Ethiopian wrote to me. I'm horrified

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maman waaq

the Somali culture is thousands of years old
We don't want nor need no pakistan nor yemeni or syrian people ma raabno, had enough on our plate with our own illiterate uneducated people we don't want people from third worlds adding to our plate too
the yemeni and syrian armies were fighting with and helping the ethiopian army during the 1977-78 intervention of the ethiopia, shows you how much arabs care about somalissiilaanyolaugh

maman waaq

the Somali culture is thousands of years old
It is about demographic matter however (India Pakistan Syrian have great doctors and IT people, Yemen business, agriculture field ) all good and well. Ask anyone in Dubai about the old market where you will see the Pakistan speaking Somali @Racer
the world ain't all sunshine and rainbows dear we don't want filthy backstabbing arabs nor pakistanis in somalia ever
the yemeni and syrian armies were fighting with and helping the ethiopian army during the 1977-78 intervention of the ethiopia, shows you how much arabs care about somalissiilaanyolaugh

Somalida are slaves by heart, and then you have these Somali cabiids saying Syrians are our brothers they took in somali immigrants and gave a few scholarships to them giving the Syrians and Xaraabs in a whole passes so that they can booty clap for them :westbrookwtf:

maman waaq

the Somali culture is thousands of years old
Somalida are slaves by heart, and then you have these Somali cabiids saying Syrians are our brothers they took in somali immigrants and gave a few scholarships to them giving the Syrians and Xaraabs in a whole passes so that they can booty clap for them :westbrookwtf:
lmsao true, is there any chance you are not a muslim bro don't get offended
It is about demographic matter however (India Pakistan Syrian have great doctors and IT people, Yemen business, agriculture field ) all good and well. Ask anyone in Dubai about the old market where you will see the Pakistan speaking Somali @Racer

Here I was thinking you were all Pro-Somalinimo with your daily diatribes against Habesha and Oromos, and now you're showing your inferiority complex by begging for South Asian and Arab migrants.

What are they capable of doing that an equally educated fellow Somali isn't?

Waad fashilmatay walle

maman waaq

the Somali culture is thousands of years old
:qri8gs7::qri8gs7::qri8gs7::qri8gs7::qri8gs7::qri8gs7::qri8gs7:more somalis like you our country will be much better galyoho kaafirka ah ee naarta laga cadhaabi dhoonoobamadatazz
Here I was thinking you were all Pro-Somalinimo with your daily diatribes against Habesha and Oromos, and now you're showing your inferiority complex by begging for South Asian and Arab migrants.

What are they capable of doing that an equally educated fellow Somali isn't?

Waad fashilmatay walle
We need doctors teachers IT people they intergate well in Somali society other the Bantu will outnumbed us we have 900,000 Bantu who breed crazy and not affect by famine in north. If you go to Somalia from SL /pl and Mogadishu the doctors are Syrian and Iraq. It is either Oromo or Bantu. But the Arab or new reer xamar do not have fake historical claim plus they never interfere in politician life.
the yemeni and syrian armies were fighting with and helping the ethiopian army during the 1977-78 intervention of the ethiopia, shows you how much arabs care about somalissiilaanyolaugh
Syrian were not fighting with Ethiopia but North Yemen who sided with Ethiopia. At that time there were 2 Yemen

maman waaq

the Somali culture is thousands of years old
Syrian were not fighting with Ethiopia but North Yemen who sided with Ethiopia. At that time there were 2 Yemen
they aided the ethiopian troops by sending them medical supplies and offering them training advice
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