Femicide in Mexico

and your khawarij are boy scouts compared to our equivalent.

Al kebab’s Top brass are made up
of battle hardened international fighters, who are both ethnic Somali and foreigners.

Where as your cartels are made up of devil worshipping local gangbangers, corrupt laws enforcement and greedy politicians, both local and national.

So I don’t get what point your trying to make here, if it’s about the mutilation of bodies in the worship of demonic spirits, then yes your thugs are worse then ours.

But real battles and not skirmishes and ambushes the cartels are actually cowards.

and considering what our cousins were able to do in Ogaden- that was against men. and Cuba is only a small island.

This is exactly why I detests Salafis they use the deen when it suits them, but discard it when it doesn’t. They are the definition of munafiqiin.

“O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliya (friends, protectors, helpers, etc.), they are but Auliya to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as Auliya, then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zalimoon (polytheists and wrongdoers and unjust)”

[al-Maa’idah 5:51]

Here this Salafi as a “Muslim” shows his support to kaffir aggressor who came to the aid defeated kaffirs, against Muslims who were fighting for their dignity and freedom from kaffir hegemony.

He also made it seem like it was the Cubans vs The Somalis, when in fact it was Somalia who had been weakened by the heavy battles it engaged in, to secure the the Ogaden in its entirety. A land almost the size of Germany.

When the Cuban dogs along with their Russians masters and the communist block attacked our people, with the blessing of Nato and the support of Israel.

Never trust a Salafi they are hypocrites.

@Khaemwaset I can’t believe you of all people the supposed “Nationalist” co signed this sxb.
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btw just to elaborate- in our politics, a nationalist means you oppose the foreign imperialist forces. we've been battling foreign imperialist forces for hundreds of years.

there are forms of nationalism which are contrary to Islam.

Wathilah ibn Al-Asqa’ reported: I asked the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, saying, “O Messenger of Allah, is it part of tribalism that a man loves his people?” The Prophet said, “No, rather it is tribalism that he supports his people in wrongdoing.”

Source: Sunan Ibn Mājah 3949

Grade: Hasan (fair) according to Ibn Muflih

Tribalism is that you support your people in wrongdoing. opposing sinister international forces I regard as fine.
You can oppose international forces without lying about the reality. The statistics are there compiled by the Mexican government. Dead women don’t tell lies. The fact that a surplus amount of women are being killed by men who they’re in relationships with or women they knew very well is something that cannot be hidden hence running away from that is silly.

If you’re hey, this is something that we as a nation free from America and its documentaries will deal with, that’s ok and reasonable and I respect that.

But what I can’t respect is emotional delusions in which you want to deny statistics ect.
Al kebab’s Top brass are made up
made up battle hardened international actors, who are both ethnic Somali and foreigners.

Where as your cartels are made up of devil worshipping local gangbangers, corrupt laws enforcement and greedy politicians, both local and national. So I don’t get what point your trying to make her, if it’s about the mutilation of bodies in the worship of demonic spirits, then yes your thugs are worse then ours.

But actual battle and skirmishes and ambushes the cartels are actually cowards.

This is exactly why I detests Salafis they use the deen when it suits them, but discard when it doesn’t. They are the definition of munafiqiin.

“O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliya (friends, protectors, helpers, etc.), they are but Auliya to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as Auliya, then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zalimoon (polytheists and wrongdoers and unjust)”

[al-Maa’idah 5:51]

Here this Salafi as a “Muslim” shows his support to kaffir aggressor who came to the aid defeated kaffirs, against Muslims who were fighting for their dignity and freedom from kaffir hegemony.

He also made it seem like it was the Cubans vs The Somalis, when in fact it was Somalia who had been weakened by the heavy battles it engaged in, to secure the the Ogaden in its entirety. A land almost the size of Germany.

When the Cuban dogs along with their Russians masters and the the commun block attacked our people with the blessing of Nato and the support of Israel.

Never trust a Salafi they are hypocrites.
How many years has this man been on our forums and we’ve allowed him to comment ect. Sometimes id forget that @Omar del Sur the Mexican isn’t even Somali and would have frank conversations with him.

