Fighting breaks out between FGS & Jubbaland forces in Ras Kamboni


Badhaadhe, Kudhaa, Ras Kamboni etc... don't matter. What matters is who is in charge of Kismayo. I don't see how an SNA that couldn't hold Ceelbuur is going to take Kismayo, a city of >400,000 poeople.

All Ahmed Madoobe needs to do is keep the peace in Kismayo, and cut off resupply of these troops. No one needs to die, and there is no need for any fighting.
I dont think its possible for them to cutoff resupply currently. This might stall out until election time.

Kismayo can only fall to itself. Morale is higher now then during Farmajo thanks be to Allah.


Prediction: Badhaadhes defectors will reach the District capital sooner then later. Maybe even abandoned by AS although we’ve seen that film before.

What they intend to do when the rain Isolates them I dont know but they need that moral victory. They desperately need Ogadens to defect in other districts but as time goes on that becomes less and less likely.

Kulbiyow Buurgaabo and Kudhaa were already under the former governor of Badhaadhes control(Kulbiyow is his by subclan). He mentions them in his initial address actually. I bet they post a video next in Buurgaabo saying its “surrendered” or “switched sides”.

Kudhaa seems to have actually sided with JL.
All the Jubaland soldiers in the coast regrouped in Kudhaa. Buurgaabo remains under Jubaland. The stunt in Kulbiyow is only that, a stunt by the commander there. The odayaal are already on it and the commander is being replaced


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
I dont think its possible for them to cutoff resupply currently. This might stall out until election time.

Kismayo can only fall to itself. Morale is higher now then during Farmajo thanks be to Allah.
Masaar markay doonta ka degato ayu dhibta bilaabmaya. Laakin wa sax. Hada Islam madobe xirir bu la haysta xabashi oo qabsaday gedo iyo kenya. Hada wey ka fuudhud tahay berigii farmaajo. Farmaajo wa la karbaashey. Hassan na saas bey uu noqon doonta.
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All the Jubaland soldiers in the coast regrouped in Kudhaa. Buurgaabo remains under Jubaland. The stunt in Kulbiyow is only that, a stunt by the commander there. The odayaal are already on it and the commander is being replaced
I’ve gotten mixed reports on Buurgaabo why regroup at Kudhaa when you can station at Buurgaabo?

If we retain that its a big loss for Ciraaqi it has a small port and a direct road unobstructed by AS to RK. You dont need much to stall flights on a tiny airstrip few madafiic and shots will do.



First batch of Jubbaland soldiers being fown to Xamar. They will be part of the SNA. Hubkooda waa wataan mushaar aa ugu dareena kadib guutoyiinka kala duwan ee cidamada xooga lagu kala dara waa arin wanaagsan

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium

First batch of Jubbaland soldiers being fown to Xamar. They will be part of the SNA. Hubkooda waa wataan mushaar aa ugu dareena kadib guutoyiinka kala duwan ee cidamada xooga lagu kala dara waa arin wanaagsan
So it looks like HSM is looking to create a permanent force in JL which is under his SNA. Looks like he is playing the long game.


So it looks like HSM is looking to create a permanent force in JL which is under his SNA. Looks like he is playing the long game.
Who is the main force in Hirshabelle, Galmudug and Lower Shabelle? Who is the main force in Gedo? The national army

There will be mass recruitment of cagdheer into the military. What can blackie offer these guys 150 usd and most of them turned up with their own ak47 lol QQ & Guudlaawe pay their militias no more than that and they would turn in a day lol these 'darawish' have to be secluded to the capitals of their fms, no need for them to be so heavily armed either



First batch of Jubbaland soldiers being fown to Xamar. They will be part of the SNA. Hubkooda waa wataan mushaar aa ugu dareena kadib guutoyiinka kala duwan ee cidamada xooga lagu kala dara waa arin wanaagsan

SNTV come out with the same thing I said here earlier but clear in saying these guys will go right back to jubbaland in a few days mushaarkooda waa diyaar

I am on the same page as my president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and his government waa kheyr batay you have to look past some things
Imagine governor of california saying the federal government under trump has 15 days to vacate california.
You do know that it is illegal for federal troops to be deployed to states under U.S. federal law don’t you? Or are you just talking out of your futo as usual :mjlol:
If any state withdraws recognition of the US Federal government they gonna taste real freedom.

I don’t believe there has ever been a single successful Somali politician. I’m not sure there’s even been a single competent one.
My guy, what you are saying would mean that the US is in civil war. Ask yourself, are we at war right now? I think you unwittingly answered your own question lol
My guy, what you are saying would mean that the US is in civil war. Ask yourself, are we at war right now? I think you unwittingly answered your own question lol
Are you retarded or something? Withdrawing recognition of the federal government is a casus belli.
You do know that it is illegal for federal troops to be deployed to states under U.S. federal law don’t you? Or are you just talking out of your futo as usual :mjlol:

Sit down kid. Fbi is federal the head is named by the president.

The national guard the president at any time can make them federal. JFK done it in the 1960s for the civil rights movements.

