Ethiopian wrote to me. I'm horrified

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Suicidal men adore me.
I commented on a youtube page and two Ethiopians wrote back to me

This is what they wrote
"+barni alas Such terrible at math you little probably get fucked by 4 guys right now. It's 4.54% percent you aren't even good at math. Your country sucks and we enjoyed raping your women in Mogadishu in 2006 and if you try your Islamic bullshit with us than we will do it again but this time it will be brutal.

I promise you Somalia will not exist in 10 Years everything north Puntland and Somaliland belongs to us and everything at South belongs to Kenya. I can't wait to see you screaming while Ethiopian soldier rape you front of your family members."

this is what the other Ethiopian wrote to me
"also wtf are you saying kenya controls the south??, no ugly bantu natian can control the horn,
anyway us ethiopian are also not black you retard, we are different from the ugly negro tribes in the rest of africa
i dont like zoomails but i hate bantus more"

Link to the youtube page
All of you that big up these people I don't know what to say to you. All of you fuckers clouded with qabil and not seeing the bigger picture here you go


Oberbefehlshaber der Somalier Genetik Gruppe
They're not wrong if Somalis Continue the way they are


Jet life till my next life
Ethiopia is a real threat, Somalis need a strong leadership tbh.
But annexation will never happen, Anyways I blame Somali govt for pushing Somaliland away to a point we had lean on an arch enemy.


Ethiopians and Bantus have always hated us. I'm not surprised at what they wrote and I'm more horrified that Ethiopians are swimming in Berbera and Bosaaso with stupid Somalis calling them Muslim when Oromo are majority kufaar.


Suicidal men adore me.
Honestly I'm in tears. SHit
Ethiopia is a real threat, Somalis need a strong leadership tbh.
But annexation will never happen, Anyways I blame Somali govt for pushing Somaliland away to a point we had lean on an arch enemy.

You should blame both parties. Somalis being divided doesn't befit any of us. Ethiopia controls Somaliland and Kenya controls Jubba while Somalis can't even feed themselves. When will we move past qabil and actually fix our country. Both of our neighboring countries are well of our weakness, they study qabil and then they use qabil. The only way to push them back is to actually forget about qabil .


Suicidal men adore me.
Ethiopia is a real threat, Somalis need a strong leadership tbh.
But annexation will never happen, Anyways I blame Somali govt for pushing Somaliland away to a point we had lean on an arch enemy.

why don't you believe annexation won't happen. They outnumbers 1 to 10. They have a real military and air support albeit weak but they still have something we don't.
I commented on a youtube page and two Ethiopians wrote back to me

This is what they wrote
"+barni alas Such terrible at math you little probably get fucked by 4 guys right now. It's 4.54% percent you aren't even good at math. Your country sucks and we enjoyed raping your women in Mogadishu in 2006 and if you try your Islamic bullshit with us than we will do it again but this time it will be brutal.

I promise you Somalia will not exist in 10 Years everything north Puntland and Somaliland belongs to us and everything at South belongs to Kenya. I can't wait to see you screaming while Ethiopian soldier rape you front of your family members."

this is what the other Ethiopian wrote to me
"also wtf are you saying kenya controls the south??, no ugly bantu natian can control the horn,
anyway us ethiopian are also not black you retard, we are different from the ugly negro tribes in the rest of africa
i dont like zoomails but i hate bantus more"

Link to the youtube page
All of you that big up these people I don't know what to say to you. All of you fuckers clouded with qabil and not seeing the bigger picture here you go
Never ever trust Ethiopian


Suicidal men adore me.
It's just really hurtful. Wallahi I find this to be so heartbreaking. We're a fucking pawn. Truth is only we see qabil differences others just see Somalis and our beautiful rich land.


Honestly I'm in tears. SHit

You should blame both parties. Somalis being divided doesn't befit any of us. Ethiopia controls Somaliland and Kenya controls Jubba while Somalis can't even feed themselves. When will we move past qabil and actually fix our country. Both of our neighboring countries are well of our weakness, they study qabil and then they use qabil. The only way to push them back is to actually forget about qabil .

Ethiopia doesn't control Somaliland or Puntland they're being courted to put pressure on Somali Federal Government, it's just us as usual destroying our own house. Juba isn't controlled by Kenya either, they're threatening to pull out if EU doesn't fund them. They're two broke countries, they can't control their own countries from separatists and terrorists even with billions of aid so ignore what they say about Somalia, we have a smaller population and are actually more resilient against violent tribalism than them thanks to federalism.


Jet life till my next life
why don't you believe annexation won't happen. They outnumbers 1 to 10. They have a real military and air support albeit weak but they still have something we don't.

Because the only thing that unites Somalis is a common enemy.
This reminds me back in 2006 when ICU was fighting the ethios and dozens of my relatives left Hargeisa/Burao to fight Ethios.
You should blame both parties. Somalis being divided doesn't befit any of us. Ethiopia controls Somaliland and Kenya controls Jubba while Somalis can't even feed themselves. When will we move past qabil and actually fix our country. Both of our neighboring countries are well of our weakness, they study qabil and then they use qabil. The only way to push them back is to actually forget about qabil .

This is probably my all time favorite comment on SS


Suicidal men adore me.
Ethiopia doesn't control Somaliland or Puntland they're being courted to put pressure on Somali Federal Government, it's just us as usual destroying our own house. Juba isn't controlled by Kenya either, they're threatening to pull out if EU doesn't fund them. They're two broke countries, they can't control their own countries from separatists and terrorists even with billions of aid so ignore what they say about Somalia, we have a smaller population and are actually more resilient against violent tribalism than them thanks to federalism.

Kenya support the so called government of Jubba and Ethiopia support the so called government of Somaliland while yes putting pressure on Somalia and in return we can't do shit to restore and actually mend broken bones cause by qabil. They know where to put pressure on and in return Somalis just get more divided.They are broke yes but they aren't divided like us.


Jet life till my next life
Honestly I'm in tears. SHit

You should blame both parties. Somalis being divided doesn't befit any of us. Ethiopia controls Somaliland and Kenya controls Jubba while Somalis can't even feed themselves. When will we move past qabil and actually fix our country. Both of our neighboring countries are well of our weakness, they study qabil and then they use qabil. The only way to push them back is to actually forget about qabil .

No, I will only blame Somalia. Two state solution is the way forward.


Kenya support the so called government of Jubba and Ethiopia support the so called government of Somaliland while yes putting pressure on Somalia and in return we can't do shit to restore and actually mend broken bones cause by qabil. They know where to put pressure on and in return Somalis just get more divided.They are broke yes but they aren't divided like us.

Ignore them. When Somalia was burning the Ethiopians never hated Somalia or commented. Now that we're rising again they're getting anxious. We have diplomatic offices in UAE, USA, Europe and we're officially back on the map. Mogadishu is nearly rebuilt, Turkey will build 10,000 homes and it will look better than Addis which is killing them. Also oil and other deals are making them jealous because our population is small, unlike theirs so we we'll have a higher GDP per capita than theirs in very little time even with their master plan they'll be poorer than us. We just need to deport the Oromo and ban them from entering Somalia because of their cannibalism and AIDS rate.


Meticulously calculated...........
You know these people have a long standing defense pact to aide one another if either is invaded :patrice:

Even if we build our military like it was back in the days, they're still a huge threat, and its only getting worse with their rising population.
either way we're screwed. 10 million vs 100M from our western borders and 50M from the southern :camby:ilaahay hano gaargaaro.


Your superior
I don't have an issue with those comments. Tell us what you said.

I am cool with xabashi. I know who my enemy is and they aren't xabashi
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