Now he’s mad because his government has recorded the amount of women being murdered by their partners and men who sexually abused them and he’s getting mad. He can call it feminism, but it’s pure figures and statistics and dead women don’t lie.

Mexico simply has a higher rate of women dying via intimate violence compared to other places. TBH America isn’t actually that far off so they don’t have a right to brand Mexico a misogynistic country but acknowledging the higher figure shouldn’t warrant this emotional pushback especially when he has commented on Somalia and the Ogaden to be specific.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Look Omar, you’ve been on this site long enough that if you were to speak facts about let’s say FMG, I wouldn’t mind since I wouldn’t assume you have it in for Somalis.

wallahi I in no way have it in for Somalis. however, it is genuinely against our culture to meddle in Somali issues. I said this earlier and it's true. Our current President AMLO has talked about our philosophy of noninterventionism.

our philosophy of noninterventionism gives us license to be extra vicious when an aggressor comes for us. our President AMLO is only promoting our historic traditional philosophy of nonintervention.

I cut out cultural things like I don't give offerings to the dead but... things like the philosophy of noninterventionism I think are compatible with Islam.

anyways, if I was very interested in Somali politics and culture I think that would be a bad thing. any intelligent Somali I think would rightly be bothered if that were the case. but in reality I am simply a Muslim person and I like talking to other Muslims. and I don't want to be hostile to you or to others but we are super mega extremely hostile to people of other cultures trying to get involved in our issues... and very rightfully and justifiably so, if you understood our history and issues you would understand.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Mexico simply has a higher rate of women dying via intimate violence compared to other places. TBH America isn’t actually that far off so they don’t have a right to brand Mexico a misogynistic country but acknowledging the higher figure shouldn’t warrant this emotional pushback especially when he has commented on Somalia and the Ogaden to be specific.

what have I said about Ogaden? I mentioned the Cubans fought there. they did. it's part of our Latin history like it's part of Somali and Ethiopian and even Soviet history

and what exactly have I said about Somalia?? I have said very little about Somalia and you don't see me getting involved in Somalia specific issues.

this intellectual dismantles all the "femicide" propaganda but... this is not in English. the Somali feminist movement may do whatever it does in its world... but they should not try to cross into our world. they should not take aim at our world. We are legion and I think we can reach out and touch you right back.

and your khawarij are boy scouts compared to our equivalent. and considering what our cousins were able to do in Ogaden- that was against men. and Cuba is only a small island.


Who is this Latino interloper threatening and what is this person bragging about? Jumping Somalia, with a host of communist nations. Get the hell out of our forum.
wallahi I in no way have it in for Somalis. however, it is genuinely against our culture to meddle in Somali issues. I said this earlier and it's true. Our current President AMLO has talked about our philosophy of noninterventionism.

our philosophy of noninterventionism gives us license to be extra vicious when an aggressor comes for us. our President AMLO is only promoting our historic traditional philosophy of nonintervention.

I cut out cultural things like I don't give offerings to the dead but... things like the philosophy of noninterventionism I think are compatible with Islam.

anyways, if I was very interested in Somali politics and culture I think that would be a bad thing. any intelligent Somali I think would rightly be bothered if that were the case. but in reality I am simply a Muslim person and I like talking to other Muslims. and I don't want to be hostile to you or to others but we are super mega extremely hostile to people of other cultures trying to get involved in our issues... and very rightfully and justifiably so, if you understood our history you would understand.
So why assume I have it in for Mexicans when you know I care about issues like DV? What makes you think that I would believe that America too doesn’t have that issue?

You’ve been on this forum to know, I’m a Muslim obviously but after that a woman first. I couldn’t care less about an American agenda, Somali agenda and the list continues. I think misogyny is a world wide phenomenon and my sympathy is for all women from Mexico to the Indonesia.
Al kebab’s Top brass are made up
of battle hardened international fighters, who are both ethnic Somali and foreigners.

Where as your cartels are made up of devil worshipping local gangbangers, corrupt laws enforcement and greedy politicians, both local and national.

So I don’t get what point your trying to make here, if it’s about the mutilation of bodies in the worship of demonic spirits, then yes your thugs are worse then ours.

