Galbeedka Shabeelada dhexe demographics explained!

We live outside of Muqakoori. Unlike these jokesters, we don't need to make fake maps and claim Gugundhabe lands in Northwest Middle Shabelle.
Bro my paternal family use Jalalaqsi market as their main market wallahi. You never see me make threads on these guys but the truth is known in reality. Any langaab babbles online
😂 why do you always bring up these wanlaweynian and kismayo refugees like they are something. Anyways yes the mayor and Governor is Abgaal but that will change soon as HG control the security sector and economic sector eebow since you Abgaals have been focused on XL HG ayaa idinka adeegatay and darbaweyne and co realised too late kkk

HG against Abgaal Leader in Banadir kkk

The mayor of Beledweyne holds every single power in Beledweyne and as well as the real leader the Governor of Hiiraan sxb. The Gudoomiye is just Maqaarsaar position Waare made for these IDPs. No point taking it back now we just need to build a local council and elect ourselves and get rid of it.
Difference between me and you is that your wishing bad on us but with you it already happened. GJ been had secured the guudomiye position whilst both duqa and guudomiye is under us. Your doing a whole lot of shoulda woulda coulda right now.

No Abgaal has been focused on you guys lol. You and me both know who’s been making daily threads on the other


😂 Anyways yes the mayor and Governor is Abgaal but that will change soon as HG control the security sector and economic sector eebow since you Abgaals have been focused on XL HG ayaa idinka adeegatay and darbaweyne and co realised too late kkk

HG against Abgaal Leader in Banadir kkk

Difference between me and you is that your wishing bad on us but with you it already happened. GJ been had secured the guudomiye position whilst both duqa and guudomiye is under us. Your doing a whole lot of shoulda woulda coulda right now.

No Abgaal has been focused on you guys lol. You and me both know who’s been making daily threads on the other
Gudoomiyaha Gobalka Jeyte
Duqa Magaalada Beledweyne • Nadar Tabaax

😂 we have everything sxb Dont Forget security wise everything is under XL whether NISA, Police, Military etc.

That DC title will be useful when it’s both the mayor and DC in one position it’s like Jowhar where Shiidle is the DC but the real power lies with Axmed Faal
Waxaas oo vidoes ah u ma jeedaan markaasey sharanshuur ku careern iyo mixed border village 🤣🤣
Laamiga hiiraan buuloburde iyo matabaan inta u dhaxeysa wuxuu maraa bariga wabiga.
From buuloburde to Jowhar galbeedka ayuu ka maraa wabiga. Dhulkaan asalkiisa Gugindhabe aa lahaa laakin Xawaadle ayaa la wareegay 100 sano ka hor!

Buuloburde waxay u taal galbeedka wabiga laamiga wuxuu ka galayaa b u u n dada Only the airport is in bariga wich is our policy for saftey waayo galbeedka waa mixed. Hawadle waa 80% buuloburde oo galbeedka wabiga dhacda

Baadicade oo dhulkaan ka qabsanay ayaa waxaa u soo harey buurweyn o laamiga ku taal iyo quracley oo bariga ka xigta laamiga. Inta kale waa mixed sida jimbiley iyo fiidow hiiraan. Fiidow shabelada dhexe waxaa u badan yabar madaxweye waxaa ku xiga cali ganeey oo ahaa nin yaar madaxweyne ah iyo kiliga shiinaha. Kadib bas waa xawaadle kaliya ilaa Jowhar.

Gobalka Shabeellada dhaxe 17 qabiil ayaa Dagan hadane inta badan maba dhahaan waan daganahay hala ogaadeey iyo waxaas waayoo Daganaasho kaliyax maahane way leeyahiin,

17 kaas Dagan ayaan ka mid nahay Magaalada Jowhar waxaan ka daganahay Xaafada Hanti wadaag

Lanta 2 iyo lanta 3 aniga bas bay ii xiran tahay jowhar
Tuulooyinka Hoos yimaado jowhar kuwa ugu badan anaa Dagan cadeeyn inta Hoose ayaa kuu ah midne ogaaw Jowhar Dagmo noqon mayso hadeeysan haaysan dhul Hoos Yimaado oo Deegaan ah Tuulooyinkii jiray Tuuladii ugu wayneed ayeey xiligaas aheed kuwa hoos ku yaal dadkeeda ayaana meesha Camiro

