five months, and returned to her father, who then returned her to her husband.[2] As revenge for her escape, Aisha's father-in-Law, husband and three other men of the family took Aisha to the mountains, cut off her nose and ears and left her to die. She crawled to her uncle's house but was refused help. She was finally offered asylum by her father and her grandfather who brought her to a U.S. military base.


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after facial reconstruction surgery
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You didn't know shit GeelgireNacas. You were only suspicious of me because you're naturally biased against women.

Will you acknowledge the (actually good) reason I had to give his comments a qashin? They were actually disgusting, and I explained it above on Post #205.
If it was another girl I might have believed her laakin you?
Forest Whitaker Laughing GIF