But real battles and not skirmishes and ambushes the cartels are actually cowards.

This is exactly why I detests Salafis they use the deen when it suits them, but discard it when it doesn’t. They are the definition of munafiqiin.

“O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliya (friends, protectors, helpers, etc.), they are but Auliya to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as Auliya, then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zalimoon (polytheists and wrongdoers and unjust)”

[al-Maa’idah 5:51]

Here this Salafi as a “Muslim” shows his support to kaffir aggressor who came to the aid defeated kaffirs, against Muslims who were fighting for their dignity and freedom from kaffir hegemony.

He also made it seem like it was the Cubans vs The Somalis, when in fact it was Somalia who had been weakened by the heavy battles it engaged in, to secure the the Ogaden in its entirety. A land almost the size of Germany.

When the Cuban dogs along with their Russians masters and the communist block attacked our people, with the blessing of Nato and the support of Israel.

Never trust a Salafi they are hypocrites.

@Khaemwaset I can’t believe you of all people the supposed “Nationalist” co signed this sxb.

This qashin has the audacity to brag about a bunch of Christian/Communist ganging up on Somalis.
So why assume I have it in for Mexicans when you know I care about issues like DV? What makes you think that I would believe that America too doesn’t have that issue?

You’ve been on this forum to know, I’m a Muslim obviously but after that a woman first. I couldn’t care less about an American agenda, Somali agenda and the list continues. I think misogyny is a world wide phenomenon and my sympathy is for all women from Mexico to the Indonesia.

Not just misogyny, this piece of qashin, is bragging about a Christian nation, jumping Somalia, with other Communists, because he values his Spanish/Conquistador roots, over the so-called Islam he wields around the forum. Don't be surprised if he's defended by some people on here.
You know… I’ve realized that feminist propaganda is no more than just a tool used by western powers for colonial powers a long time ago. But I never realized how effective it was at colonizing the brains of Muslim women in the west and then having those same women (who are essentially western at this point) go and propagate that propaganda towards their countries of origin.

These people will don’t have strong grounds as to their morals but pick and choose what feels good to them, moving along with their whims, a lot of these people will fight for lgbt rights and all that stuff in the future for their countries of origin.

All that said it’s just funny how these people decide to pick feminist issues when talking about their home counties (is there issues regarding the unfairness of treatment with the genders in some instances, obviously yes but you only need to look to the Quran and sunnah to figure out how to deal with these issues and not use feminist propaganda) when the biggest issue by a LARGE margin with these countries is POVERTY nothing else comes close yet these western Muslim women (who propagate feminism) with their comfy lives and amazing standard of living look to these countries, ignore all that and focus on feminism SubhanAllah.

This focus on talking about femicide while ignoring all male killings is proof of their hypocrisy, they say male lives are more valued but then ignore these lives in favour of the female lives that tend to survive much more often in these poor counties, it’s so funny that this exact comparison wouldn’t work when talking about black homicide rates in the US compared to whites, what do right wing racists say about it? Oh it’s just black on black crime and it doesn’t matter and look at how many innocent whites are killed by black people on the daily. Same exact propaganda I’ve seen used here. Feminism is no different to red pill ideology in the modern day and that clear, it’s just more excepted and approved by the media and world powers/institutions so it feels more okay.
You know… I’ve realized that feminist propaganda is no more than just a tool used by western powers for colonial powers a long time ago. But I never realized how effective it was at colonizing the brains of Muslim women in the west and then having those same women (who are essentially western at this point) go and propagate that propaganda towards their countries of origin.

These people will don’t have strong grounds as to their morals but pick and choose what feels good to them, moving along with their whims, a lot of these people will fight for lgbt rights and all that stuff in the future for their countries of origin.

All that said it’s just funny how these people decide to pick feminist issues when talking about their home counties (is there issues regarding the unfairness of treatment with the genders in some instances, obviously yes but you only need to look to the Quran and sunnah to figure out how to deal with these issues and not use feminist propaganda) when the biggest issue by a LARGE margin with these countries is POVERTY nothing else comes close yet these western Muslim women with their comfy lives and amazing standard of living look to these countries, ignore all that and focus on feminism SubhanAllah.