1 Dha.ifo
2 Dagmada Burane
3 Cali ganey
4 Dhurwale
5 Dabeyley
6 Kilig shinaha
7 Cali dere
8 buulada nuur Isaaq dhagawayne
9 libiga
10 Hilfoole Aaga Cabdule Ciyoow
11 buulada Nuur Isaaq
12 Dr Guure Ciye Aargada
Waxaa sii dheer Garoonka Diyaaradaha Jowhar waa Beerreeydii cid walbaa og taas

Intaas waxaa sii dheer Beeraha Balcad ilaa Buurane ku yaal marka oday jowhar Buula Xaar ka Dagan ku yiraah Hiiraan Xawaadle bas ma dagano Cabtooy miyaa ayaan is dhahaa Adeeroow Shabeellada dhaxe Unugaa leh






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@The Midlands. This is what I do know without going down into villages. The road between Beletwayne and Hamar is 340 KM. Their is 'east to indian ocean, West to Baydhabo Border. The portions on both sides look pretty similar split.

How much do u own from that 340 KM 'vertically' and how much do u own 'east/west' side percentage wise? for example 100 km with 80% west, 20% east
Difference between me and you is that your wishing bad on us but with you it already happened. GJ been had secured the guudomiye position whilst both duqa and guudomiye is under us. Your doing a whole lot of shoulda woulda coulda right now.

No Abgaal has been focused on you guys lol. You and me both know who’s been making daily threads on the other
you kids dont even know about "your region" how can you can talk about hiiraan?

Gudoomiya jowhar baarey is shiidle and Duqa jowhar is Moobileen. Gudoomiyaha shabeelada dhexe makaraanwho is Abgaal wanted to take duqa too wich shows the injustice in mudulood powersharing

Dawlada hoose Baladweyne waxay hoostagtaa duqa magaalada/Mayorka not Gudoomiyaha degmada i have video of the gaaljecel DC stating inuu duqa hoostago. Gaaljecel DC is for tuulooyinka gaaljecel. Look Baladweyne mayor looking after Feerfeer somalia abd ceelgaal she goes there every month.
Waxaas oo vidoes ah u ma jeedaan markaasey sharanshuur ku careern iyo mixed border village 🤣🤣
Laamiga hiiraan buuloburde iyo matabaan inta u dhaxeysa wuxuu maraa bariga wabiga.
From buuloburde to Jowhar galbeedka ayuu ka maraa wabiga. Dhulkaan asalkiisa Gugindhabe aa lahaa laakin Xawaadle ayaa la wareegay 100 sano ka hor!

Buuloburde waxay u taal galbeedka wabiga laamiga wuxuu ka galayaa Marehandada. Only the airport is in bariga wich is our policy for saftey waayo galbeedka waa mixed. Hawadle waa 80% buuloburde oo galbeedka wabiga dhacda

Baadicade oo dhulkaan ka qabsanay ayaa waxaa u soo harey buurweyn o laamiga ku taal iyo quracley oo bariga ka xigta laamiga. Inta kale waa mixed sida jimbiley iyo fiidow hiiraan. Fiidow shabelada dhexe waxaa u badan yabar madaxweye waxaa ku xiga cali ganeey oo ahaa nin yaar madaxweyne ah iyo kiliga shiinaha. Kadib bas waa xawaadle kaliya ilaa Jowhar.

Gobalka Shabeellada dhaxe 17 qabiil ayaa Dagan hadane inta badan maba dhahaan waan daganahay hala ogaadeey iyo waxaas waayoo Daganaasho kaliyax maahane way leeyahiin,

17 kaas Dagan ayaan ka mid nahay Magaalada Jowhar waxaan ka daganahay Xaafada Hanti wadaag

Lanta 2 iyo lanta 3 aniga bas bay ii xiran tahay jowhar
Tuulooyinka Hoos yimaado jowhar kuwa ugu badan anaa Dagan cadeeyn inta Hoose ayaa kuu ah midne ogaaw Jowhar Dagmo noqon mayso hadeeysan haaysan dhul Hoos Yimaado oo Deegaan ah Tuulooyinkii jiray Tuuladii ugu wayneed ayeey xiligaas aheed kuwa hoos ku yaal dadkeeda ayaana meesha Camiro

