Fighting breaks out between FGS & Jubbaland forces in Ras Kamboni

This is not jubbaland vs ulusow.

This is ulusow vs madoobe and you will be very surprised how easily people will abandon madoobe if ulusow shows a little bit of ruthlessness.

Start with the arrest of firinbi. If he does that people on the ground will see he is serious and a lot of people will abandon madoobe.

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
DAG DAG:Axmed Madoobe ayaa ciidamo duldhigay guriga Madaxweyne ku xigeenka jubaland Maxamuud Sayid Aadan ee uu ka shakiyay.

Maxamuud Sayid Aadan ayaan ilaa iyo hada ka Hadlin doorashadii uu qabsaday Axmed Madoobe.

Madaxweyne ku xigeenka jubaland Maxamuud sayid Aadan ayaa sidoo kale lagu wadaa inuu maanta tago degmada Dooloow ee Gobolka Gedo.

Warar kale ayaa sheegayo inuu Axmed Madoobe qorsheynayo inuu madaxweyne ku xigeen uu ka dhigo wasiirka arrimaha gudaha jubaland Maxamed Cabdi oogle oo kasoo geedo Gedo.



He is a piece of shit relying on the immunity mps have. Here he punches a police officer in the face and the officer is clearly dazed

Fgs should and most likely will make an example out of this clown
What a violent idiot. Should get back what he gives to others. Clown lawmaker indeed.


Forza Somalia!
Jubbaland accusing HSM of overthrowing the government and replace the court with kaacanist like circus court. It also announced a meeting to save the country (Badbaado qaran 2.0).


Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
Jubbaland accusing HSM of overthrowing the government and replace the court with kaacanist like circus court. It also announced a meeting to save the country (Badbaado qaran 2.0).

Badbaado qaran on Badbaado qaran violence has me like this:

Cracking Up Lol GIF by HULU

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium

Local officials from Kulbiyow announce their support for the endeavours of the FGS and ask them to help take of the needs and interests of the people.

200 Soldiers surrendered themselves to Gor Gor and SNA. Another massive defection I think that's almost 350 soldiers who have defected in about 75ish hours.

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium

Local officials from Kulbiyow announce their support for the endeavours of the FGS and ask them to help take of the needs and interests of the people.

200 Soldiers surrendered themselves to Gor Gor and SNA. Another massive defection I think that's almost 350 soldiers who have defected in about 75ish hours.


Prediction: Badhaadhes defectors will reach the District capital sooner then later. Maybe even abandoned by AS although we’ve seen that film before.

What they intend to do when the rain Isolates them I dont know but they need that moral victory. They desperately need Ogadens to defect in other districts but as time goes on that becomes less and less likely.

Local officials from Kulbiyow announce their support for the endeavours of the FGS and ask them to help take of the needs and interests of the people.

200 Soldiers surrendered themselves to Gor Gor and SNA. Another massive defection I think that's almost 350 soldiers who have defected in about 75ish hours.
Kulbiyow Buurgaabo and Kudhaa were already under the former governor of Badhaadhes control(Kulbiyow is his by subclan). He mentions them in his initial address actually. I bet they post a video next in Buurgaabo saying its “surrendered” or “switched sides”.

Kudhaa seems to have actually sided with JL.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Prediction: Badhaadhes defectors will reach the District capital sooner then later. Maybe even abandoned by AS although we’ve seen that film before.

What they intend to do when the rain Isolates them I dont know but they need that moral victory. They desperately need Ogadens to defect in other districts but as time goes on that becomes less and less likely.

Kulbiyow Buurgaabo and Kudhaa were already under the former governor of Badhaadhes control(Kulbiyow is his by subclan). He mentions them in his initial address actually. I bet they post a video next in Buurgaabo saying its “surrendered” or “switched sides”.

Kudhaa seems to have actually sided with JL.

Badhaadhe, Kudhaa, Ras Kamboni etc... don't matter. What matters is who is in charge of Kismayo. I don't see how an SNA that couldn't hold Ceelbuur is going to take Kismayo, a city of >400,000 poeople.

All Ahmed Madoobe needs to do is keep the peace in Kismayo, and cut off resupply of these troops. No one needs to die, and there is no need for any fighting.


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