Galbeedka Shabeelada dhexe demographics explained!

I see tears :lolbron:
qaraar aa haayo sharanshuur ay ku carareen maadama abgaal degin galbeedka wabiga waqooyiga Jowhar. Aan isaga harno waa soo bandhignay xaqiiqada shabeelada dhexe ha iska ooyan 🤣🤣

Baro adeer adaa leh dhulkaan laga bilaabo xaafadaan quruxda badan baryare ilaaa matabaan iyo qalaafe itoobiya 😎😎





You're a clown lol Mahadaay maalinta xil ka heshid mise degmoyiinka cusub la magaacidoono mahaan waa iaaga tage. Governor is @convincation Sub Celi Agoonyar, Shiidle Deputy and Cabdalle Agoonyar as Xoghaye.
Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Maaliyada Iyo Siyaasada appointed by Caadle in 2020 is Yabar Madaxweyne he is same subclan as the current interior minister. Only the Xoghaye and Gudoomiye has been changed not the Gudoomiye ku xigeen by Karoore.

Mahaday waa wada leenahay eebow 😁👋
Your three qoys in Jowhar are unarmed and toothless shacab. If they act up we will send them back to Yasooman and Maxaas.
Also why is that madowman claiming to be Xawaadle? Ileen @convincation didnt call you ĵareer for no reason.
Abgaal calling you Madow is the funniest thing i have ever heard damn yeterday your infighting video was frightening 🤣🤣

If you talking about this sanyare odey you are wrong his features are fine comparing to your sanbaaf abdikadir boss 🤣🤣

Dont judge a guy bc of his dark skin also the camera and the timing can make you darker. When i watch my casaan qurbojoog friends on tvs in Somalia im like wtf they look dark.


Look that fine forehead he looks like my macalin quran in Somalia who was shiikhaal

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I was gonna let XL and Abgaal duke it out but this map for the most parts is not accurate at all.

XL don’t border Cayr in Galgaduud whatsoever. Our borders with XL are all inside Hiiran away from the galgaduud border with Hiiran.

This is how our clan border looks like (everything within the yellow line are exclusively Cayr)

The blue dots in the yellow are some Cayr settlements I’ve marked.

Teedan and Coomad are where our borders from between Bacda and Maxaas meet, which is why we meet in Coomad and Teedan for peace settlements every time our nomads fight in between Bacda and Maxaas.

Our settlements Waradhuumale, Ceelgod, Goonlagoonle and other settlements near there are right next to Maxaas and are closer to maxaas than both Guriceel and Matabaan that are each at least 70,000 km away.

This is the same people who run around with made up percents claiming matabaan is 98% xawaadle, when in reality they get our left overs in Matabaan while we take the lions share kkkkk
Iljeex desperately begging for attention go away that wh i ignored him f*ck off an leave my thread alone.

Simple answer south of Mataban on the highway 5km Hawadle out of Mataban
West of matabaan wataas galgaduud ku shubay north of matabaan🤣🤣

East of matabaan they only have qofq8d village. Waradhuumaal is in Galgaduud go away الاجيح الملعونة



I know he will say xl sources this is them we destroyed xiireey baraago


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Like I said I wasn’t gonna bother replying to your cheap rant until I saw that bogus map. So save yourself the calaacal laangab sixirole boy.

Bacda is exactly 13km away from Matabaan down the road towards beledweyne and the northern side of it is ours. Who do you think liberated Bacda for you? Not your sixiroole asses kkkk. Be grateful like your wise gudoomiye who said you’re indebted to us And your failed aabo siyaad politician

Also nice try but Waradhuumale is not in galgaduud

East Matabaan they only have Qodqod kulaha I can name a few habar eji settlements in the east from the top of my head. Wallahi you’re daydreaming.

Laama Saban

As for the fake news about Ceeldhiinle, the post of the guy you shared was debunked by the people he tagged for support😂



Ceeldhiinle iyo galgaduud kulahaa the war took place west of beergadiid near the Ethiopian border directly below feerfeer

This is our borders. Quit daydreaming. HG ku qabso, sixir iyo qoray waxna uga qaadi meyside.



Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Maaliyada Iyo Siyaasada appointed by Caadle in 2020 is Yabar Madaxweyne he is same subclan as the current interior minister. Only the Xoghaye and Gudoomiye has been changed not the Gudoomiye ku xigeen by Karoore.

Mahaday waa wada leenahay eebow 😁👋
Walahi been cad aad sheegtay. Laangaab always laangaab. Shiidle guy is gudoomiye ku xigeen. The only thing you've said thats right is the xoghaye and gudoomiye have been replaced with people from the same sub. You do not have a position in a single district in Middle Shabelle. That is a fact.
You're a clown lol Mahadaay maalinta xil ka heshid mise degmoyiinka cusub la magaacidoono mahaan waa iaaga tage. Governor is @convincation Sub Celi Agoonyar, Shiidle Deputy and Cabdalle Agoonyar as Xoghaye.
They are always claiming Gugundhabe and masaakiin minorities settlements on the west bank. We will expose them all, taasi waa noo balan.
I was gonna let XL and Abgaal duke it out but this map for the most parts is not accurate at all. View attachment 273194

XL don’t border Cayr in Galgaduud whatsoever. Our borders with XL are all inside Hiiran away from the galgaduud border with Hiiran.

This is how our clan border looks like (everything within the yellow line are exclusively Cayr)
View attachment 273200
The blue dots in the yellow are some Cayr settlements I’ve marked.

Teedan and Coomad are where our borders from between Bacda and Maxaas meet, which is why we meet in Coomad and Teedan for peace settlements every time our nomads fight in between Bacda and Maxaas.

Our settlements Waradhuumale, Ceelgod, Goonlagoonle and other settlements near there are right next to Maxaas and are closer to maxaas than both Guriceel and Matabaan that are each at least 70,000 km away.

This is the same people who run around with made up percents claiming matabaan is 98% xawaadle, when in reality they get our left overs in Matabaan while we take the lions share kkkkk
I will update it eebow. My Xawadle relatives are not reliable source on the Northeast Hiiraan. Also I didn't add Abgaal and Murusade lands in East Hiiraan out of nasabnimo wallahi. But these Xaarwadayaal only understand karbaash. Kkkk I will have more time very soon this was just prelude stay tuned.

I will ask for more detailed info iA.
They are always claiming Gugundhabe and masaakiin minorities settlements on the west bank. We will expose them all, taasi waa noo balan.

I will update it eebow. My Xawadle relatives are not reliable source on the Northeast Hiiraan. Also I didn't add Abgaal and Murusade lands in East Hiiraan out of nasabnimo wallahi. But these Xaarwadayaal only understand karbaash. Kkkk I will have more time very soon this was just prelude stay tuned.

I will ask for more detailed info iA.
They don’t even touch Galgaduud in their borders with Murusade and Abgaal. They’re just talking out of their asses. There’s nothing this people own that’s not shared with other clans in Hiiran, except for Maxaas which they’ve been going up and down for to deny the existence of HG settlements in Maxaas and that’s about to change in the near future because two can play that game and deny the existence of their 3 villages in Matabaan.

