Ethiopian ethnicities living in the Somali galbeed in great numbers


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
There's a reason much my maternal family left Dir dhaba for Djibouti.

They build churches and all that shit, imagine Somalis moving into Amhara and settling the cities and buildings Mosques. But we are forced to tolerate this because it is an occupation West Somalia is not Ethiopia. War must come from the people to galbeed to liberate itself, we don't need Somalia to invade again, if eritrea did it we can too.
New mosque’s aren’t allowed to be constructed in Axum, Tigray region however churches are dotted all over Harar, Muslim areas of Oromia, and Jigjiga. The hypocrisy is insane
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East Africa UNUKA LEH
It is still 95+% homogeneous. But the bigger question should be what it will take to get rid of the puppet government and let the people choose their destiny
They are chipping away at our big cities. They are half of Dir Dhabo and Jijiga is now 20-25% Ethiopian.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
I was listening in on a mostly Ethiopian twitter space last night and one of those landers was going crazy. She was like "I hate Somalis, all Somalis are my enemies and I don't care about them. I hope Afars win and kick Somalis off their land." And they were clowning the shit out of her. She was like "I want Hawd and Reserve back, you guys can do whatever you want to Ogaden." And then they were like, no, all the land belongs to us, all of Somali region and you're not getting it back. Then they told her she could get only Hawd and Reserve back if they got to settle Saylac in exchange. After all that she was still sucking up to these Ethios.


Some of these people are truly cooked man. Even working against those of us that are patriotic Somalis.
How does a lander stoop this low :snoop:
Galbeed is still overwhelmingly Somali but as others said, the big cities like Jigjiga are slowly becoming Ethiopian enclaves. If nothing is done its possible that Jigjiga could become another chartered city like Dir Dhaba and Harar.

Could become a lot worse tho. Without the efforts of WSLF/ONLF, Galbeed would pretty much be at least 50% Oromo/Amharan by now. There is still a fighting chance to prevent Somalis from becoming another Harari or Sidamo group.


Somalis have a good fertility rate and young population, they could flood back into those areas and take back control. Unfortunately we have a weak fake government in charge of galbeed and the people are divided by foolishness.
Save Somalis :jcoleno:
You will never be @Khaemwaset niyow

Jada Pinkett Smith Point GIF by Red Table Talk


EritreanPost 🇪🇷🇩🇯🇸🇴🇸🇩🇪🇬 |Eritrean news blogger
What do you mean retards? As someone who was born and raised there, let me tell you that the Somalis are under occupation. There's nothing they can do about it.
The rest of Ethiopia accept each other as Ethiopians but Somalis are usually kept at bay and mistrusted due to us starting wars with Ethiopia over the years.

What do you think we can do?
Ethiopia started most wars against the Somali people not vice versa


EritreanPost 🇪🇷🇩🇯🇸🇴🇸🇩🇪🇬 |Eritrean news blogger
Somalis have the highest birth rate in the Ethiopian empire. U will see the demographic change.

somalis need to buy land, promote Somali enterprises, Somalis need political power, all Somalis of all clans need to be on code with each others than the empire can’t do nothing
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They are ethiopians in front of sayid mohamed abdulle hassans statue in jigjiga.
The harsh truth is that he would most likely get more support from Ethiopian Muslims than his own people. Like you can see now they’re more free under Somalis.

During the Christian expansion in the late 19th to the early 20th century, Emperor Iyasu V secretly tried to unify the Horner Muslims with Harari’s help as they were all losing ground before he got caught. Mad Mullah was one of them while he had to deal with his own people that was helping the Europeans.

Shortly before that, the Mahdist on the other side (Eastern region) managed to mobilize the Eritrean and Ethiopian ethnic groups and succeeded in killing Yohannes IV, British general Charles Gordon and drove Menelik away to stop their onslaught which is very obvious that they had help from Allah who gave them the message that success will only happen through this or you get famines and humiliation.
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Most Ethiopian Muslims are full blown Ethiopists at this point. No actual connection to Adal with the exception of Hararis and are supporters of the Christians. Just look at the Gurage.
Gurage are assimilated Christian group who historically associate themselves with Amhara’s Abyssinia for centuries and are pro-Ethiopianism for this reason. They’re completely different to what i’m talking about.

None of the others associate themselves with Ethiopia and they’re definitely not supporters of Christians, not when both have a long history with each other (their wars was only 2- generations ago) so you can’t lump them with the regime who treat them like dirt. The same way you can’t lump the Arab and other population with dictators if they discriminate Somalis etc.

Look at their communities outside the country, they all run their own with different flags.
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I was listening in on a mostly Ethiopian twitter space last night and one of those landers was going crazy. She was like "I hate Somalis, all Somalis are my enemies and I don't care about them. I hope Afars win and kick Somalis off their land." And they were clowning the shit out of her. She was like "I want Hawd and Reserve back, you guys can do whatever you want to Ogaden." And then they were like, no, all the land belongs to us, all of Somali region and you're not getting it back. Then they told her she could get only Hawd and Reserve back if they got to settle Saylac in exchange. After all that she was still sucking up to these Ethios.


Some of these people are truly cooked man. Even working against those of us that are patriotic Somalis.
Ask yourself why small and diverse country like Eritrea won their indepence but 20 million Somalis can't beat Ethiopia? Answer, division!

