Ethiopian ethnicities living in the Somali galbeed in great numbers


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
There's a reason much my maternal family left Dir dhaba for Djibouti.

They build churches and all that shit, imagine Somalis moving into Amhara and settling the cities and buildings Mosques. But we are forced to tolerate this because it is an occupation West Somalia is not Ethiopia. War must come from the people to galbeed to liberate itself, we don't need Somalia to invade again, if eritrea did it we can too.
There's a reason much my maternal family left Dir dhaba for Djibouti.

They build churches and all that shit, imagine Somalis moving into Amhara and settling the cities and buildings Mosques. But we are forced to tolerate this because it is an occupation West Somalia is not Ethiopia. War must come from the people to galbeed to liberate itself, we don't need Somalia to invade again, if eritrea did it we can too.
We can do it but Ethiopia is literally being kept together by the west.
They get a lot of aid, and weapons and support, specially against Muslim Somalis.
Remember how quickly the west mobilized to try and stop the war in Tigray? Well none of them mfs said a word when TPLF was committing genocide in Galbeed.

We are hated man but we also hate ourselves so I guess you can't blame others.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
We can do it but Ethiopia is literally being kept together by the west.
They get a lot of aid, and weapons and support, specially against Muslim Somalis.
Remember how quickly the west mobilized to try and stop the war in Tigray? Well none of them mfs said a word when TPLF was committing genocide in Galbeed.

We are hated man but we also hate ourselves so I guess you can't blame others.
If we are united we can win, fighting the west is a better scenario than watching galbeed be slowly colonised by Ethiopian savages
If we are united we can win, fighting the west is a better scenario than watching galbeed be slowly colonised by Ethiopian savages
We'd definitely have a better shot but still, we'd need endless supply of good weapons. Where do we get that? You can bet on the west to arm any other Ethiopian ethnicity over Somalis.

Besides, I agree, if we were united we would either win or have more leverage than we currently do over our region.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
We'd definitely have a better shot but still, we'd need endless supply of good weapons. Where do we get that? You can bet on the west to arm any other Ethiopian ethnicity over Somalis.

Besides, I agree, if we were united we would either win or have more leverage than we currently do over our region.
Maybe the middle east? I genuinely don't know who could be an ally to Somalis. We got no friends


East African pastoralist. Cushite. Samaale.
We in Djibouti would obviously supply in such a war but we're one 1 million we don't have enough arms on our own
But the Port and railway definitely can be used to supply galbeed
I know Afwerki is stacked
We are hated man but we also hate ourselves so I guess you can't blame others.

I was listening in on a mostly Ethiopian twitter space last night and one of those landers was going crazy. She was like "I hate Somalis, all Somalis are my enemies and I don't care about them. I hope Afars win and kick Somalis off their land." And they were clowning the shit out of her. She was like "I want Hawd and Reserve back, you guys can do whatever you want to Ogaden." And then they were like, no, all the land belongs to us, all of Somali region and you're not getting it back. Then they told her she could get only Hawd and Reserve back if they got to settle Saylac in exchange. After all that she was still sucking up to these Ethios.


Some of these people are truly cooked man. Even working against those of us that are patriotic Somalis.


East African pastoralist. Cushite. Samaale.
You guys shouldn’t be worried about other East African ethnic groups dominating us or taking land it’s only temporary imo

Somalis have the highest birth rates in Ethiopia just wait 10-20 years major demographic shift will take place
Lol Oromos have been the biggest ethnicity in the Horn for how long?! Still subjugated slaves.


East African pastoralist. Cushite. Samaale.
I was listening in on a mostly Ethiopian twitter space last night and one of those landers was going crazy. She was like "I hate Somalis, all Somalis are my enemies and I don't care about them. I hope Afars win and kick Somalis off their land." And they were clowning the shit out of her. She was like "I want Hawd and Reserve back, you guys can do whatever you want to Ogaden." And then they were like, no, all the land belongs to us, all of Somali region and you're not getting it back. Then they told her she could get only Hawd and Reserve back if they got to settle Saylac in exchange. After all that she was still sucking up to these Ethios.


Some of these people are truly cooked man. Even working against those of us that are patriotic Somalis.
She sounds like a freshie ryt OMG BE A LADY


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
HELLO?!?! Why is this the case?? Sizeable mainly Oromo and Amhara populations dotted around in the Somali region.
Meanwhile the Amhara,Tigray, Oromo and Afar regions are pretty homogeneous and no Somali to be found there except maybe in the border areas of the latter two…….UMMM maa fahiim R they retarded ffs. We already lost Diri Dhabe and Harar :mahubowtf:#GreatReplacement
Welcome back queen


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