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Some men on here are ridiculously disingenuous. It's one thing to completely abhor interracial dating, but the minute you count yourself as a practitioner, you've lost your high-horse sitting. At least the women you're sneering "Reer Roger!" at aren't suffering from the blind delusion of, "My child from X foreigner will be full-Somali Warsangeli".



tfw no habesha gf
Some men on here are ridiculously disingenuous. It's one thing to completely abhor interracial dating, but the minute you count yourself as a practitioner, you've lost your high horse sitting. At least the women you're sneering "Reer Roger!" at aren't suffering from the blind delusion of , "My child is from X foreigner will be full Somali Warsangeli".


My half Somali half Danish sons will be Warsangeli, and that's a fact. It's okay for us to racemix :cool:
Some men on here are ridiculously disingenuous. It's one thing to completely abhor interracial dating, but the minute you count yourself as a practitioner, you've lost your high horse sitting. At least the women you're sneering "Reer Roger!" at aren't suffering from the blind delusion of , "My child is from X foreigner will be full Somali Warsangeli".

You really have no idea how qabyaalad works do you? No one is arguing that the kid will be mixed race but the child will be from the fathers lineage. Who knows maybe Roger will let you hyphenate the kids last name. :zhqjlmx:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Sorry hun but he is not my cup of tea at all :susp: but each to his own

If they only make em like Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp :banderas:


My half Somali half Danish sons will be Warsangeli, and that's a fact. It's okay for us to racemix
I'm not saying it's not OK for you to racemix. By all means, racemix. I'm not concerned. But what's the difference if, let's say, I go for a Danish man and you go for a Danish woman.

Your offspring = half Danish half Somali
My offspring = half Danish half Somali

No effing difference.
But because you're qabil structure tags the man's qabil as relevant and thus his ethnicity, you want to pretend there's a difference in the two, but the proof is in the pudding and the pudding's all the same. It is only through pure delusion that you'd consider your hypothetical possibly blue-eyed half-breed children Somali Warsengali, but my hypothetical half-breed children Reer Roger Danish. Pure delusion. The least you can do is be honest with yourselves.


tfw no habesha gf
I'm not saying it's not OK for you to racemix. By all means, racemix. I'm not concerned. But what's the difference if, let's say, I go for a Danish man and you go for a Danish woman.

Your offspring = half Danish half Somali
My offspring = half Danish half Somali

No effing difference.
But because you're qabil structure tags the man's qabil as relevant and thus his ethnicity, you want to pretend there's a difference in the two, but the proof is in the pudding and the pudding's all the same. It is only through pure delusion that you'd consider your hypothetical possibly blue-eyed half-breed children Somali Warsengali, but my hypothetical half-breed children Reer Roger Danish. Pure delusion. The least you can do is be honest with yourselves.

But that's the ancient Somali rules, I'm merely telling you how it is. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

Your kids name gonna be Ali Nielsen
I don't live in feminist Sweden. In Denmark kids still take their father's lastname, but since I'm nice I will give my first born son a Danish name like Christian


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
But that's the ancient Somali rules, I'm merely telling you how it is. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

I don't live in feminist Sweden. In Denmark kids still take their father's lastname, but since I'm nice I will give my first born son a Danish name like Christian

Wallahi I know a Somali guy whose half danish and Somali and his name is Ali Nielsen


Suicidal men adore me.
What if he kills 1000 bantus as mahr? :mjkkk:

I'm listening



But that's the ancient Somali rules, I'm merely telling you how it is. Don't hate the player, hate the game.
I don't live in feminist Sweden. In Denmark kids still take their father's lastname, but since I'm nice I will give my first born son a Danish name like Christian
You can't stand behind your ancient shield as a crutch. It's rusting, and it fails to work because it defies logic. You can point your fingers all you want, but, at least, the girls marrying out aren't the deluded ones of the bunch unlike men such as yourself who tend to be. The logic isn't on your side. So, you stop hating the players yourself, and hate the game.


tfw no habesha gf
You can't stand behind on your ancient shield as a crutch. It's rusting, and it fails to work because it defies logic. You can point your fingers all you want, but the girls marrying out aren't the deluded ones, at least.

Rules are rules.
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