
لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
You haven’t answered my post sis.

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I wont water down Islam or the sharia for you guys. I agree with the mainstream islam sharia and I wont let you guys bully me. Ok this is my opinion: if an islamic caliphate (a state) which had a court existed and they prosecuted hostile apostates who are commiting espionage and are combatants of the enemy and found them guilty then ofc the death penalty would be applied since they committed treason against the state. Even Secular countries have death penalty for people that commit espionage and fight along their enemy so I was a bit taken back when you did the whole moral charade about how Islam is not compatible with the west. The ruling for murtads who are not hostile is a bit different, they are given dawah, jailed, given 3 days to repent. Theres several narrations about sahaba who left islam many times and they werent killed. However the ones that joined the kuffar were. I dont know enough about that @ina-cilmi knows more than me. Oh also Islamism and islamist is not a word stop using Islamophobic dog whistles
Oh gosh, here we go again. Simply following Islamic rules, you are what your father is. If your father is Somali, then so are you. I haven’t found a Hadith that states that if someone becomes an apostate their ethnicity changes. Those that claim that need to find the evidence. If you’re going to use Islam as your argument, then where is your evidence? As Muslims we work with evidence.

As for Somali gaals, within our culture you’re excommunicated and are seen as outsiders culturally, but saying you’re not Somali when you have Somali blood, parents, siblings is stupid. Did your hooyo and abo stop being your parents? Did your mothers not birth you?

Some things are simply black and white. However, do not expect to be seen as part of the ‘community’. You’ll never be since our identity, ethics and values are based on islam and that is what brings us together.

So to simply but it, gaal Somalis are indeed Somali. All of you lot know it, hence why when describing them, you describe them as ‘gaal Somali’. Are they part of the community? NO.
their lineage may be a somali lineage but ethnicity is far more than just "you are what your father is". While it is true that children are to be named after the father(if theyre not bastards) this does not mean that you are what your father is precisely. yes you carry his lineage but the somali identity is far more than just lineage, otherwise the barwanis, Madows etc would not be seen as somali. ethnically they aren't but you'll get laughed at if you call them non somalis back home.

islam is part of the somali identity, just like lineage (which honestly is debatable considering the aforementioned groups are commonly seen as somalis back home)

lacking islam means ur not somali anymore
their lineage may be a somali lineage but ethnicity is far more than just "you are what your father is". While it is true that children are to be named after the father(if theyre not bastards) this does not mean that you are what your father is precisely. yes you carry his lineage but the somali identity is far more than just lineage, otherwise the barwanis, Madows etc would not be seen as somali. ethnically they aren't but you'll get laughed at if you call them non somalis back home.

islam is part of the somali identity, just like lineage (which honestly is debatable considering the aforementioned groups are commonly seen as somalis back home)

lacking islam means ur not somali anymore
Yeah I'm not somali anymore alx 👀


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Spare me the self aggrandisation, this was an exit based on determining that the ethnic group is unsalvegable, its filled with your kind of waste the terrorist kind.
Al qaraariya. I dont actually believe someones faith or lack of changes their background. If believing in sharia make me one then Yes im a terrorist and we live for it 🤷‍♀️👊
I wont water down Islam or the sharia for you guys. I agree with the mainstream islam sharia and I wont let you guys bully me. Ok this is my opinion: if an islamic caliphate (a state) which had a court existed and they prosecuted hostile apostates who are commiting espionage and are combatants of the enemy and found them guilty then ofc the death penalty would be applied since they committed treason against the state. Even Secular countries have death penalty for people that commit espionage and fight along their enemy so I was a bit taken back when you the whole moral charade about how Islam is not compatible with the west. The ruling for murtads who are not hostile is a bit different, they are given dawah, jailed, given 3 days to repent. Theres several narrations about sahaba who left islam many times and they werent killed. However the ones that joined the kuffar were. I dont know enough about that @ina-cilmi knows more than me. Oh also Islamism and islamist is not a word stop using Islamophobic dog whistles
why bother honestly, they dont want to understand. probe him enough and he'll go even more mask off than what he said earlier about wilders lol, an avid hater of islam who has less knowledge of the religion than a 3 year old kid in somalia. Had he actually known the deen, perhaps something similar to Joram van Klaveren would happen to him.

Joram was an old PVV member(Wilders' party) who set out to write a book against islam, to do this ofc he had to study islam. Through studying islam he saw the beauty, wisdom and truth of the religion and became a muslim.

Funny how he supports Wilders while Wilders is only known for silly statements lol. its known he is a controversial figure but if you were to look at his party's plans, it isnt longer than an A4 piece of paper, while other parties' have pages full of their plans and how they want to execute those. Genuinely hilarious its a huge meme


this was literally all of it kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

that ajansana girl you mentioned earlier like I said claimed practicing muslims should be put down like dogs. none of these freaks came out of the woodworks to talk to her about that.

rules for thee but not for me, a classic
I've always wondered what motivated youths to bomb buildings and cause the deaths of philanthropists like Hodan Nalayeh, she'd probably be alive if certain ilk weren't around 🤔
I've always wondered what motivated youths to bomb buildings and cause the deaths of philanthropists like Hodan Nalayeh, she'd probably be alive if certain ilk weren't around 🤔
you want to talk about intelligence but use an example of khawaarij, known deviants, killing a muslim woman..........?
you want to talk about intelligence but use an example of khawaarij, known deviants, killing a muslim woman..........?
Khawaarij kill based on religious ideology, they are obviously a couple of deviations of extreme from what Shariaha and apostasy laws espouse, but killing based on small nuances are still present


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
I've always wondered what motivated youths to bomb buildings and cause the deaths of philanthropists like Hodan Nalayeh, she'd probably be alive if certain ilk weren't around 🤔
The ones who killed hodan naleyah believed that we arent muslim they takfired us. Same thing you are doing to us grouping us with those terrorists


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Great wilder knows that Islam isn’t compatible with the west. Islam views are both political and religious.

You have @Mudug_gyal over here who wouldn’t mind if I was placed under a firing squad for leaving the Islam.
This may sound controversial to you (since you appear moderate) but it’s the truth.
The West isn’t meant to mix with Islam and vice versa.

I never seen any religions practices these things but Islam. Spear me with this okay.
On what basis do you say this? And if its due to the west being “secular” I can find you a lot of parallels between islamic sharia and the “west”. Why is Islam not compitable with the west as you say???


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
For example they believe that missing your prayer removes you from Islam, and so your blood becomes halal. Mainstream Islam agrees that you are removed from the fold, but the murder of such an individual is not permissable
Lol ila qosla
For example they believe that missing your prayer removes you from Islam, and so your blood becomes halal. Mainstream Islam agrees that you are removed from the fold, but the murder of such an individual is not permissable
1. it's abandoning prayer
2. theres a difference of opinion on what abandoning prayer constitutes
3. the person is given three days to start praying again
4. this is not killing based on small nuances.
5. not to forget, it has to be proven in court without a shadow of a doubt that this person has abandoned the prayers


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
1. it's abandoning prayer
2. theres a difference of opinion on what abandoning prayer constitutes
3. the person is given three days to start praying again
4. this is not a small "nuance" differnce at all. prayer distinguishes the muslim from the kaafir.
Walaal stop, hes a lost cause. I only addressed him to reveal him.