Gayest somali in Finland

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Last picture was from Gay Pride, he is first from left.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
Wollahi if I posted one photo remotely close to this, my families karbaash brigade would be on me the minute I post it.

This kid needs a very hard smack.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
YAAAAAAAAAS!!!!! #lovewins i love how brave these boys are!! let your rainbow flags flyyy!!!!

Dude this kid is young, stop polluting his head with this nonsense. He shouldn't even know what sex is let alone be investigating his sexual identity.
Save this for when he is in uni.
Dude this kid is young, stop polluting his head with this nonsense. He shouldn't even know what sex is let alone be investigating his sexual identity.
Save this for when he is in uni.
oh? as if you wouldn't be giving a round of applause when your 13 yearold son losses his virginity. somali kids are out here fucking anything that walks in their teens, what makes him different? are you homophobic? :mugshotman:


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
oh? as if you wouldn't be giving a round of applause when your 13 yearold son losses his virginity. somali kids are out here fucking anything that walks in their teens, what makes him different? are you homophobic? :mugshotman:

A 13 year old should be playing football and drinking soda not choosing what he likes better: hitting from the back or front.

I'm not Homophobic as I support gay rights but I don't believe the nonsense that gays were born gay. No anyone can be gay or straight its a matter of personal preference.
A 13 year old should be playing football and drinking soda not choosing what he likes better: hitting from the back or front.

I'm not Homophobic as I support gay rights but I don't believe the nonsense that gays were born gay. No anyone can be gay or straight its a matter of personal preference.
have you had gay thoughts before? any attraction what so ever to males? if not then you are born straight, and vice versa
Somalis will be producing so many effimate males due to their naag upbringing and Self hatred.meanwhile ,the rest of the men go to prison and the xalimosmarry madows and Rogers .:bell:
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