Fighting has started in Bosaso


F*ck Your Feelings
I was in Garowe a week ago and I was surprised to see houses spray painted “No Deni” and many people were open about their views. Partly related to power sharing inequalities, lack of jobs, currency and high cost of living etc while others more philosophical that Somali leaders in general have mucaarad from day of any tenure. I urge people to come here and interact with people.
These people...I dont even know what to tell you. They're like brainwashed zombies. Majority have never and dont plan on ever going back home, they've deluded themselves that their regions is all sunshine and roses and their suprime clan leaders shit gold.

You say otherwise you're a sheegad and an enemy lmaooo.

They're not even truly mad or empathic about what's happening either, they're mad it's being broadcasted and their "enemies" are gonna use this situation against them in fkd on a random anonymous site. Talk about priorities.
24 pages of jobless baboons making jokes about lives being lost just because they don’t like the clan they hail from.

Yes it’s ironic considering the amount of pages @DR OSMAN dedicated to his whole “only hutus fight in cities” hypothesis but posting pictures of hooyos hiding for their lives and laughing is beyond disturbing.

@TekNiKo @Bariire @Galmudug-State Allah will deal with you animals.

@Boqorada I hope you and your family are safe.

This shit is beyond FKD this is straight barbarism. Inshallah the situation in Bosaaso calms down
Stop begging doqonyahow dameer, where were you when they were laughing at Galmudug Guriceel war or the Cabudwaaq one just weeks ago.

Next time afka iska xir and don't tag my name you hypocrite.
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These people...I dont even know what to tell you. They're like brainwashed zombies. Majority have never and dont plan on ever going back home, they've deluded themselves that their regions is all sunshine and roses and their suprime clan leaders shit gold.

You say otherwise you're a sheegad and an enemy lmaooo.

They're not even truly mad or empathic about what's happening either, they're mad it's being broadcasted and their "enemies" are gonna use this situation against them in fkd on a random anonymous site. Talk about priorities.
You want a medal? You’re right. you’re the only person who’s visited Somalia.
Psf from qardho control bosaso entry checkpoints. Guul psf. Expect bosaso to be liberated from aaran jaan terrorists soon.



F*ck Your Feelings
You want a medal? You’re right. you’re the only person who’s visited Somalia.
I and everyone here deserve an award for the ww3 we're experiencing in real time while you and your ilk downplay it from the comfort of you cousil homes you trash bag.

If things weren't already bad enough Al Shabaab have taken advantage of the circus and came out of hiding (since the ones who were keeping them at bay are busy fighting air) and have stationed themselves in 2 main checkpoints.

Who knows how far your supreme leaders will let this go on for and how many other real enemies (not these keyboard warriors you're more worried about) are gonna take advantage of this situation.
I and everyone here deserve an award for the ww3 we're experiencing in real time while you and your ilk downplay it from the comfort of you cousil homes you trash bag.

If things weren't already bad enough Al Shabaab have taken advantage of the circus and came out of hiding (since the ones who were keeping them at bay are busy fighting air) and have stationed themselves in 2 main checkpoints.

Who knows how far your supreme leaders will let this go on for and how many other real enemies (not these keyboard warriors you're more worried about) are gonna take advantage of this situation.
First, I do hope you, your family and rest of reer bossso will be safe. Second,I think everyone outside of the fkd trolls are hoping the best for the innocence caught in between. I’ve made it clear who I think is at fault. But it doesn’t really matter at this point and lets hope this comes to an end.
Psf from qardho control bosaso entry checkpoints. Guul psf. Expect bosaso to be liberated from aaran jaan terrorists soon.

Sxb hearing from the emerging reports that PSF have finally come under Gorgor SNA Unit and will now be paid accordingly by the SFG.

Anyway, may peace and security rain in Bosaso and all around Somalia, Ameen!

P,s continue updating us sxb, because I'm being censored and I might be out any time soon.
I am surprised SL hasn't taken advantage of the situation on their eastern front.

Farmaajo is limp wristed, if he was serious he would send 1k trained gorgor to ally PSF. Instead he will just yell from the sidelines.

Mate, Somaliland doesn't want bad for other somalis and Somaliland dosen't involve ourselves in Somalia politic games. We never cross the border in force and we ask Somalians to do the same, unless it's for trade and travel:manny:

More proof PSF were endangering civilian lives by indiscriminately firing artillery rounds from their compound, they have also broken the ceasefire multiple times.
I am surprised SL hasn't taken advantage of the situation on their eastern front.

Farmaajo is limp wristed, if he was serious he would send 1k trained gorgor to ally PSF. Instead he will just yell from the sidelines.
That’s political suicide in a time of elections. He’s smarter than that. Deni fell in the trap to ruin his name. If he’s going to send anything it’s going to be “stop fighting” “make peace” kinda messages but 100% no troops. If he’s re-elected he 100% will I believe. Deni is politically done I don’t know how he will try to revive his career from here on.



More proof PSF were endangering civilian lives by indiscriminately firing artillery rounds from their compound, they have also broken the ceasefire multiple times.
When will you stop posting fake news. Those are already fired mortars kulaha captured. This is a psf taken picture. And the wall is the psf compound, denis forces are nowhere near it.



“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.

Another failed assault by Deni more calaacal Diyaano PSF remains in control :salute:


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
More reinforcements from
Bari arrive to Bosaaso as PSF now control the main road entering the city. The tides are turning in Diyaano favour