1 Dha.ifo
2 Dagmada Burane
3 Cali ganey
4 Dhurwale
5 Dabeyley
6 Kilig shinaha
7 Cali dere
8 buulada nuur Isaaq dhagawayne
9 libiga
10 Hilfoole Aaga Cabdule Ciyoow
11 buulada Nuur Isaaq
12 Dr Guure Ciye Aargada
Waxaa sii dheer Garoonka Diyaaradaha Jowhar waa Beerreeydii cid walbaa og taas

Intaas waxaa sii dheer Beeraha Balcad ilaa Buurane ku yaal marka oday jowhar Buula Xaar ka Dagan ku yiraah Hiiraan Xawaadle bas ma dagano Cabtooy miyaa ayaan is dhahaa Adeeroow Shabeellada dhaxe Unugaa leh

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More fake news, you can't go past Jalalaqsi bridge. All your Xaaraan gained USC era dhulbalaarsi in West Middle Shabelle has been taken by Warsangeli.

And your natural expansion into Northwest MiddleShabelle has been halted by none other than Gugundhabe who's land you are claiming today.

Northwest Middle Shabelle.


you kids dont even know about "your region" how can you can talk about hiiraan?

Gudoomiya jowhar baarey is shiidle and Duqa jowhar is Moobileen. Gudoomiyaha shabeelada dhexe makaraanwho is Abgaal wanted to take duqa too wich shows the injustice in mudulood powersharing

Dawlada hoose Baladweyne waxay hoostagtaa duqa magaalada/Mayorka not Gudoomiyaha degmada i have video of the gaaljecel DC stating inuu duqa hoostago. Gaaljecel DC is for tuulooyinka gaaljecel. Look Baladweyne mayor looking after Feerfeer somalia abd ceelgaal she goes there every month. View attachment 273155
i know jowhar guudomiye is Madow but jowhar isnt the biggest city we live in. xamar is. @Macawisley brought up xamar and im saying both guudomiye and mayor is under us in the biggest city we live in but biggest city xl live in, they do not have guudomiye
you kids dont even know about "your region" how can you can talk about hiiraan?

Gudoomiya jowhar baarey is shiidle and Duqa jowhar is Moobileen. Gudoomiyaha shabeelada dhexe makaraanwho is Abgaal wanted to take duqa too wich shows the injustice in mudulood powersharing

Dawlada hoose Baladweyne waxay hoostagtaa duqa magaalada/Mayorka not Gudoomiyaha degmada i have video of the gaaljecel DC stating inuu duqa hoostago. Gaaljecel DC is for tuulooyinka gaaljecel. Look Baladweyne mayor looking after Feerfeer somalia abd ceelgaal she goes there every month. View attachment 273155
Of course the ancient dinosaur Mayle Samaale wants to divide Mudulood.
A clueless Masagawayan once again, we are right outside Jowhar Airport in Dabeyleey kkkkk talking about
Your three qoys in Jowhar are unarmed and toothless shacab. If they act up we will send them back to Yasooman and Maxaas.
Also why is that madowman claiming to be Xawaadle? Ileen @convincation didnt call you ĵareer for no reason.
i know jowhar guudomiye is Madow but jowhar isnt the biggest city we live in. xamar is. @Macawisley brought up xamar and im saying both guudomiye and mayor is under us in the biggest city we live in but biggest city xl live in, they do not have guudomiye
i know jowhar guudomiye is Madow but jowhar isnt the biggest city we live in. xamar is. @Macawisley brought up xamar and im saying both guudomiye and mayor is under us in the biggest city we live in but biggest city xl live in, they do not have guudomiye
who talks about Xamar we r talking about Hirshabelle. HG is stonger in XAMAR facts and has the most of the business you are protected by Amisom you will go back to north xamar if amisom goes 🤣🤣

Dont change the topic to HG, sharashuur and Xamar stick timiddle shabelle can you deny what i said and all the videos we posted about Jowhar-Hiiraan highway being Hawadle?

This is the moobileen guy duqa Jowhar oo abgaal ka dhaceen booskiisa yaa xaraam.

We are not comparing Hawadle to Abgaal as clan abgaal are over 1.5 million clan only in Hirshabelle im saying Hawadle is bigger. Hawadle are like 700k same as Ciise of dir bigger than Gadaburrsi.
Former mayor of jowhar moobileen with makaraan who took his post

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Your three qoys in Jowhar are unarmed and toothless shacab. If they act up we will send them back to Yasooman and Maxaas.

