Fighting breaks out between FGS & Jubbaland forces in Ras Kamboni


Reports coming in Gorgor and Haramcad have allegedly been put in a khat pack :trumpsmirk:


Deputy security minister of Jubbaland gives a small talk on the current conflict. Drones have allegedly been used by the qadaadweyn.

Was authorization the alterior motive for the Turkey trip?
OK my sources are pro blackie marehan journalists inside kismaayo.

So far unbiased reports are saying 3 madoobe tecknikos have been burned by ulusow. Ulusow also repelled madoobe attacks and the ulusow forces are now on the offensive. Ulusow is also now inside buurgaabo district.


OK my sources are pro blackie marehan journalists inside kismaayo.

So far unbiased reports are saying 3 madoobe tecknikos have been burned by ulusow. Ulusow also repelled madoobe attacks and the ulusow forces are now on the offensive. Ulusow is also now inside buurgaabo district.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
After Farmaajo betrayed Beesha Gedo and supported Madoobe during his most recent communique. Dalxoreeye HSM is now closer to capturing Kismaayo than ever! He is doing a great job and defeated argagixisada Madoobe who is directly working with Khawaarijta AS. Ciyaalka Madoobe were destroyed today in Ras Kambooni.


@Jungle never did I imagine HSM would be a better president than Farmaajo, wa geesi geesi dhalay:salute:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Where is @TekNiKo when you need his fake news to make sense of this :damn:
Reer Gedo is fully behind FGS and against the Ethiopian aggression and traitor Madoobe. He deserves to be hanged for the death of 300 Reer Diini men he slaughtered in 2013 Kismayo. I hope he is arrested.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
OK my sources are pro blackie marehan journalists inside kismaayo.

So far unbiased reports are saying 3 madoobe tecknikos have been burned by ulusow. Ulusow also repelled madoobe attacks and the ulusow forces are now on the offensive. Ulusow is also now inside buurgaabo district.
He has expanded into Miranani from Ras Kambooni. Madoobe’s days are severely numbered thanks to the brave HSM. Farmaajo was a coward compared to him. No negotiations with traitors
He has expanded into Miranani from Ras Kambooni. Madoobe’s days are severely numbered thanks to the brave HSM. Farmaajo was a coward compared to him. No negotiations with traitors

Ulusow did brand madoobe as al shabaab, there is no way back now.

Either Ulusow is kicked out if raas kambooni or madoobe is kicked out of kismaayo.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Ulusow did brand madoobe as al shabaab, there is no way back now.

Either Ulusow is kicked out if raas kambooni or madoobe is kicked out of kismaayo.
He is a wanted terrorist by interpol, he cant even go to his beloved UAE now without risking apprehension. Hundreds of JL troops have also broken off from his army. Majority are Cawlyahan and Marehan. Only Reer Abdille TPLF Liyuu Boolis remenants remain with him now.

