Ethiopian wrote to me. I'm horrified

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Suicidal men adore me.
They'll get help from USA because Starbucks depends on them. Also China and Italy need their hefty investment back.

who? Djibouti? Getting the US on your side is currently not that hard just reject Chinese investments and don't harass their boats.
Qabil isn't going away. It is here to stay for good and it's influence will continue to gain traction. It is a very beautiful thing and the Somali people should fight against the liberals who want to erase this important aspect of their dhaqan. We are beginning to see the emergence of countries and nations along qabil and these nations are ostensibly more stable and harmonious than the failed colonial project that is Somalia. The people want independence and liberty and it shall be granted.

Every time you post you keep showing your true face, but I expect nothing less from a ostracized 0.5er, people had enough of this qabill shit and it needs to be left in the past where it belongs, the only reason why your advocating for it is because you want the Native Somalis to be at each others throat forever go spew your bullshit some where else.


Suicidal men adore me.
No Ethiopia is 100% foreign invested, they won't let us destroy their milk cow.

Ethiopia is foreign invested with Chinese Renminbi. US and China are not that very friendly at the moment due to South Sea China. Plus Somalia has oil and US have Oil corporate. Somalia has sea Ethiopia does not. Somalia could block China from Sea. I don't like the US. But the US cares about their interests both long and short term. And a rich stable wealthy Somalia is more attractive than a rich stable wealthy Ethiopia due to our geographical position.


China is exporting all its shit jobs to Ethiopia. A lot of factories are being build in Ethiopia to take over all the dull factory work Asia is known for.


Ethiopia is foreign invested with Chinese Renminbi. US and China are not that very friendly at the moment due to South Sea China. Plus Somalia has oil and US have Oil corporate. Somalia has sea Ethiopia does not. Somalia could block China from Sea. I don't like the US. But the US cares about their interests both long and short term. And a rich stable wealthy Somalia is more attractive than a rich stable wealthy Ethiopia due to our geographical position.

I wish this would work that way but China has made up with the Europe and USA and both have a lot to gain from the habesha theft of vast lands belonging to other tribes in Ethiopia. They've been supporting them throughout genocides and they won't turn back now.
They integrate well with us, in 50 years they become Somalis. We already did before and worked out reer xamar are great Somalis who never harm Somalia

Wether they intergrate well with us or not don't matter, we need skilled people individuals who are educated and most certainly not from third world countries, Germany is begging for third world immigrants let them go there.
It is about demographic matter however (India Pakistan Syrian have great doctors and IT people, Yemen business, agriculture field ) all good and well. Ask anyone in Dubai about the old market where you will see the Pakistan speaking Somali @Racer


Germany is begging for third world immigrants let them go there.

It is about demographic matter however (India Pakistan Syrian have great doctors and IT people, Yemen business, agriculture field ) all good and well. Ask anyone in Dubai about the old market where you will see the Pakistan speaking Somali.

I don't mind indians but pakistanis hell no
Thing is Somaliland thinks being kind to ethiopians will lead to them recognizing the country when in reality all they want is an unstable Somalia.
The Oromos alone out number the landers including no isaq clans 12 to 1. They can easily take over their lands like they did in harar and now dir dewa. Somalis posses the slowest of minds across the world. They don't know what endangers them even when it is obvious.
No, that's not an understatement! Why is it that Somalis think everyone is out to get 'em? Ethiopia is a poor nation and currently on a boiling pot which might transform it into a ticking bomb. Get your head out of your asses and contribute or quit whining 24/7
If you think Ethiopia isn't an enemy then you are simply stupid. Ethiopia already has in its possession a good chunk of Somali lands and it rules(mistreats) those somalis in it. What does one need to do to be your enemy other than steal your lands, kill your people, invade whatever left of your land, mingle in your affairs? Get a grip of yourself you weakling! It is minds like yours that made us the masakiin we are today.


Suicidal men adore me.
The Oromos alone out number the landers including no isaq clans 12 to 1. They can easily take over their lands like they did in harar and now dir dewa. Somalis posses the slowest of minds across the world. They don't know what endangers them even when it is obvious.

They outnumber them inside of Somaliland? Why aren't they fighting back? How could they let that many immigrant come in.
Every time you post you keep showing your true face, but I expect nothing less from a ostracized 0.5er, people had enough of this qabill shit and it needs to be left in the past where it belongs, the only reason why your advocating for it is because you want the Native Somalis to be at each others throat forever go spew your bullshit some where else.

Really? You believe people had enough of this 'qabil shit' as you put it? :drakelaugh::drakelaugh::drakelaugh:

You are obviously detached from what is going on in Somalia. I will inform you. Right now we are seeing the secession of the great Puntland nation that will be inhabited only by the Majerteen and their Arab and Darod kin with whom they have no beef with. We are also seeing the secession of another state called Jubbaland in the South that is to be for the southern clans. The Adal state and the Dir people want to secede from the already independent nation of Somaliland and find their own independent path in this world. Why are you against the people's freedom and right to choose their own destiny? :drakewtf:
They outnumber them inside of Somaliland? Why aren't they fighting back? How could they let that many immigrant come in.
Not inside somaliland. I meant in general. Oromos are 50 million and somaliland population is around 4 million today. a 9% oromo migration is enough to make them majority in sland.


"I'd kill for a Noble Peace Prize"
Waar bal labadan aad moodo in dawo dhacday lagu anqariyay eega, ee sidii mid garaabo iibiya iyo sxbadiisii shaaxlayda ahayd ushekaysanaya :draketf:

They can easily take over ya know, what you think we would just sit back and watch the invasion of our sacred lands ? And wouldnt you think they would have to obviously take over your lands before they get to us loool. Wait, they have already done that I think, no:pachah1:@metamorphosis

Af noolina wuu hadlaa unbaan maqli jiray ayna wuu ciyaa. Somalilanderska qorigooda ma biyo ayaa ka dhaca ayaa lagugu yidhi? ( I am gonna have an idoor moment here so bare with me, ok ) .." Nigga we defeated and destroyed the strongest African Army in 88 ; SNA and ya are talking about masakiin yar yaroo wadooyinka noo xaadha oo musqulaha noo qoda!" :drakelaugh:
It's like suggesting the xabashi akhdaams in Saudi Arabia might one day take over the Hajj and Kacba..( Astaqfullah) since there are so many of them that travel there to work , your doomsday scenarios and hypothetical statements are as pathetic and idiotic as that!

Barni is alright though, her little blonde moment can be tolerated. She must be having a terrible end to the weekend with the virtual axmaar karbaash she received on youtube:mjlol:poor thing. Go and get some sleep walal, and make sure to wash your feet
Saudi deported all these Ethiopians for that reason and they caused the famous riots there. The gulf countries are having hard time for human rights groups to natuaralization all these workers (some lived for 40 years there). They are tough and smart unlike us.
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