Fighting has started in Bosaso

You're using random facebook pages as your source and except us to believe that bs?

Its xog. And so far the evidence seem to support it. Deni and co claimed they didnt use their heavy weponry today. They asked for ceasefire. The fb post i linked was 3 hrs ago and before that presumably the moment the fighting stopped they were looking for bullets. Now they are firing heavy weaponry and have tons of bullets. It follows a logical pattern.
Wheres @DR OSMAN “No Urban warfare” my ass

michael jordan laughing GIF
Can't view the post :(
Isn't there any loyal forces to ilmo Diana in Garrowe to start a second front from there and force the fat mooryan t end the conflict?
This is a clan war. And the troops deni has are from garowe. So yeah garowe folks control deni and are againdt diano. But if this goes on expect deni to be dethroned by all local forces.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Many neighborhoods have been heavily shelled as homes are being destroyed

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My predictions were one day of fighting and then deni realizes he cant use force and accept agreement and we all clown him end of story. But i underestimates his fragile ego.
Tl; dr deni is contacting weapon traders in GM to get bullets for heavy weaponry and he is looking for people who know how to operate them. @Bariire
Looks like the heavy ones were for show.

PLs now begging GM for weapon supplies kkkk

Looks like this War wont end any-time soon according to Dictator Deni.
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PMPF capture Diyaano supplies and Ahmed Diyaano mudug Gurmad failed reaching the compound triggering attack by militias , PDF given green light move on Diyaano militia who getting pounded with big guns.