This focus on talking about femicide while ignoring all male killings is proof of their hypocrisy, they say male lives are more valued but then ignore these lives in favour of the female lives that tend to survive much more often in these poor counties, it’s so funny that this exact comparison wouldn’t work when talking about black homicide rates in the US compared to whites, what do right wing racists say about it? Oh it’s just black on black crime and it doesn’t matter and look at how many innocent whites are killed by black people on the daily. Same exact propaganda I’ve seen used here. Feminism is no different to red pill ideology in the modern day and that clear, it’s just more excepted and approved by the media and world powers/institutions so it feels more okay.

3 paragraphs about feminism, but not a single peep against the Latino, who bragged about Cuba's crimes against Somalis.

Typical, oradoo cagahiisa sii fiican uu leef.
You know… I’ve realized that feminist propaganda is no more than just a tool used by western powers for colonial powers a long time ago. But I never realized how effective it was at colonizing the brains of Muslim women in the west and then having those same women (who are essentially western at this point) go and propagate that propaganda towards their countries of origin.

These people will don’t have strong grounds as to their morals but pick and choose what feels good to them, moving along with their whims, a lot of these people will fight for lgbt rights and all that stuff in the future for their countries of origin.

All that said it’s just funny how these people decide to pick feminist issues when talking about their home counties (is there issues regarding the unfairness of treatment with the genders in some instances, obviously yes but you only need to look to the Quran and sunnah to figure out how to deal with these issues and not use feminist propaganda) when the biggest issue by a LARGE margin with these countries is POVERTY nothing else comes close yet these western Muslim women with their comfy lives and amazing standard of living look to these countries, ignore all that and focus on feminism SubhanAllah.

This focus on talking about femicide while ignoring all male killings is proof of their hypocrisy, they say male lives are more valued but then ignore these lives in favour of the female lives that tend to survive much more often in these poor counties, it’s so funny that this exact comparison wouldn’t work when talking about black homicide rates in the US compared to whites, what do right wing racists say about it? Oh it’s just black on black crime and it doesn’t matter and look at how many innocent whites are killed by black people on the daily. Same exact propaganda I’ve seen used here. Feminism is no different to red pill ideology in the modern day and that clear, it’s just more excepted and approved by the media and world powers/institutions so it feels more okay.
Abdirazaq, don’t embarrass yourself please.

We’ve debunked the points you’ve made already.

Femicide doesn’t even take into account female homicide as well.

Femicide doesn’t mean female homicide.

Femicide is about the women who are killed in intimate partner and DV cases and violent sexual murders.

A woman that is killed in a shot out like a man or is killed by the cartel for being somewhere at the wrong time wrong place isn’t classed as femicide. It’s called female homicide.

This is basic and that’s why this debate about so called ‘feminists’ is dumb.

You don’t even know what femicide is.
3 paragraphs about feminism, but not a single peep against the Latino, who bragged about Cuba's crimes against Somalis.

Typical, oradoo cagahiisa sii fiican uu leef.
He’s powerless against Somalis, these Somali feminists hold a great danger in allowing their western countries to effectively colonize their country of origin. That’s the difference not to mention this post isn’t about some Latino Cuba history is it? Useless whataboustism, how typical from people like you.
He’s powerless against Somalis, these Somali feminists hold a great danger in allowing their western countries to effectively colonize their country of origin. That’s the difference not to mention this post isn’t about some Latino Cuba history is it? Useless whataboustism, how typical from people like you.

You're a pathetic adoon, who values his hatred for women, over fighting a Spanish supremacist.
He’s powerless against Somalis, these Somali feminists hold a great danger in allowing their western countries to effectively colonize their country of origin. That’s the difference not to mention this post isn’t about some Latino Cuba history is it? Useless whataboustism, how typical from people like you.
Saxib you’re clearly a misogynist who doesn’t even know what femicide is. Femicide does not =female homicide.

This is the issue with male misogynists. They’ll bark about things they don’t know.
Abdirazaq, don’t embarrass yourself please.