This is the Deputy Governor of Middle Shabelle for Security and Political Affairs (Gudoomiye Ku xigeenka Amniga Iyo Siyaasada) who is Cabdalle Samatalis and has his own ciidaan was leading howlgalo in Western and Eastern Middle Shabelle.
who talks about Xamar we r talking about Hirshabelle. HG is stonger in XAMAR facts and has the most of the business you are protected by Amisom you will go back to north xamar if amisom goes 🤣🤣

Dont change the topic to HG, sharashuur and Xamar stick timiddle shabelle can you deny what i said and all the videos we posted about Jowhar-Hiiraan highway being Hawadle?

This is the moobileen guy duqa Jowhar oo abgaal ka dhaceen booskiisa yaa xaraam.

We are not comparing Hawadle to Abgaal as clan abgaal are over 1.5 million clan only in Hirshabelle im saying Hawadle is bigger. Hawadle are like 700k same as Ciise of dir bigger than Gadaburrsi.
i didnt bring up xamar @Macawisley did. and im telling you we live in jalalaqsi already. you guys live in buurane only in s/dhexe and minoirty in jowhar town. ofc we are talking about hirshabelle. abgaal as a clan are double xl population wise lol. niyahow you are obssessed with us walalhi. a thread a day mentally isnt healthy.


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
When you exit Hiiraan, its still Hawadle territory all the way into Jowhar except the Fiidow town pocket which is a mix but might be majority Baadicade. In general though Jowhar to Hiiraan along the highway is Hawadle territory. Buurane and Mahaday will merge within a decade. They are only 500m apart, essentially in the same location. Buurane is purely settled by Hawadle and the emergance of a Buurane-Mahadaay city will highlight a partially a Hawadle degmo if you think about it. We should take a leaf from what HG did in Matabaan. They settled in the town and started to claim the entire district which was still 80% Agoon and Maxamed Cali 😁
Firstly Burane is already a neighbourhood in Mahadaay, it’s one of the 4 neighbourhoods that make up the town and the only one that isn’t majority Agoonyar. But in no way is it majority Xawaadle that is a lie your people push on social media.

West of the river everywhere in S.Dhexe doesn’t have a majority, it’s where all the sharanshur (excluding Moobleen and Gaaljecel) live. Buurane is where the small Xawadle, Gaaljecel, Baadicade, Garmagale, Eylo, Carab etc populations of Mahadaay district came together to populate. We collectively call these people “Ghiir ghiir”.

Your point on making Mahadaay a shared city is funny. Forget Abgaal, forget Harti, forget even agoonyar. Celi agoonyar alone are the only people allowed to be Gudomiye of Mahadaay district and mayor of the town and directly after them is Cabdalla agoonyar. These are the only 2 subclans who have power in the city. We have other Agoonyar and Harti abgaal subs who live with us in large numbers but have no claim to the town. A xawadle living in the midgaan quaters of Buurane who we call collectively with his Bantu brother a Ghiir ghiir will never make my town shared imbow. Go back to east hiraan
Firstly Burane is already a neighbourhood in Mahadaay, it’s one of the 4 neighbourhoods that make up the town and the only one that isn’t majority Agoonyar. But in no way is it majority Xawaadle that is a lie your people push on social media.

Go back to east hiraan

Guess who is the deputy governor of Mahaday and is in charge of taxes kkkk! Your in for a suprise eebow
i didnt bring up xamar @Macawisley did. and im telling you we live in jalalaqsi already. you guys live in buurane only in s/dhexe and minoirty in jowhar town. ofc we are talking about hirshabelle. abgaal as a clan are double xl population wise lol. niyahow you are obssessed with us walalhi. a thread a day mentally isnt healthy.
@The Midlands. This is what I do know without going down into villages. The road between Beletwayne and Hamar is 340 KM. Their is 'east to indian ocean, West to Baydhabo Border. The portions on both sides look pretty similar split.

How much do u own from that 340 KM 'vertically' and how much do u own 'east/west' side percentage wise? for example 100 km with 80% west, 20% east
i own 60km between hiiraan border and jowhar wich is the topic is about you will hear about it if a Al shabaab comes to end. Before maxaakimta we used to had checkpoint infront of Mahaday ciyaalka abgaalka qaraar aa haayo waayo bariga wabiga ay degaan 🤣🤣



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