We’ve debunked the points you’ve made already.

Femicide doesn’t even take into account female homicide as well.

Femicide doesn’t mean female homicide.

Femicide is about the women who are killed in intimate partner and DV cases and violent sexual murders.

A woman that is killed in a shot out like a man or is killed by the cartel for being somewhere at the wrong time wrong place isn’t classed as femicide. It’s called female homicide.

This is basic and that’s why this debate about so called ‘feminists’ is dumb.

You don’t even know what femicide is.

He doesn't know or care what femicide is, he is just a pathetic adoon, who will allow a Cadaan man to urinate on his head, as long as the Cadaan man shares his hatred for women.
I am waiting to see how many more adoons will come in here caping for the foreigner, who disrespected Somalia. I know they hate women, but my goodness, their hate is even stronger than their alleged Somalinimo.

Saxib you’re clearly a misogynist who doesn’t even know what femicide is. Femicide does not =female homicide.

This is the issue with male misogynists. They’ll bark about things they don’t know.

Walahi, I can deal with misogynists, even if they all link up like power rangers, what makes me cringe, is that they don't even dare respond to the utter disrespect towards Somalia. I've seen some humiliating things on here, but this takes the cake.

If anyone wonders how AlShaydaan gets away with foreign fighters in their midst, look no further than the Cabiid cucks in here.
Abdirazaq, don’t embarrass yourself please.

We’ve debunked the points you’ve made already.

Femicide doesn’t even take into account female homicide as well.

Femicide doesn’t mean female homicide.

Femicide is about the women who are killed in intimate partner and DV cases and violent sexual murders.

A woman that is killed in a shot out like a man or is killed by the cartel for being somewhere at the wrong time wrong place isn’t classed as femicide. It’s called female homicide.

This is basic and that’s why this debate about so called ‘feminists’ is dumb.

You don’t even know what femicide is.
Looool, I debunked you, you acted like Femcide was happening on a extremely high level around the globe but its numbers were extremely rare

Why do fathers fear men as well when it comes to their daughters?

Men abusing, r-wording and killing women
Is incredibly common.

Don’t downplay it. It isn’t a fantasy nor is it irrational. The world isn’t safe for women.

I can’t believe I need to explain this to you.
Femicide rate per country https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/femicide-rates-by-country

The highest is El Salvador at 13.8 women per 100,000 women that’s 0.0138%
I grossly overestimated the amount of people killed by femicide by orders of magnitude, even then we all know that most of these killing was between a man and women who knew each other.

The r-word statistics are harder to find considering it’s harder to identify the nature of these cases compared to killing but it’s obviously going to be higher yet I guarantee again that most cases will be between people who are already in a relationship and if not people who know each other.

nayaa, stop this BS.
Why should I trust your propaganda, some random on a forum over real statistics done by professionals???

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
So why assume I have it in for Mexicans when you know I care about issues like DV? What makes you think that I would believe that America too doesn’t have that issue?

You’ve been on this forum to know, I’m a Muslim obviously but after that a woman first. I couldn’t care less about an American agenda, Somali agenda and the list continues. I think misogyny is a world wide phenomenon and my sympathy is for all women from Mexico to the Indonesia.

ok in the end you are a fellow Muslim and I don't want to be hostile to you. we are extremely territorial when it comes to what we see as outside involvement in our issues.

I think you've taken an incorrect stance. If there are nine murders of men for every one murder of women- why should murder be a gender issue? why doesn't the shariah talk about "femicides"?

I think you've taken an incorrect stance and you are supporting the evil international George Soros NGO forces. You may not understand the international sinister plots against us but they are there and our intellectuals have talked about it.

But you are a Muslim and a woman and I think I should not be too harsh. I think you are wrong and I should explain so but to be gentle about it.

this concept of yours...... you are a woman first after a Muslim??

that is a new and shocking concept to me...

Islam... then your gender... then your race??

that is something I had never even conceived of... and I don't agree with it but I had never even imagined such a concept... for myself it is DIN... race... and I honestly don't feel a sense of male solidarity, that is not a concept with me- gender-solidarity... but I feel solidarity with Muslims


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